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gfp last won the day on February 14

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  1. I could be wrong, but I feel like one of you is referring to "portfolio loans" as something that is secured by, underwritten or approved based on the value of an investment portfolio, while the other person is using the term "portfolio loan" as it is commonly used in finance - meaning the lender is going to retain the loan on their books - ie, not a conforming loan that shoots out the other end into the fannie / freddie machine.
  2. It is a CBS Sunday Morning interview with Warren Buffett talking about Katherine Graham.
  3. My name is Donald J Trump and I know what XRP SOL and ADA are. I swear
  4. It is pretty unbelievable! I don't remember seeing "including XRP SOL and ADA" in any executive order! https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/2025/01/strengthening-american-leadership-in-digital-financial-technology/
  5. Thanks for putting this together (and sharing it with us!) - a very comprehensive case study on AGT!
  6. General update on markets in India - it is unusual for charts to look this perfectly bad, but we could be getting closer to a bottom in the sensex. Fairfax india shareholders need to keep an eye on the currency - it could get worse than it has been.
  7. Glad you are doing well! I was worried! I pictured a Stephanie Kelton book and a pile of Peyote and some kind of walk-about. But you are in tact and on message! Suerte!
  8. Pretty large adjustment for 2 data points -> " the nowcast of the contribution of net exports to first-quarter real GDP growth fell from -0.41 percentage points to -3.70 percentage points while the nowcast of first-quarter real personal consumption expenditures growth fell from 2.3 percent to 1.3 percent."
  9. Just ask @Parsad to change it for you in a private message. He's a busy guy but he will get to it
  10. Don't take it personally - this is a value investment message board full of equity investors. It's an odd place to seek out blockchain / token valuation discussion. Expect some people to think you are full of it - comes with the territory.
  11. https://www.fairfax.ca/press-releases/fairfax-announces-intention-to-redeem-cumulative-preferred-shares-series-e-f-m-02-28-2025/
  12. I could be that Reysas made him a billionaire - or it could be that she didn't check the video title with him before publishing.
  13. There is a lot of that in this business. Ask Doo Diligence, it's just like music. Just because you are well studied and talented in music doesn't mean you can improvise in real time when it's your turn to wing it up there on stage.
  14. I don't believe in being so rigorous and serious about our methods. The most important thing is to find a style / strategy that works for you personally. "I don't wanna" is a perfectly good reason not to do it another way that may be comparable in risk and the appropriate benchmark. If you find a style that works for you over time you will have plenty of resources to pay your bills and enjoy the process.
  15. But if you had one you wouldn't give it away FOR F'ING FREE!
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