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Everything posted by bookie71

  1. It says,"Not available at Schwab" (after the chart)
  2. They don't seem to be available on my Schwab account.
  3. I think you are missing my point, it is cash and cash equivalents. If the cash equivalents aren't available then the companies suddenly don't have this big cash hoard.
  4. Go get a real job!! . . You mean they would have to work under the laws they passed - how cruel!!!
  5. Since, I suspect, that a large amount of the cash is in T bills, what happens if we go over the brink, and the gov't doesn't pay??
  6. Remember that levers work in both directions!
  7. I assume (ass/u/me) that the info is available to anyone who calls, thus is it really inside info? IF the CEO wouldn't talk to anyone else it would be "inside" - to me (and this is worth what this opinion costs you (0.00)) it isn't inside info, just good due diligence on your part. Isn't this one of the senior Fishers steps?
  8. Default would be the dumbest thing to do, as the cost to the U.S. economy would be quite large...I would say north of $200-300B in economic value...as well as any drop in asset values...perhaps over $1T! Not something they should take a chance on like this. Cheers! . . NEVER EVER underestimate the stupidity of a group of Democrats and Republicans who are gathered together in a group!!
  9. How's the tax treatment with that going to work? I would assume a capital gain? . . It normally reduces the tax cost of the car (if new car cost 1000, gain was 200 on old car, then tax cost (basis) is 800). It is an election so you could pay taxes on the 200, which would be a short term gain (less than a year)
  10. Think hurricane or tornado or fire or flood. How many were wiped out this year alone?
  11. More negative cash outflows http://blogs.barrons.com/focusonfunds/2011/06/30/fairholme-leads-u-s-stock-mutual-fund-outflows-in-week/?mod=yahoobarrons
  12. Don't you have to end a recession before another can start?
  13. Here's the utube version http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MBuCSTFJffY
  14. I believe that the 20% is a discounted rate, most of the cards I see charge in the area of 29+ percent.
  15. BUT what about all the cars damaged via floods and tornadoes?
  16. Since this board has some very smart insurance folks as members, I have a question: What is the exposure of the different companies that are talked about on this board to the Mississippi flood and the horrific tornadoes? Thanks
  17. . You have to remember that the American Accounting Association is a group of professors writing to impress other professors in the era of publish or parish. In the 1960's when I was in college they seldom made sense and obviously haven't changed. BUT if you are writing a paper for a member who is gung ho, you can get some great grades by quoting some of their articles (even if they defy common sense). ;D
  18. Backs up the old adage, "Then that can, do, those who can't, teach"
  19. Penny wise and pound foolish. Imagine the time it will take to calculate this 2 or 3 percent, plus antagonizing of the staff.I think he forgets they are his ambassadors to the public.
  20. They will tax the Roth via the VAT. That way they don't go back on their word. It will be years from now, but that is my prediction. Another possibility is the way they do social security via a sliding percentage based on gross income.
  21. Remember, "Old age and cunning will beat youth and bull s&*%t any time". Give the old folks a break. ;D
  22. You can ignore by simply not reading and moving to the next post. Why add a layer of complexity to a great board.
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