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Everything posted by augustabound

  1. It's a head scratcher no matter how I look at it (same with some others here I guess). I've sworn to never read another airline AR again. I have to separate my love for commercial jet watching at Pearson airport for the bad businesses they are. Interesting, Pabrai Tweeted the top US airlines are good businesses cheap right now. John Huber asked him why they are good businesses but he didn't respond.
  2. It's funny, we just rescued a dog (Malamute/Sheppard mix), so now we have 2 rescues and the walks more than doubled. This guy needs a bit more exercise than the first one (beagle mix). I realized recently that walking is where I think the best also. I've long read all the same books, blogs and websites most of us here have been but until now I just read it and for the most part forget it. I couldn't tell you what I read 5 minutes ago. Now I'm making the conscious effort to understand what I read and the walks have helped a lot. I love the University library idea but we're not anywhere near a uni anymore. I used to be a 15 minute subway ride to the University of Toronto and I used to walk around the campus when I lived there. I never once made use of any of the facilities. Letter to my younger self..............
  3. You are correct. That's why it shows up on every line.
  4. Every entry on the 13F has manager 4 (which we know is WEB) listed. By your logic then how owns each and every security in Berkshire's portfolio in his personal account. I remember talking about this a few years ago and it was known that T&T were buying for 8 and 11, one of them being Geico and possibly a couple of other subsidiaries depending on how WEB allocates the cash.
  5. Construction, surveying, concrete, wall builders.................
  6. I just looked on CNBC and he said he disclosed the LUV stake because of his friendship with Herb Kelleher. He would do that no matter who inside of BRK made the purchase I assume.
  7. http://www.hedgefundletters.com I hadn't checked in a while but it's back up. Sign up is free. All the usual suspects seem to be there except Francis Chou but we all know where to find him.
  8. Ahem, I watched all 7 seasons of The West Wing, 3 times. So I think I know how DC politics works. Josh Lyman will have things under control, he's the voice of reason. 8)
  9. When did we lose the flags on our avatar? I just noticed that. ;D
  10. You are living in a pre november 8 time. We are in now the trump era. "Gentle" men are prey in this new world and nothing is off limits. Including seema mody. In fact, since trump is the president, and technically our new world leader, we should be able to say anything on here without getting banned. He has set a precedent for all of us. I guess those of us outside of Trumptopia are resigned to be civilized for all of you then. .............Catharine Murray is still hot though.
  11. Catharine Murray worked for Deutsche Bank, Goldman and was the head of Equities of North South Capital in Chicago. ..............but yes, she got the job because she is hot. ;D
  12. Exactly my thoughts. This whole notion of middle class America being better off under Trump is laughable. This is a guy who's lived a lavish lifestyle boasting about his wealth. He couldn't care less about the other 99%. It all comes down to who he is surrounded by and how much or little influence they have over him.
  13. I like the way you think! First beautiful ladies and now golf courses.
  14. Hey, I played along. ;D I choose breastness over political anger any day..................over most things actually.
  15. It's been years since I had CNBC or BNN (Canadian) on at all. But that right there is reason enough to watch it on mute. ;D Reminds me of this, http://financialuproar.com/2012/07/27/hottest-women-on-business-tv-tournament-round-1/ I may have to start watching BNN again after seeing Catharine Murray.................
  16. Thanks for weighing in. Can I get a link to your blog? Click on the globe icon under his name.
  17. I think a lot of people have moved to Twitter. The attention span of most has shrunk to 140 characters. A good person to ask would be Nate. But I'm guessing the simple answer is most of the successful bloggers have other opportunities and they have less time to blog.
  18. Yes, most of us knew he was originally a Pepsi drinker. But the disclaimer is in the fine print when you sign up. Right below, Thou shall not speak ill of Buffett, Munger, Watsa, Pabrai or Chou and above Thou shall not get sucked in to political discussions even if it involves Under Armour or Nike. ;D
  19. I saw John Huber mention it on his blog. I'm guessing that's how most of us found it. :D I've started listening to podcasts at 1.5x playback. So for a podcast that was -30min long, you would only lose -20min. ;D So does that mean you gain 20min?...................
  20. I see Hilfiger in Costco. And IIRC, the price point on the jeans is about $25, give or take. Maybe more to Nate's point above, I remember seeing Tommy Hilfiger in Winners (Marshall's Canadian equivalent) years ago. I'm fairly certain it's been a dying brand for about 10 years. When I was in retail, about 15 years ago, Tommy was thee brand. If we had a grab and run theft, it was almost always a stack of Tommy jeans.
  21. So my eyes deceive me? Good to know. Maybe I should go to the eye doctor. He's going to get a kick out of me saying I don't see any Swooshes anymore..........
  22. For online shopping like this, it's a once or twice a year thing. But the ease of it is the most inviting. It's primarily only Old Navy since we know the sizes. My wife and older daughter still shop in the malls and as the girls get older I think that's the way it may be for the sizing. But mostly for the sales. Most stores now have sales/clearance on all the time. Speaking from the North and someone who worked in retail for over 15 years, Gap got tired in a hurry up here. It was fashionable for about 5 years. I worked with girls who were beside themselves when Gap came up here, it was better than 365 days of Christmas. After a couple of years it was just, meh. Just another clothing store. One of many. From my experience with Nike, that was my preferred brand forever. I'm 42 and have been in love with the Swoosh for ~25 years. All my shoes, gym pants, t-shirts and sweaters were all Nike. Not anymore. Even in the gym Nike is a scarce logo. Same goes with my baseball league. It's one of 2 things in my league, Under Armour for the guys who don't mind spending money. Or Rawlings for the cheapskates. My pants, belt, undershirt and batting gloves are all UA. This trend is common here among all age groups here from t-ball all the way up.
  23. Just yesterday we got our order from Old Navy delivered to the door. A winter jacket, 3 pairs of jeans and 3 shirts for me. My wife also bought for her and our 2 girls. Ordered Sunday night while sipping a glass of wine in our living room to our front door in 2 days. I just thought, it will be interesting to see our girls (3 and 7 now) in 10 years. What their weekends will be like compared to ours. I remember spending countless hours at the mall in my teens. Even when I got my first job at 16, in retail, I still spent hours outside of school and work at the mall. In between baseball, golf, tennis, bike riding and all that stuff kids used to do. :D
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