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  1. I have a friend that recently retired from the RCMP. He was on the anti-terrorist task force. He told me that many people are not screened at our border. People come from war torn countries with no passports, get waived in. He said the border agents had such high quotas the past two years that they had no time to screen people. I'm surprised that a terrorist attack hasn't occurred in Canada. It would be easy to do.
  2. Discounting cash flows is a pretty good site. https://discountingcashflows.com/
  3. https://smartermarkets.media/setting-course-episode-1-jeff-currie/
  4. what are your thoughts on this? I'm not sure what to make of this circus.
  5. A few insider buys lately including CEO.
  6. lol that's my favorite account. I heard the Liberals tried to get that account banned. Fuck Trudeau and his Liberal retards.
  7. who voted these clowns in?
  8. ya it goes to show that for the west, this war isn't about understanding it or what's best for Ukraine. It's about looking good in front of the cameras. Canada is an embarrassment. I'm ashamed to be Canadian. It's clown college up here.
  9. Cole is a smart dude.
  10. Canada's Competition Bureau is a joke. I don't understand the point of them. They approve everything.
  11. Hi All, There was a website I was using for company financials. Showed the financial statements along with shareholder ownership etc. I lost my bookmarks list and can't remember the site. Can anyone recommend some good sites they use. TY!
  12. It was a great movie. They clearly lost their vision/leadership and had no answer to the iPhone. Jim Balsillie running around trying to buy a hockey team was pretty stupid.
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