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Everything posted by TorontoRaptorsFan

  1. CMG expansion with Shophouse and Pizzeria Locale continues. Pizzeria Locale adding locations to Cincinnati and Kansas City. I love how methodical they've been with teaming up with famed restaurateurs Bobby Stuckey and Lachlan Mackinnon-Patterson www.pizzerialocale.com Good article for anyone interested: http://www.eater.com/2014/3/20/6260963/how-chipotle-and-pizzeria-locale-pulled-off-their-secret-partnership It's crazy to think about Chipotle's potential. They've barely expanded into International markets. And Shophouse and Pizzeria Locale expansion has only begun.
  2. Washington: A Life - written by Ron Chernow http://www.pulitzer.org/works/2011-Biography-or-Autobiography
  3. Musk is incredible. Just in a league of his own. It's safe to say he's the Benjamin Franklin of our generation.
  4. Wow! How did I miss this thread! I have a lot of respect for Scott. Scott I know you're a Chipotle fan. What were your opinions on Shophouse? Do you see good potential for CMG's next rollout - Pizzeria Locale? I think CMG is going to scale up by expanding Shophouse and Pizzeria Locale. Locale is now expanding from it's Denver/Boulder base to KC and Cincinnati. I can't see why future developments couldn't have a Chipotle, Shophouse, and Pizzeria Locale side by side.
  5. The book to PDF conversion service I used was 1 dollar scan. www.1dollarscan.com
  6. Thank you Scott for your perspective. I've enjoyed checking into your twitter posts from time to time. Well after a year into my minimalist lifestyle I have to say that it's brought life into a whole new perspective. I think a lot of people think that if you become a minimalist you are making HUGE sacrifices which is complete nonsense. If anything the fewer possessions I own I tend to appreciate more. And I'm able to spend more on quality products than on quantity. For one not having a constant need to purchase new material items has been terrific for my bank account. Cleaning my home has become a lot easier. I had over 500 books. A lot of them I gave away to friends and family as gifts. I sent some to a service which made digital copies of them in a PDF format to allow me to read them on my iPad Mini. There are some good websites which I have found that some of you may enjoy perusing. www.theminimalists.com www.zenhabits.net www.becomingminimalist.com www.bemorewithless.com
  7. 3 value traps that thank goodness I'm not invested in: LUK, SHLD, CHK I had a fund manager at the Fairfax dinner passionately defend SHLD. I told him I thought DIS was the better value. A money making machine that you know with 100% certainty will be a success year after year (Pixar, Lucasfilm, Marvel, Theme Parks, ESPN, ABC...) A no brainer...I think too many investors get into situations where overthinking stocks results in decision fatigue...
  8. Sanjeev, Alnesh, and to all the volunteers, Thank you for hosting such a wonderful evening for all of us who attended. I appreciate the hard work you put in to organize the dinner and the results speak for themselves. I look forward to next year's event!
  9. Home Automation is a growing sector Seems undervalued considering the interest PE firms have in the sector (ie-KKR investment in Savant & Sonos) Growing dealer base to sell the product Apps that work on both Android and Apple platforms Been in business now for over 12 years Could migrate platform to a cloud based model that would help with recurring monthly revenue from users (ie-similar to security contracts but to monitor every aspect of home - pool, spa, lights, audio-video, security, HVAC, cameras)
  10. Berkshire Hathaway & Apple - Excellent management teams, with lots of cash sitting on their books Brookfield Asset Management - Bruce Flatt and team run a tight ship. He continues to accumulate shares and will eventually become a billionaire. Google - Have their fingers in some incredible new technology - deep learning, quantum computing, pushing envelope on driverless cars, excellent management & can hire the best of the best Goldman Sachs - legacy, staff, management, alumni, Berkshire endorsed Chipotle - people need to eat, loyal fans of the product, still have many more locations to open Disney - ESPN, ABC, Marvel, Lucasfilm, theme parks
  11. I think the secret is two-fold to greatly keep expenses down: 1) Marry someone who is frugal 2) Buy less stuff but higher quality
  12. It just came out today. In my brief time reading it there's a lot of Ray Dalio mentioned in the book and his investing philosophy.
  13. [amazonsearch]Money: Master The Game[/amazonsearch] Tony Robbins has coached and inspired more than 50 million people from over 100 countries. More than 4 million people have attended his live events. Oprah Winfrey calls him “super-human.” Now for the first time—in his first book in two decades—he’s turned to the topic that vexes us all: How to secure financial freedom for ourselves and our families. Based on extensive research and one-on-one interviews with more than 50 of the most legendary financial experts in the world—from Carl Icahn and Warren Buffett, John Templeton, Ray Dalio and Steve Forbes—Tony Robbins has created a simple 7-step blueprint that anyone can use for financial freedom. Robbins has a brilliant way of using metaphor and story to illustrate even the most complex financial concepts—making them simple and actionable. With expert advice on our most important financial decisions, Robbins is an advocate for the reader, dispelling the myths that often rob people of their financial dreams. Tony Robbins walks readers of every income level through the steps to become financially free by creating a lifetime income plan. This book delivers invaluable information and essential practices for getting your financial house in order.
  14. I look for easy no-brainers that I can understand. None of those fit the bill. The only one I do understand is SHLD and what I understand about it is that it is a failed retailer on an excruciatingly painful and slow slide downhill towards eventual bankruptcy. Not exactly something I want to put money into. I agree there are some stocks which help me sleep at night knowing management is doing a great job (C, BAC, and AAPL)
  15. Apple - AAPL They're going to sell a lot of iphone 6 and 6+. China market for the new iPhones opens this month. New iPads on the way. If the stock price drops Cook will direct his finance team to do more share buybacks. I think the marketing team they have in place Ahrendts, Dr. Dre, Iovine is excellent and will make the Apple watch the next cool purchase to buy (using the same tactics they used at Beats)
  16. He should just take the easy road: be a consultant, a highly paid public speaker, and sit on several corporate boards.
  17. [amazonsearch]How Google Works[/amazonsearch] Just started reading this lots of excellent suggestions on growing a business Excerpt from Time Magazine: http://time.com/3425368/google-email-rules/
  18. Embrace Kindle! Reduce Clutter!
  19. I also found that section regarding office distance and minimizing distractions another highlight of the book. It's the debate i'm having with myself on whether I should purchase a Kindle or continue to use my iPad mini retina for daily reading. I find when I'm using my iPad I'm more distracted. I want to surf the web, see which new magazines have been released on Next Issue, etc. I think distractions would be minimized with a Kindle. The B&W photos of his investors staring back at him as an idea for office artwork was ??????? On good days they might look like ;D...on bad days they'll look like >:(
  20. An enjoyable read. I started reading this late last night (11pm to 4am) after watching the Apple Keynote speech. Was really enamored with Guy's philosophy on life. It's clear to see he's very loyal to his friends. I throughly enjoyed the chapter on his first meeting with Monish Pabrai and the friendship that has developed with each other. Highly recommended!
  21. Congratulations Sanjeev! I look forward to your new journey.
  22. Good article on how Iovine and Dr. Dre hustled Monster Cable while developing Beats http://gizmodo.com/5981823/beat-by-dre-the-inside-story-of-how-monster-lost-the-world
  23. What a wonderful evening. I appreciate the hard work Sanjeev and Alnesh put into the evening. I never got a chance to say hi to Sanjeev but spoke to Alnesh a couple of times and he was so gracious and thankful for everyone who attended the evening. I'm looking forward to next year. I'll have to remember to get there earlier for dinner. I was starving but didn't mind as the lineup of speakers was impressive. There's something to be said about being a shareholder of Fairfax. You never have to worry going to sleep at night. Prem and his team are doing a great job day in and day out.
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