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Everything posted by DCG

  1. It's ridiculous how short-sighted 99% of the people who trade stocks (as well as the entire media) are. CNBC is unbearable to watch. Everyone's time frame and attention span is about 1-2 hours. People just sell every stock they own just because other people are. Are these people also selling their homes, cars and everything else they own today?
  2. DCG


    I think I've watched part of a movie on my iPad once in a year & a half. That said, I do see people on flights watching movies on there's..not streaming obviously though.
  3. DCG


    I agree with you guys on that. I order a lot of stuff from Amazon, including while shopping online from my iPad, but I don't feel like I would spend more money on Amazon products if I was using the Kindle Fire.
  4. It's well known that he was not easy to work with/for, and yeah, he can be perceived as an asshole with the way he spoke his mind at times (he definitely has no qualms about bashing his competition). He did however, build arguably the most successful company ever, as well as another great company in Pixar. He was a control freak, but got results. His innovation principles are in their own league, and set the standard for nearly every other tech company in the world. People talk about a lot of people being visionaries, but Jobs had an uncanny ability to see the future and build for it. He was able to repeatedly produce products that changed people's lives and changed the world. He of course didn't do it alone, but you simply can't argue with the results he got as a leader.
  5. It saddens you? Get over yourself.
  6. I just don't see how OSTK has any moat whatsoever. It also seems like rebranding the company as O.co is a waste of money, and a move that makes little sense.
  7. Wow....currently down another 20+% after hours.
  8. Pre ordered a physical copy as well. Looking forward to starting it this week.
  9. It's one of the best investment books out there, IMO. I should clarify that he doesn't necessarily going into a ton of detail about valuations within each sector, but explains things like moats, hallmarks of success and risks within each industry and gives a lot of great examples.
  10. This: http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41VDsJf2QtL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA300_SH20_OU01_.jpg
  11. topics. Its tagline is: "Search once and see what's related." Sounds like a lot of thought went into this. ;D
  12. Where are all these people buying Nokia's crappy phones? I don't think I've seen someone with a Nokia phone since around 2003.
  13. Agreed. I'd rather enjoy life.
  14. I probably spend at least twice the amount just on beer each month that stahleyp spends on food. You don't even ever eat out?
  15. Not sure on the exact amount, but a good amount. I'm married with 1 kid/baby (so far), a dog and a cat, 2 mortgages (one of which is mosty paid by tenants), live in a place wih cold winters and expensive heating bill. Seems like we spend a ton of money on food. And kids are expensive. And I'm currently it of work, so it's not easy living just on my wife's salary, but we're managing, and hopefully I'll find a new job soon.
  16. I'm planning on generating stock investment returns of 40% next year, and averaging 60% returns from 2013-2118. You guys should give me all your money. I really dislike Roubini.
  17. Anyone else starting to look at NFLX as a possible buy at these prices?
  18. I'm looking for something that can show your annual returns as a %, including dividends, and compare it to different indexes. Can Google Finance do that? I use Google Finance for quotes and as my main 'watch list', but haven't ever tried entering in actual transaction info. I like how Mint.com imports your info automatically (in theory), but it seems to have issues..doesn't import purchase price..only seems to let you add one purchase price per stock, doesn't look like it takes into account dividends, etc.. I wish my brokerage (scottrade) would just show this info, but they are always about a decade behind on technology. What brokers have great reporting info?
  19. Here's a different take on the Netflix change..basically that NFLX separated the businesses because they were in talks with Amazon to sell the streaming business, but Amazon backed out so they're nixing the change: http://blogs.wsj.com/marketbeat/2011/10/10/netflix-no-more-outperform-for-you-says-wedbush/?mod=yahoo_hs
  20. Now Netflix is Changing their mind again and not doing the whole Qwikster nonsense.
  21. Cramer's the street.com was actually charging people a lot of money to follow all of Dykstra's moves. They were selling a premium subscription to his options newsletter without doing any research on him.
  22. DCG


    Just a reminder that this is the guy still running this company:
  23. Tim Cook's email to all Apple employees: Team, I have some very sad news to share with all of you. Steve passed away earlier today. Apple has lost a visionary and creative genius, and the world has lost an amazing human being. Those of us who have been fortunate enough to know and work with Steve have lost a dear friend and an inspiring mentor. Steve leaves behind a company that only he could have built, and his spirit will forever be the foundation of Apple. We are planning a celebration of Steve's extraordinary life for Apple employees that will take place soon. If you would like to share your thoughts, memories and condolences in the interim, you can simply email [email protected]. No words can adequately express our sadness at Steve's death or our gratitude for the opportunity to work with him. We will honor his memory by dedicating ourselves to continuing the work he loved so much. Tim Read more: http://news.cnet.com/8301-13579_3-20116357-37/tim-cooks-memo-to-apple-employees-about-jobs/#ixzz1ZxvZnpGJ
  24. Wow. So sad.
  25. But the the market is already treating the company like it has no growth at all. It's not priced to perfection. Its priced as if it's several years into a slowdown, while they've posted incredible growth. Obviously no company can generate 80% growth forever, but the street seems to already be pricing that expectation in.
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