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Everything posted by TorontoRaptorsFan

  1. This is so stupid, I feel as if you're trolling I second that. Btw, as others have said, Buffett lives exactly the life he wants to live. You could stick him in New York City in a gold plated penthouse, force him to brag about everything he owns, make him work crazy hours that he only gets 4 hours of sleep, force him to engage in twitter wars with Rosie O'Donnell, and give him a trophy wife. But I think at that point Warren will kill himself. There is nothing that prevents him from having the life that Trump has and that RaptorsFan fantasizes about. He just really, really doesn't want that. P.S. As opposed to Trump Buffett actually got into Wharton but then he said fuck that and transferred to Nebraska. Trump also attended West Point and that's an extremely difficult school to get into.
  2. It's really a shame Romney or Bloomberg were not the candidates. They would have been FAR BETTER than either Clinton or Trump.
  3. Potential Trump University student. "Better city with a better view"? You're showing your personal bias. :-) Plus Warren's been there, done that hasn't he? Plus, Warren's long had the option to live where ever he wanted. Trump though has likely had to stay pretty close to where his lenders, claimants and courthouses have been. :-) No one is marvelling at the landscape of downtown Omaha. It's not an exciting city to live in.
  4. Win or lose Trump still has the better life than Buffett. He comes home to a supermodel wife, lives in a better city with a better view from his penthouse, doesn't need to justify to shareholders the use of a private plane or helicopter, homes & golf courses around the world, children are high-achievers, goes down in history as an elected nominee for a major political party, etc... Whether you like it or not he is a success story.
  5. It's too bad Romney wasn't the nominee on the Republican ticket. I think he would have been a very good President.
  6. I bought Citibank today ©
  7. I don't understand why you wouldn't get the digital version of Barrons/WSJ on your iPhone/iPad. I subscribe to the WSJ digitally and it's constantly being updated with breaking news etc. And a lot of the articles are archived if you need to access later. If you're really worried you could always use Instapaper for another means of archiving articles.
  8. Strategies of the World's Greatest Concentrated Value Investors http://www.amazon.com/Concentrated-Investing-Strategies-Greatest-Investors/dp/1119012023/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1461766777&sr=8-1&keywords=concentrated+investing Chapters are broken up focusing on specific investors including: Lou Simpson, Warren Buffett, Charlie Munger, Kristian Siem, Grinnell College, and Glenn Greenberg.
  9. Chipotle (CMG) Two more Pizzeria Locale locations opening up in Kansas New Chipotles being opened up every 3 days Hopefully the loyalty program they introduce remains in place (ideally like Starbucks).
  10. Thank you Sanjeev and Alnesh for hosting an amazing event! I had a wonderful time. It was a well organized event and congratulations on raising over $100,000 for Crohn's and Colitis Canada. I appreciate the presentations that were done. A special highlight was the words of wisdom given by Peter Kaufman. Hearing his personal stories about Charlie Munger and Elon Musk were a nice way to end the evening. Lots of wonderful auction items. And a special appearance by Wayne Gretzky was nice to see as well. I'm looking forward to next year's event. Congratulations again!
  11. He's wasting his time with Leucadia. I don't have any faith in the existing management.
  12. Is he willing to admit he was wrong on his massive investment in SHLD?
  13. Does Allan have any hobbies? Any book suggestions?
  14. I'd be careful with this one. Essentially, this is a leveraged bet on the S&P500 and the credit markets. I'm confident in their management. Like Brookfield they're able to raise large sums of money to invest. And by far they're the largest private equity player out there who will snap up some bargains if things go south.
  15. Nobody's buying today? I bought some BX (Blackstone) at $24.25.
  16. Sold some shares of Nike & Starbucks. Looking at BAC 2018 leaps.
  17. Berkowitz's performance started to decline when he moved to Florida, started wearing contacts, and was busy designing his new office/museum...
  18. Funny; I actually put on shorts on UA and CMG recently. 8) Nice pop for UA today. Are you going to hold or sell? Sell UA tomorrow morning at open. Amazon looks tempting now with it's nice drop. Will likely purchase more BAC.
  19. Funny; I actually put on shorts on UA and CMG recently. 8)
  20. Adding my 2 cents: 1) Greek situation is still not going away. Last year's problems were temporarily resolved for another day. I still don't see how the financial situation there improves. 2) Refugee crisis and easy entry points for migration ie-Greece to Germany/Scandinavian countries. 3) Growing disparity between have and have-not EU members. Former Eastern Bloc nations are displaying growing revulsion towards the have-nots lackadaisical attitude towards fiscal restraint. 4) Technological innovation continue to cause disruptions especially in lower wage industries.
  21. Bought some Under Armor yesterday on the selloff at $70.00 Will be held briefly for the slight rebound and will continue to hold cash on the sidelines while I occasionally pickup more shares of BAC and CMG.
  22. Toronto Blue Jays playoff ticket against the Texas Rangers. Will happily spend the same amount next year if they make the playoffs.
  23. Great purchases re: AAPL (lots of cash sitting on the books for acquisitions and share repurchases) and DIS what an incredible movie lineup coming out in 2016: Captain America 3, Star Wars: Rogue One, Finding Dory, Zootopia, and Dr. Strange. Will be interested to see how Iger reacts to continued cord cutting with ESPN subscribers. P.S. I love Minnesota. I visit St. Cloud every Christmas.
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