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Posts posted by eclecticvalue

  1. Hey Morgan, I was thinking about the restaurant business you were looking at. I was thinking you could partner up with a chef so both of you have ownership interest in the business and since the chef owns part of the business, it incentives the chef to make sure the restaurant does well. Yes the cash flows will be split among you two but I think its better than being totally absentee. Also you do need to find a partner you can trust. Thoughts on this?

  2. Good topic, it is something I have been thinking of lately. I was reading about the "cash on the sidelines" argument and how there is room for a bull run. The question arises when there is a lot of cash then who are holding the stocks when the majority of sellers sold their positions. Because every time a trade is placed securities and cash switch hands.  I know in crashes the sellers rush to sell the rest of their holdings and the brokers on the floor or nowadays the market makers on the desks provide liquidity by buying securities from sellers even when it is not in their best interests due to regulations in exchanges. I hope somebody can explain this clearly and accurately because I am very interested in knowing about it.

  3. I was wondering what the Dhando Holdings title was all about, but since reading this thread I am excited about this opportunity. Mohnish is copying buffett every way possible. Since he never was able to work at Berkshire why not build one himself.

  4. I'm shocked by the lack of people in capital markets.


    I've spent 4 years as an investment banker.


    There is a simple explanation.  Large IB's make it very difficult if not, almost impossible, to efficiently invest personal funds into anything other than government bonds or mutual funds.  The downside to an IB for even the appearance of personal investments made with pervasive insider information is extreme.  Rather than take this risk, smart IB management will prohibit specific stocks, or make the process of pre-clearance so cumbersome as to make personal investing not worthwhile.  Plus, they want their employees to focus their energy on the mother ship, not personal gain.


    Same can be said of investment management, since you need clearance before you trade your personal account.

  5. You could step your game up and go with a OLED tv, probably costs a lot or go with plasma which has fallen out of favor but still produces a very good picture. Don't worry about the plasma problems that happened in the past since they have been now fixed.

  6. yadayada, shipping companies have been beaten down this past year. Do you think 2014 is the year they will come back?


    My favorite industry so far is the industrial equipment auctions. A company for example, Ritchie Brothers, has done very well and dominates the space, can't wait for the stock price to pull back.

  7. Hey guys, Institutional Investor and Sumzero held an event where portfolio managers presented their ideas in under 5 minutes. You can view the pitches on this website http://www.institutionalinvestor.com/podcast.aspx?StubID=24080


    And if you want to download the presentations you can find them here and d/l it from scribd. Better than registering on the II website. http://www.reddit.com/r/SecurityAnalysis/comments/1s7eyv/19_stock_pitches_from_the_sumzeroinstitutional/


    Our very own Kyle from Grizzlyrock Capital presented his idea on Murphy USA. So congrats and hope great things happen for him.



  8. Are you guys open to having like a goto meeting or internet access for those not in Seattle?  If you need $s I am willing to chip in.  Thanks.




    I would like to join this as well if you all are up to having virtual visitors. Google Hangouts is free and good quality.


    +1 for google hangouts

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