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Posts posted by eclecticvalue

  1. The thing I regret the most is that I didn't post this idea to the board when I was researching it.  I was new to the board, I didn't think I could handle the criticism, and since this was my first foray into deep analysis I didn't want to be driven off track by external opinions.  Stupid move, though.  For future research projects I will be presenting before or shortly-after investing.


    - VAL


    There is nothing to regret about by not posting the idea on the board. You are right to conclude "I didn't want to be driven off track by external opinions"


    It happened to me on this board when discussion was going on about FBK and MERC earlier this year. People suggested FBK was better of the two. If I got into MERC I could've made 50%-60% returns in a month easily. Although MERC has come down quite a lot from 52 week highs. Luckily, I never invested in FBK and now it is in a complicated takeover situation.


    Overall there are pros and cons posting on messageboards and in your case it worked out for you not posting.

  2. What do you guys use to calculate your annual returns? Excel? Is there any good automated system out there? I tried using Morningstar, but it is really buggy (it randomly says i own thousands of shares of certain companies).


    You should take a look into wiki invest. They use your brokerage information and calculate your track record. Check if your brokerage is supported. If not you have to create your own in excel.

  3. Chris Whalen on King World News Dec 21 interview suggests that BoA be put into receivership because they are losing the mortgage litigation. Do the bank analysts have information which the public does not hear?


    IMO, BOA and other banks that were failing should have been receivership in the first place instead of the bailouts that have occured

  4. Some more ideas on teaching them about compounding and delayed gratification anyone?


    Your going to have to force it down their throat and not give in. I remember I wanted a toy really bad when I was a kid. My parents were not adamant in buying it. So I gave up and didn't want it anymore. When I was older (12 years old) I bought a skateboard with my own money but I didn't use it much. I regretted purchasing it and I learned a good lesson in the value of money. I wish I could've saved it and compounded it.


    Pretty much regret is the best way to teach it especially with their own money.

  5. Because it is a sports team. A lot of sports fans in the United States would love to be part owner of a team. It is ironic since there isn't much economic benefit but mostly sentimental. I wish the government would allow the sports teams to be traded publicly but there would be many regulations and work for the SEC. Manchester United in England was publicly traded until it was bought out.

  6. Which podcasts are you talking about can you give directions please ? I thought all of them are posted on his site.

    Can you give dates and title that are not there if possible.


    Thanks for the recommendation. I think i found him though you and yes i was also of those emailed him to put up his podcast



    If you have itunes installed go to the store and click the podcast section and then use the search bar and type Geoff Gannon and hopefully should show all of his work. If not look through categories and there should be an investing category, hopefully you can find it.


    I just looked at the itunes store and there are two podcasts investor questions and investor question podcast interviews

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