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Posts posted by eclecticvalue

  1. Wow this guy definitely found a GARP play which became a ten bagger which many users on this site seek. I wonder if he stuck with this stock for the long haul. I think Apple definitely fits the definition of a ten bagger. A company that was growing its product line to stay competitive and grew in earnings.

  2. I also received a stiff softcover. I am surprised I still got it because I didn't send them a mailed envelope to them because it was during the Canadian postal strike. So I completely forgot to send it but I think they sent it to me since they still have the email I sent them. Thank You Fairfax!!! The book has a nice design can't wait to read it.

  3. That is a crazy valuation why in hell would I pay 13xNAV for a fund that just started? Yes Mongolia is prone for good growth but that does not justify that the hard work these guys have put is worth 60M$.




    Maybe it is Harris Kupperman running the fund. I would say the "Kuppy" premium is built into the stock price.

  4. There is a mis-conception with the weimar republic. The weimer republic had foriegn denominated debt issues and also regime changes. So it messed with the confidence of the people. Whereas the United States can issue money in their own currency. No one else can, so in the sense it can't go bankrupt. Dont get me wrong hyperinflation is another form of default but if the citizens do not think the dollar should be used anymore then things will get dicey.


    Here is another link to check out http://pragcap.com/hyperinflation-its-more-than-just-a-monetary-phenomenon

  5. Actually QE is an accounting transaction where banks switch assets with the federal reserve. So it gives fresh liquidity to banks. Looking at QE1 banks switched illiquid/subprime mortgages with federal reserve in exchange for capital reserves. QE2, banks switched treasury bills with the fed. In return the federal reserve gave them reserves. The reason why people think QE is printing money is where did the federal reserve get the money and some people think its printing but the fed created the money out of thin air or to be specific the fed created money on the computer. It is a hard concept for most to understand  but that's how its done.


    BTW I am a believer of the MMT and believe the United states can never go bankrupt unless people do not believe in using the dollar. Some members want to know where am I getting the info well check this post out.



  6. Noble tradeing is another discount broker that offers international trading. As scorpion mentioned interactive brokers is usually the best when it comes to international trading. Most discount brokers charge too much on international trades. Also I know tradeking will offer international trading one day but I am not sure when it will come out since they are working out the kinks, but I hope the prices will be cheap ;D.


    About broker safety, I would assume most brokers would be safe since they wont overextend on the margin. Usually a lot of them will follow the requirements and rules to the T. Although the clearing houses can be wacky towards the brokers.

  7. One thing people are forgetting about is the super committee meeting on capitol hill the decision will be coming on Nov 23rd. That will be a major event to watch for and also Europe because somehow the market think europe will cause problems for us even though I hope we do not hold any of their denominated currency in debt.


    In any event, it's a good idea to keep your browser updated.

    Well, i guess since i still have my IE on here (not my default) I should update it to 9? Why were all the ads just sayiing "update to IE8 and not IE9"


    Another question, If i update the IE still on my comp, how do i make it not be my default since it will be the latest browser updated if i do? In case it doesnt ask me


    Are you running Win7?  I noticed on my WinXP PC that I can't update to IE9.  It may be OS related.


    If you launch a browser that isn't set as your default, it should ask to be set as the default when you launch it. 


    Chrome 13 or Firefox 4 will probably perform better than IE8, but I don't think they're clearly better than IE9 at the moment.


    Have you tried firefox 5 it runs very well and firefox 6 comes out tomorrow.

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