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Everything posted by Liberty

  1. This interview with Dr Jason Fung by Peter Attia is one of the rare podcasts that I know I'll listen to more than once. Also made me add his books to my list. https://peterattiamd.com/jasonfung/ I recommend it, even if at first the topics mentioned in the title don't interest you.
  2. https://www.wsj.com/articles/building-the-wind-turbines-was-easy-the-hard-part-was-plugging-them-in-11561176010 h/t @MarAzul_90
  3. Hour-long interview with Bill Gates from June 20, 2019:
  4. I backed this project: "A LIE AGREED UPON is a limited-edition book about DEADWOOD. It will not be sold in stores or on Amazon. This is the only print run. If we hit our goal, you get however many books you ordered. If we don't, your money will be refunded. A simple binary!" Check out the video on the kickstarter page, the author explains things well. I own three of his others books (two on Wes Anderson movies and one on Mad Men), and they're excellent.
  5. I've heard "insert what is happening recently" is a sign of "late innings/crash soon/recession/new normal with no growth/etc" since about 2011. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. Someday it'll be right (broken clock and everything), but I think people are extremely bad at predicting that stuff -- not just bad, but much worse than they think they are, and it's this miscalibration that makes it dangerous.
  6. Is that metric useful? US companies are much more global than they were. https://twitter.com/teasri/status/1142201221626941440?s=21
  7. In the past 9 months we've had a 20% correction and a 6% correction (with some sub-sectors moving a lot more than that), bond yield curve is inverting and everybody is talking about a recession... Agreed, not 1999 euphoria at all.
  8. https://a16z.com/2019/05/09/data-network-effects-moats/ Interesting piece.
  9. I unfortunately still haven't had a chance to watch it :'( I want to watch it with two of my friends who are also fans of Deadwood, and it's been hard to make the schedules line up.
  10. One that I haven't seen yet but that I only hear good things about these days is Chernobyl (2019, HBO, 5-episode miniseries). No spoilers please, it's on my "to watch next" list. I realize it's not the best thing to put a recommendation for something I haven't seen, but it was the highest rated series on IMDB last I checked, so it's probably a fairly safe bet.
  11. There's a documentary series that I think should've gotten more attention than it did (maybe somewhere in the area of Making a Murderer and The Jinx and Serial). It's called The Keepers (2017): https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6792200/ It takes a few episodes to really get going, but it's quite the story...
  12. WSJ interview with Miller: https://www.wsj.com/articles/star-fund-manager-bill-miller-is-still-betting-big-11560132660
  13. Bloomberg interview with Tobias: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/videos/2019-06-06/the-risks-rewards-of-deep-value-investing-video
  14. Seems to be working all right for him. I think if he knew how to make the same returns without constantly turning on a dime, he'd do it, but his talent is mostly reacting quickly to things before the market understands them.
  15. disagree. agency relations (eg client/lawyer, doctor/patient) are built on trust. peer relations (seller/buyer) are built on distrust, which renders negotiating transparency more important. I'm not talking at the nation state level. I'm talking at the corporate level, with suppliers and partners and such.
  16. Came here to post this. You beat me to it.
  17. Business relations are based on mutual trust. This will linger for a long time, regardless of what papers are signed.
  18. https://www.hbo.com/movies/deadwood Probably my favorite TV series of all time. Now a movie on HBO. Hopefully some of the magic's still there and it's good. Trying to keep low expectations...
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D8pB8sNBGlE This is amazing stuff. Make sure you watch the demos, mostly in the second half of the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D8pB8sNBGlE
  20. "Reading the book was easier than going through three years of concentration camp exposure." I certainly hope so!
  21. Haven't read it yet, but I've heard many good things. It's in the pile.
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