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Everything posted by TorontoRaptorsFan

  1. There's an application which utilizes the cloud to allow you to use the iPad to use Microsoft apps (Word, Excel, Powerpoint) and Flash. http://desktop.onlive.com/
  2. Falcone clearly got into a business which was definitely outside his circle of competence. To make the massive bet that he did on such a highly regulated industry with huge barriers to entry was a colossal blunder.
  3. Time to ship Manning out of town. The problem is he's had 3 + neck surgeries in the last couple of years so who really wants to take a chance on him? It's time for the Andrew Luck or Robert Griffin era to begin in Indianapolis. Let the Jets take him. Mark Sanchez has a nice consolation prize in Kate Upton! ;D
  4. Another Knicks win against a powerhouse Sacramento Kings team ::) Can't forget this team also has 2 all-stars in Tyson Chandler and Amare Stoudamire. Like I said beat up on the Raptors all you want. They're finally doing a proper rebuild after years and years catering to the stars they had in the past (Vince Carter and Chris Bosh). Seems like the Jays are doing it and on the right track. ESPN this week is doing a future power rankings chart. Top 10 teams announced tomorrow and the Jays are one of those teams. If anyone wants to bet me on the Knicks winning the championship this year I'll take that bet against them. Who knows they might turn out like the Giants this year ;)
  5. Sorry to burst your bubble but this Knicks team is not going anywhere. The team is not put together too well. Once Lin's game begins to taper off we'll probably see the ball-hogging ways of Carmelo Anthony and Amare Stoudamire continue unabated. Defence wins championships. D'Antoni has never proven himself as a successful playoff coach. Lin had 8 turnovers tonight against a substandard Raptors team. Remember defence wins championships. And there's no way the Knicks even compare to the Heat, Mavericks, and Thunder. Salary cap issues will hamper the Knicks. Don't be surprised to see Dallas pickup Deron Williams AND Dwight Howard in the off-season. They've made the right moves to clear up salary cap space and still haven't used their amnesty yet on releasing someone. I'm glad the Raptors lost. The upcoming draft is a strong one and if everything turns out well the Raptors could pick amongst a very talented crop including Anthony Davis, Andre Drummond, Michael Kidd-Gilchrist, or Harrison Barnes. The Raptors future looks brighter than the Knicks. Once you get a healthy Bargnani back, Jonas V arrives next year, the draft pick of 2012, and a continued defensive mindset employed by Dwayne Casey and things are looking on the up and up. It's a feel good story in an otherwise lacklustre NBA season. I still predict a Thunder-Heat finals with Lebron winning his first championship. ;)
  6. I'm starting to look at the oil companies especially CNQ very closely. I think Iran's government is on a mission to develop nuclear weapons and the rhetoric is beginning to grow from Israel that they're going to do something to stop it and beginning to mention more and more a military strikes option. Reports last week from NBC said that Israel is helping to fund anti-government groups within Iran one of whom is helping is assassinate nuclear scientists. The problem is once they acquire nuclear weapons the whole region will begin to nuclear arm themselves shortly afterwards.
  7. His interviews and articles are always great. Really enjoy his appearances on Consuelo Mack's Wealthtrack.
  8. Too bad he didn't hold onto Wellcare (WCG) I notice the BAM holdings are missing from the portfolio. I presume he liquidated the entire stake he held in it?
  9. I put 50% of my portfolio into Cemex when it went below $3 back in October. Still holding onto it as I figure a U.S. economic turnaround will help the company immensely. I commented at the time that I didn't see Longleaf backing out of it since it was a long time holding. And figured once it went below $3 they were backing up the truck on it. I thought I should join in.
  10. Really good article in the latest edition of Fortune magazine about Robert Kelly almost becoming CEO of BAC before the job was given to Moynihan. http://money.cnn.com/2011/11/18/news/companies/robert_kelly_bank_new_york.fortune/index.htm I think Moynihan has done a commendable job since he's become the CEO. He just needs time to right the Battleship.
  11. I was visiting Chicago recently and amazed at how many Bank of Montreal Harris (BMO Harris) branches there are in the city. In fact they have more bank branches in Chicago than they do in Toronto. Even if they do 1/5th of the business they do in the Midwest amongst the population it will be equivalent to the entire banking business they do in Canada! TD is building a very strong franchise in the U.S. Northeast. It's amazing how many Americans don't realize these are Canadian banks!
  12. Everytime I see a picture of Biglari it reminds me of the Count from Sesame Street. I don't think it's necessary for him to be in the picture with SNS employees in the poster at the entrance of every SNS location.
  13. Did anyone else load up on Cemex when it dropped below $3.00 a share? ;D
  14. I love my iPad Kindle and Zinio apps for reducing paper clutter around my house. I have 12 magazine subscriptions with Zinio and have over 200 paid books on Kindle and love the ease of use and accessibility on different devices as well. The iPad 3 will be a HUGE hit if it has a Retina screen.
  15. Steve Jobs is amazing. So he was too tough on everyone. Boo Hoo! I like the fact he was opinionated, a perfectionist, and had kick ass attitude towards competitors. His name is on over 300 patents so obviously he had a key roll in many of Apple's innovations. Jobs was also incredible in retaining excellent talent. And if he was such a prick people like Jonny Ive, Tim Cook, and Scott Forstall would have left Apple a long time ago.
  16. It looks like Amazon has started releasing the digital copies early. I just downloaded my copy about an hour ago! Never been a fan of Issacson's work. But so far I'm enjoying it so far. I'm reading selective chapters first. The chapter regarding Jonny Ive and Steve Jobs has been fantastic. The 60 Minutes iPad app has some extra video supplements which were not part of the show. Probably an extra 20-30 minutes of extra video information.
  17. I appreciate everyone's posts. But is it really necessary to compare everyone's net worth to one another. There is certainly a disparity in ages amongst all the members here. And experience will vary widely from one to another. I'm learning a lot from everyone who posts here. Hopefully no one feels insulted when subjects get heated. I have to say I'm a fan of Moore Capital's posts. I think he's been a great asset to the board. I might not agree all the time with what he has to say. But, I deeply respect and admire his passion and willingness to help others on here.
  18. [amazonsearch]Steve Jobs[/amazonsearch] Just ordered my digital copy on Kindle today. From the excerpts published so far it looks like it will be an explosive read! 60 Minutes will be profiling the book this coming Sunday.
  19. Wonder who will be Bruce's morning walk partner now? He was Bruce's brother-in-law and lived really close to him. Definitely major news!
  20. Since a part of it is going towards a great cause I don't have a problem at all paying between $50-150 for the dinner. I've never gone for the dinner and would like to this year.
  21. Surely you don't think Obama should be given another chance. What about a Romney-Christie ticket? P.S. Keep up your great posts. I enjoy reading them
  22. With the massive price drop in Cemex's stock price and the favorable comments they've always made in the past and present it would not surprise me one bit if they've backed up the truck and really loaded up on it.
  23. I agree with everything Cardboard has said so far. While watching a couple of the Republican debates I think Romney or Huntsman would be the safest picks as Presidential candidates for next year's elections. I'm not a fan of the American parliamentary system. I much prefer the British parliamentary system for it's stability.
  24. Breaking News! Looks like the board of St. Joe is allowing Fairholme to buy up to 50% of the shares. Could this be the holding company vehicle which becomes Berkowitz's Berkshire Hathaway?
  25. Great article! I don't watch as much tv as I used to. And if I do it's to watch movies. The biggest waste of time is watching sports. I prefer to spend my free time working out at the gym, reading, and travelling.
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