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Everything posted by Liberty

  1. Don't suppose you were on the Hollertronix board? I've always had a slight curiosity if there's any crossover between the music boards I hung out on, and here. No, not familiar with that one.
  2. https://cryptovest.com/news/bitcoin-btc-2017-rally-caused-by-single-whale-research-shows/ Update: https://www.cnbc.com/2019/11/04/study-single-anonymous-market-manipulator-pushed-bitcoin-to-20000.html
  3. Whew! Now I can sleep well at night because obviously I use the same password for COBF as I do for all of my financial accounts! Given the angst and hand-wringing about HTTPS, it would seem that I am one of many who just uses one single password for all of my accounts. :P SJ The problem is that increasingly, all browsers will stop supporting plaintext connections, so the switch had to be made if only for that reason.
  4. https://www.amazon.com/Man-Who-Solved-Market-Revolution-ebook/dp/B07P1NNTSD Book coming out next week about Jim Simmons, of Renaissance. Podcast with the author: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/masters-in-business/id730188152?i=1000455505105
  5. https://deepmind.com/blog/article/AlphaStar-Grandmaster-level-in-StarCraft-II-using-multi-agent-reinforcement-learning New Starcraft milestone from DeepMind
  6. Sounds great, thank you for all the work that you do for this community!
  7. I'm open-minded to change. I'm also aware of potential pitfalls. Both things are no incompatible.
  8. This mostly happened to me with music forums, back in the day. Usually, they went from an old-school but super functional and fast boards to more "modern" but really slow and with lots of white space and low information-density things that were made to look good on a static mockup but not be clicked around on 100 times a day, and then died..
  9. Thanks! Online communities are pretty fragile, so I'd just encourage caution in the changes made to the format. I've seen it over and over again in my time on the internet over these past 25 years. There's a big change, almost everything is different, maybe it looks better but for some unforeseen reasons doesn't work as well or is too slow or there's some new UX annoyance, and there's a massive exodus or usage drops significantly and it's a spiral (fewer people contribute, so fewer people come to read, so fewer new people join, and so on). Happened to Digg, once one of the most popular sites on the internet, after a redesign that users didn't like. Not saying anything is going to happen, but your mention of the total redesign has brought back these memories, so I thought I'd mention it so it's on the radar.
  10. Podcast about the book: https://overcast.fm/+HBlp8BOlg
  11. They already have a certificate that is valid. It's probably just a setting in the board software that needs to be turned on so that it defaults to HTTPS (probably dynamically changing all the navigation links, which are currently HTTP).
  12. I enjoyed this interview with Gary Marcus: https://lexfridman.com/gary-marcus/
  13. Things should start to improve from here. A few weeks ago, Trump issued an executive order or something like that to prevent the climate change scientists to review and approve their own funding, which makes total sense to me as it is a conflict of interest. As long as someone can review his own research grant, his research will never end in an objective way. No one wants to lose his job by losing his grant. So people with expertise in biology shouldn't review biology research grants? Medical doctors shouldn't review medical research? Surgeons shouldn't review new procedures? Physicists shouldn't review CERN proposals? Engineers shouldn't review engineering R&D projects? I'm sure this isn't just an executive order that was written by fossil fuel lobbyists and put on his desk... Gotta love the shameless double-standard of cranking skepticism to 11 when it comes to scientists, people not known to be chasing money and power and usually constantly trying to scrape by some funding for research, people who write down everything they do black on white for anyone to look at and understand/criticize, while trusting politicians getting hundreds of millions from people who have a direct financial interests worth hundreds of billions in delaying and denying any restriction on pollution. Very dishonest.
  14. This should keep you busy for a while if you follow the links: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Climate_change
  15. https://www.eetimes.com/author.asp?section_id=36&doc_id=1335190# "Can an AI Learn to Draw?"
  16. I wish Eric would start posting more again. Sounded like he might, not that long ago.
  17. Sanjeev, because he created and held together the whole place for a really long time, and he's always more patient and good-humored with all of us hoopleheads than most people would be.
  18. I enjoyed this Founders' Podcast episode that goes through highlights from 21 shareholder letters from Jeff Bezos. Even having read them all previously, it was good to refresh my memory: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/71-jeff-bezos-shareholder-letters-all-of-them/id1141877104?i=1000437859575
  19. I haven't watched it yet, but Marc Andreessen recommended the TV series 'Halt and Catch Fire' as a good look into the startup/hyper-growth business world. It's a period piece based on a fictionalized company that represents Compaq computers. It's available on Netflix here in Canada. I've got good feedback about it from those who've seen it and it has good ratings on IMDB, so it's on my list to check out: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2543312/
  20. Is it really picking up pennies when your making 30-40% ROC a year? And you are not going to get steamrolled if you are purchasing companies like BRKB, WFC, and BAC. There has never been a time where getting put to on BRKB was not a good thing. Getting put the big banks at the beginning of the financial crisis probably wasn't that great, though...
  21. Another good one by Housel: https://www.collaborativefund.com/blog/three-big-things-the-most-important-forces-shaping-the-world/
  22. This is "the perfect trade"? I guess we live in a world of hyperbole...
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