Epic is a great company. Judy is...well Judy. It's her way or the highway, for better or worse.
Epic pays Software Devs fresh out of college a six figure starting salary. PMs, etc. are paid a competitive salary as well. For Madison/Dane County, that's top tier. There's no competition locally salary wise. Sure there's a Google satelite office and such in Madison, but they don't hire new grads as far as I know. This allows Epic to get the cream of the crop from UW-Madison, etc.
I know a few folks who moved from out of state to work at Epic too.
In terms of the campus, yeah it's awesome. But Epic isn't some place where you can slack off. You're required to log what you do in 15 minute intervals (even if you aren't a new grad), and while SWEs may work close to 40 hours, TS and PMs are working closer to 60. There's also the whole anti-competition stuff.
I think the culture, while employees may not love it, as a business owner/investor, it's great.
I'd be very happy if Berkshire somehow acquired a stake