I’m not a REIT expert. Occasionally things go up in value despite higher rates, but it is rare.
I didn’t check your math, but it might be worth checking if management has incentive plans and what the targets are. It’s possible to boost the values a little bit here, a little there and a little over yonder and pretty soon the portfolio is worth a lot and maybe Wall Street will agree, the stock goes up and top management gets their payout. After all, who is to say a building is worth exactly “x” vs “x” plus or minus 10%? Especially over a 6-24 month period.
There is also incentive misalignment with the appraisers. If they want to get hired for the next job, it is in their best interest to get close to management’s expectations lest they shop for a different appraiser. The same thing happened at the rating agencies during the GFC.