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Posts posted by eclecticvalue

  1. But it seems like Dalio, Tepper, and Buffett are doing opposite what everyone on this board is doing. Just to rehash the fed wants investors to move cash in risky assets. In this case the investors I mentioned above are dipping in first and I wouldn't be surprised to see others follow.

  2. What was ridiculous is how he was awarded reddit gold for every post. One thing that stood out to me is that Microsoft is innovative but they don't do a good job with marketing. For instance the WINFS was a very interesting idea and they also did a touchscreen awhile ago but were never confident with selling it.

  3. Another book added to my ever growing to-read list.  I seem to add 3 books to the list for every one I am able to read and take off the list.  Thank you for posting this, though, if the rest of the book is nearly as good as that snippet it should prove a fascinating read.


    It's going to get worse.  The rate of data generation keeps increasing and increasing at a massive rate.  Terabytes of data, big data.  Here's a fun stat:


    72 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute


    So it's basically impossible to watch all the video on youtube :-)


    Same thing is happening with the blogs and news. There's too much of it. Its crazy how the posts accumulate if you don't look at your rss feeds. When I think about it if you ignore the rss feeds you can be highly productive. I know people will be saying "duh" but there is so much to consume that it is highly addicting.

  4. Thank you berkshiremystery, I was able to find one recent letter they haven't taken down as of yet. Pretty much you can get the earlier letters in a compilation on the internet easily. Again the newer ones are harder to find because they are always on the lookout.

  5. It's great that he is bullish. Although I see many value guys holding cash since the market has been moving upwards. From Teppers comments it seems it won't take much money to move the markets going upward.

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