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Posts posted by eclecticvalue

  1. All they're thinking about is how to have the upper hand on the other party in the next elections. They're politicians, that's what they do.


    The only way to stop this behavior is Term Limits. Politics should not be a career. Our founding fathers never intended it to be. Two terms and you are out!!  Or to put it more clearly: Go get a real job!!


    Completely agree!!! +1 for you

  2. NP, Right they will not have to pay any more cash to acquire shares. Depending on the price they will try to get it delivered at an average discount between 96% to 110% before March 31st 2012.

  3. re FRX




    "Pursuant to the ASR Contract, Forest paid $500 million to Morgan Stanley on June 3, 2011, and 9,839,752 shares were delivered to Forest on the same day"


    It appears that FRX buying back almost 10 million shares for almost $51 per share (~ 35% premium). The shares are currently selling for $37.95.


    Has this ever happened to anyone? i.e it appears that company is buying shares at a substantial premium.


    I would consider selling for $50 (but I wont have a chance anytime soon)


    Is this a way of FRX buying a large block of shares?


    Why not just buy at the market?


    Do folks think this is a wise capital allocation?


    The market seems to like it, as it is hitting new highs.


    Hey, you missed the fact there are more shares to be delivered and depending on the share price it will be in between 96% to 110% of the current share price.

  4. I am already in my early 20's and I am already close to 20 punches  :( . Aww shucks what will I do now? I am not too concerned and I think the whole point of the quote is to research your investment opportunities well. I think you could do it under 20 investments but that is only if you have a lot of money. Unlike me who runs only a few thousands of dollars.

  5. Thank you for starting this thread Shane, I am also an undergrad trying to break in. I would like to talk to you sometime. I'll pm you.


    Myth- that is why you have the right clients and if you have their trust then you should not be as stressed if the market is down. Unless it is like 2008. I dunno if we will see it again anytime soon.

  6. When I was a veterinarian, I worked on Kentucky Derby winners, sent bills to the Queen of England, and helped make thousands of babies, yet there wasn't an overwhelming sense of satisfaction after awhile. In the financial business, you will have days where you get clients that ask "what have you done for me lately?" It's a bummer. At times I thought it would turn out to be an awful business that added no real value to the world. However, I started ditching those clients that pissed me off. I whittled it down to good people that I liked, and it turns out that I could make a difference. My clients have donated a mountain of money to their favorite charities. The young people have grown up, paid for their own school, got married, bought houses, etc. The working folks have retired, comfortably. They don't worry about their future. I have been through client divorces, and both sides won. I have seen folks use their investment account to bail themselves out of various financial binds. I have a trust account for 8 brothers and sisters, all grown up, and I keep making money for them and they keep paying for their kid's education. I also feel good that I have gotten people to bring me their savings, taking it out of the hands of the vipers that were sucking them dry. So many came to me from brokers that were raping them with no results.


    I'm not curing cancer or perfecting nuclear fusion, but in this small circle of people, I hope I have made a difference.


    Misterstockwell, this response is basically the reason why I want to manage money because I see many people who lose money in the market. Unfortunately, not everyone is fit to invest money. I would like to make a difference so they can have enough money to live comfortably. One question if you don't mind answering is why do you want to get out and why the market isn't the same anymore?


    Your message was good, but I always find the use of this term disturbing. Maybe it`s the anonymity of the internet. I used to lurk on a poker forum where the average user was probably between 15-25. They used that term liberally. Hell, people posting their video game recordings on youtube used it a lot too. Maybe I`m too sensitive, but this bugs me a lot.


    Your message was good, but I always find the use of this term disturbing. Maybe it`s the anonymity of the internet. I used to lurk on a poker forum where the average user was probably between 15-25. They used that term liberally. Hell, people posting their video game recordings on youtube used it a lot too. Maybe I`m too sensitive, but this bugs me a lot.


    Well that is my generation for you a lot of words have lost their meaning.


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