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Malmqky last won the day on March 25 2024

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  1. I mean, I respect you for having your own opinion and standing behind it. But I could not disagree more. Prime/peak Shaq was the single greatest offensive force I've seen. Remember hack a shaq? Teams literally had scrubs rostered just to foul out and try to slow him down. He was an above average defender and passer. 14x All NBA. Was the best player on the court at all times for 3 rings of his rings. Kobe wasn't even a starter for the first and wasn't in his prime until end of the three peat. But anyways, let's agree to disagree here. This isn't a topic about Shaq, let's get back to Lebron.
  2. Also D Wade about Shaq?? C'mon.
  3. No chance Shaq is below Kawhi. Hell I might have him just above Kobe personally. 1. MJ 2. Bron 3. Kareem Russell / Wilt / Magic / Bird / Shaq/ Kobe/ Duncan/ Hakeem in no order after that. Maybe I'm off but this is off the top of my head and seems right. Shaq so low is laughable.
  4. Epic is a great company. Judy is...well Judy. It's her way or the highway, for better or worse. Epic pays Software Devs fresh out of college a six figure starting salary. PMs, etc. are paid a competitive salary as well. For Madison/Dane County, that's top tier. There's no competition locally salary wise. Sure there's a Google satelite office and such in Madison, but they don't hire new grads as far as I know. This allows Epic to get the cream of the crop from UW-Madison, etc. I know a few folks who moved from out of state to work at Epic too. In terms of the campus, yeah it's awesome. But Epic isn't some place where you can slack off. You're required to log what you do in 15 minute intervals (even if you aren't a new grad), and while SWEs may work close to 40 hours, TS and PMs are working closer to 60. There's also the whole anti-competition stuff. I think the culture, while employees may not love it, as a business owner/investor, it's great. I'd be very happy if Berkshire somehow acquired a stake
  5. That's a fair point. I just like Luka and think he's a better defender than the traffic cone people pretend he is. But yeah, agreed. When comparing to all time greats, "not that bad" does matter - even if you think he's on par with Jordan or Lebron offense wise, defense wise it's not close.
  6. Luka isn't that bad of a defender. High IQ, gets his hands on a lot of passes, puts in an acceptable amount of effort. Sure his lateral agility sucks and he's not a plus defender, but he's not even the worse defender on his team. Remember he was carrying the entire offensive load and playing on one leg half the time with the Mavs.
  7. Sold some FRP to to join you gents in MGM. SSD and more Google might be in play as well, we'll see.
  8. How does this work with fees and algos? Is this something that I could develop a bot to do, or will I be competing against HFT wizards?
  9. Let's say Russia/Ukraine "negotiate" peace. Do you think that will be that and Putin will not try more land grabs/wars in the future? If Putin "gets away" with this land grab, do you think it will lead to more war in the future? Or do you think he'll be content with what he's gotten? I wonder if the alternative is more war now because it will prevent more war in the long run.
  10. Putin is a very trustworthy individual Surely we can trust him to stop with what he got. He did after 2014 right?
  11. Q1 is going to be bad. I think it'd be prudent to sit tight for now. But yes, still holding and will probably add at some point this year
  12. Agreed. But I think he’s certainly one, it makes me doubt his motives (DOGE). Okay, done commenting for real.
  13. On one hand he’s doing God’s work with DOGE. On the other hand, I think he’s a narcissist who craves power and is going to deregulate/destabilize with the goal of increasing his own wealth. I don’t believe for a second he’s doing this because he “loves America” or wants to “give back”. We’ll see how this ends. Done commenting because I don’t want a 30 day ban. Edit: he’s created lots of wealth for shareholders at the end of the day. Results count for something.
  14. “The problem with commodities is that you are betting on what someone else would pay for them in six months. The commodity itself isn’t going to do anything for you….it is an entirely different game to buy a lump of something and hope that somebody else pays you more for that lump two years from now than it is to buy something that you expect to produce income for you over time.” - Warren Buffett
  15. Is there a charity or cause you'd like us to donate to? I assume you aren't going to accept payment for this and all the work you do. I think myself and many others want to support your work.
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