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Everything posted by ourkid8
I consider each exclamation point as a (It reminds me of reddit forums when ppl were saying to the moon!!)
Added to my BN position.
RBC Direct Investing over here.
small amount of JOE
My top 3 positions account for 76% of my portfolio: FFH, BN and TSU
ICC issues arrest warrants for Benjamin Nethanyahu and Yoav gallant for crimes against humanity and war crimes committed. This is a big deal! https://www.icc-cpi.int/news/situation-state-palestine-icc-pre-trial-chamber-i-rejects-state-israels-challenges
Welcome to the party!
Added to $JOE and $BABA
I noticed you have been steadily buying JOE, what's your position size and thesis on it?
I also got out as well with the Trump bump!
100% agree, I am in the same boat
It was a small trading position which I was up nicely on. I rolled the proceeds of shitty, BTI and cash on hand into JOE which is now a core position. I still really like BTI and would buy it again.
Sold Shittybank and BTI.
Sold Citi and BTI (Two smaller trading positions) and used the money + cash on hand to buy a core position in JOE.
As a long-term investor, I like the fact he is known as the blackberry/hedging guy. It has kept the stock price suppressed and allowed Prem the repurchase a significant amount of the company at a great price.
Simple example, if you were born in NY and had to register with a foreign country would you say you are occupied or not occupied? ICJ says gaza is occupied, this should be the end of the discussion. https://www.gov.il/en/Departments/units/population_registrar_unit
I cannot even dignify a response when it comes to cutting off food, electricity, medical supplies on innocent ppl especially children - if you do not mind me asking what is the child death toll at? I would recommend you look internally at yourself to see if you truly believe in what you wrote. a) Let me try to simplify it in terms you may understand - When Israel "pulled out" they kept control of Gaza's land boarders, sea waters, air and maintained population registry. If you are born in Gaza, you need to register with Israel. Do you really really believe there was no Israeli occupation? Come on, let's stop insulting ppl's intelligence.
Israeli authorities are still preventing humanitarian missions from reaching areas of northern Gaza with critical supplies including medicine and food for people under siege, the head of the U.N. Palestinian refugee agency UNRWA said on Monday. Hospitals have been hit and are without power while injured people are left without care, Philippe Lazzarini said on X. "@UNRWA remaining shelters are so overcrowded, some displaced people are now forced to live in the toilets. According to reports, people attempting to flee are getting killed, their bodies left on the street. Missions to rescue people from under the rubble are also being denied," he added. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/un-agency-says-israel-still-preventing-aid-reaching-northern-gaza-2024-10-21/#:~:text=Israel says it is getting,get access to north Gaza.
You never answered my question, can you also say you do not support ANY group and/or country who kills any innocent human life?
To understand the big picture, you need to understand the history of how Hamas was created. The blame lies squarely on the group who helped create this monster - Israel. Israel wanted to undermine PLO and when the precursor to Hamas was founded in 1978, Israel was very keen on helping fund their projects and facilitate transfer of funds. Please see the attached page on Israel support for Hamas: Israeli support for Hamas - Wikipedia As silly of a questions these may sound: 1. how many new Hamas members has Israeli created vs. what they have killed? - My bet is a significant net increase and will continue to increase the longer this war drags on and the death toll increases 2. How much is the Israeli government responsible for the deaths of innocent lives- on both sides Palestinian/Israeli? - They helped create this monster and support transfer of funds 3. You referenced Hamas charter, how about Israel apartheid system in place which makes it near impossible to peacefully co-exist as Israel continue to be an occupier. Israeli apartheid - Wikipedia I want to again clearly state my position, I am pro human life and do not support any organization or Country who kills any innocent individuals.
I do not support killing of any innocent life - Jews, Muslims or anyone else and I do not support any group, organization or country who is performing such heinous acts. Can you also say that?
Another great question. You are asking what acts of genocide is being committed but let's look at how genocide is defined as per UN article II Article II In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: (a) Killing members of the group; (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group. Can you honestly say with a clean conscious Israel is not meeting the definition?
Very good question, my battery is at 6% and I need to give you a history lesson on Hamas - why they exists and who helped facilitate their funding. Only then you can start to appreciate my strong views against a government who helped create this monster.
Thank you!
I take serious offence someone calling me a Hamas supporter.