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Everything posted by Liberty

  1. I want to bump this. Since I started running a fund, I work mostly from home. This means that I took out 7,000 steps that I normally would get by walking around in NYC. Over the years, this reduction of 7,000 to 10,000 steps translated into 5-10 pounds of weight gain a year. A friend casually told me about intermittent fasting. Just eat in an 8 hour window. It was tough for 2-3 days, but then my body got used to not eating for 16 hours. It didn't matter what I was eating. It did wonders. I no longer get hangry and I started losing a little bit of weight. Then I started to cut out sugar and carbs. In a year, I lost something like 45 pounds without really exercising. Now I actually crave the fasted state where I am more alert. Try it. Just cut out sugar and all that processed food. This is all very good advice for almost everyone.
  2. I thought this piece by Alex Danco was really interesting: https://alexdanco.com/2020/02/07/debt-is-coming/ Hopefully others here enjoy it.
  3. I saw ‘1917’ (2019). What a remarkable accomplishment. One of the best war films ever, in my opinion. It breathes. Some of those sets and environments and set pieces are unreal, yet so real. Worth seeing in theater imo. A+
  4. https://ofdollarsanddata.com/how-will-coronavirus-affect-your-portfolio/
  5. I've heard good things about the show 'Vikings'. I haven't seen it yet, but I'm curious if anyone here has seen it and can share their opinion of it. Thanks.
  6. Enjoyed this interview with Bill Janeway: https://podcasts.apple.com/co/podcast/william-janeway-on-whats-needed-for-the-innovation-economy/id730188152?i=1000418387289 There's another one here that I haven't listened to yet: https://podcasts.apple.com/fr/podcast/an-interview-with-bill-janeway-masters-in-business-audio/id730188152?i=1000371825929
  7. I'm enjoying this interview with Jim Keller (engineer working on CPU design). This is what a clear-thinking engineer who naturally thinks in systems and first principles sounds like. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/jim-keller-moores-law-microprocessors-abstractions/id1434243584?i=1000464730369
  8. Season 1 was great, definitely made me think this was the successor to BSG. But I thought the tone and writing changed after that and the quality dropped, which is too bad. Haven't seen the latest season yet.
  9. If you go to the bottom of the about page of Overcast, you can see how much time the silence-shortening feature has saved you (without counting other speed adjustments). So far I've saved 426 hours. And I usually listen between 1.75x and 2x, so that's probably another couple thousand hours there. (if you try to go from 1x to that it'll sound crazy, but go to 1.25x for a few weeks, and then 1.5x... your brain gets used to it and for most conversational shows where the information density is fairly low, it's totally fine... might not work for dense audiobooks, but just adjust for what works for you.) That's a lot of extra material thanks to these features... More than pays for itself (time is your most valuable resource).
  10. People complain that they need to subscribe to Netflix and Hulu and HBO and such to watch the shows they want to watch... Wait until you need to pay Spotify and 3 others (or at least create accounts on and use their clients) to get all the podcasts you want to listen to...
  11. I use the Overcast app. My next choice would probably be the Castro app. I dislike Spotify's entry into the field because most of the innovation and dynamisms comes from the openness, like the open web. Once it gets all walled garden and fragmented, it'll likely stagnate and become worse for listeners.
  12. It's a youtube video rather than a podcast, but I enjoyed this one:
  13. I never can tell with you. Yeah, US politics is very dysfunctional right now, which makes for dysfunctional media, and vice versa (both things feed on each other).
  14. A duck has wings. Hey, this animal has wings, so it must be a duck.
  15. Once you understand the ZH is part of Russian's psyops arm, it makes a lot more sense. One way to weaken western democracies is to fan the flames of mistrust for their institutions, governments, financial systems, etc. (all that can be healthy to one level, but can be healthy when taken to the tin foil hat level and mixed in with fake news and cherry-picked data) It fits with their documented programs on facebook and elsewhere where they tried to create conflict by supporting radical groups on both the right and left. It's not about ideology so much as about creating division and chaos and weakening social cohesion and creating so much mental pollution that people can't tell what's true or not anymore (Gary Kasparov is quite good at explaining how the KGB and its descendents do this).
  16. If they had been banned because Twitter disagreed with their views, that would suck. But they've been banned because they went against the terms of service by doxxing a Chinese scientist and telling their millions of readers to "go talk to them" giving their phone number and address and implying that they created a bioweapon without any proof. That kind of mob-lynching tactic is pretty hard to defend.
  17. Didn't Zerohedge just get banned from Twitter for spreading false info about this? Twitter is a censor hell, just like Facebook. They've become too big and governments use them like they use their other news outlets: propaganda and controlling their narrative of the truth. Luckily you can still visit websites directly: www.zerohedge.com If that ever gets stopped (there are precedents in the western world), there's always the old trusty VPN solution. Zerohedge is a Russian propaganda tool, as pointed out by people who used to write there: http://www.propornot.com/2016/10/zero-hedge.html
  18. May all be true, still name 1 better source for news (not state propaganda) this day and age? I read it, yet I don't leave my brain at home while doing so. It is state propaganda, is the point. You just seem to personally prefer Russian state propaganda designed to make westerners hate and mistrust their own governments for the benefit of Putin and his mafia-state cronies.
  19. Good thread: https://twitter.com/boriquagato/status/1223996491401793536?s=21
  20. Before you read anything on ZH, read this: http://www.propornot.com/2016/10/zero-hedge.html
  21. Agreed. FWIW It's not even cap-weighted, it's share-price weighted. Any discussion involving this index is just total nonsense. What's most fascinating is that such a badly constructed and limited index still tracks the SP500 pretty closely.
  22. I'm almost done with season 1 of 'The Crown' (Netflix). I'm enjoying it more than I expected, especially since I have no pre-existing interest in the British monarchy. The production values on that show are basically as high as anything I've seen. The writing and acting are very good. Some episodes are better than others, but none have been bad, IMO. I quite enjoyed the plotline about Churchill's portrait, those who have seen it know what I mean. Haven't seen other seasons yet, don't know how good they are. I know that as time moves forward they change actors. Hopefully they're as good as the first batch. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4786824/
  23. https://overcast.fm/+T6hF2gHI Great interview with physicist from ITER about the research fusion reactor. Super impressive and fascinating.
  24. With great books, it's worth re-reading once in a while. It's not just about forgetting; the books stays the same, but the reader can change quite a bit, so the "software" that is in the book will get interpreted quite differently by the new "hardware" of your brain. My most recent re-read of Phil Fisher had a totally different impact on me than the first time I read him years ago, for example. I'm about due to re-read 'Gödel, Escher, Bach', one of my faves...
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