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Everything posted by abcd

  1. I know no one here believes in timing the market, but your move on this is impeccable.
  2. I am curious on how the brokerage house charges interest, when you sell puts without having the cash balance in the account to support it, meaning you will have to use your margin to honor the put, when it is time.
  3. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/12/business/dealbook/a-little-known-accounting-change-could-have-a-big-impact.html?_r=0
  4. I understand your agony. As an individual with very limited knowledge of financials but with a slightly better understanding of politics, I am thinking I can use this thread to calibrate a contributor (it is for my own personal consumption). Basically, if I disagree with poster xxx, I might attribute less weightage to his (or her) opinion on other threads.
  5. I remember Lisa Murkowski losing the primary but went on become a senator by contesting as a "write in" candidate. To me that is a successful challenge to the established practice of primaries, which may not be the best practice (mainly a "too left" or "too right" candidate winning the primary and quickly becoming unacceptable for a general electorate). http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-elections-murkowski-idUSTRE6AG51C20101118
  6. As far as foreign policy goes, Rand Paul was saying something similar, before he got swallowed by the Tsunami.
  7. June 23rd as per this link. http://www.lexology.com/library/detail.aspx?g=86ac9f68-179c-4ab0-b478-3c43099767bd
  8. http://www.latimes.com/business/hiltzik/la-fo-hiltzik-forbes-theranos-20160601-snap-story.html
  9. Old article comparing 3 ETFs - SPY, IVV and VOO http://finance.yahoo.com/news/closer-look-three-p-500-115420769.html
  10. + intangible loss (freedom, peace, cognitive abilities ...)
  11. It main purpose seems to be texting without paying $15 (or even $30) per month to your carrier. http://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/2014/02/19/what-is-whats-app/5621175/
  12. This reminds me the donkey from Shrek, that says 'I know that half of the bridge is safe', while crossing the bridge. Just a lame attempt at humor, ignore it ...
  13. I have noticed the good faith violation occurs when you sell a stock and use the funds immediately to buy another and sell the second stock before the settlement date of your first sale. As long as you don't sell your second purchase before the settlement date of your first sale, you are fine.
  14. If you are away from your desktop/laptop and are likely to trade from your mobile phone, I find their login process cumbersome. They give a credit card sized card with random codes assigned to numbers from 1 to 256 and at login time you are presented with 2 numbers and you are supposed to enter the 6 character code (by looking up your card), which bothered me a lot. It takes more than 45 seconds for me to login (I am old). There is an electronic alternative to the physical card, which may give you a better experience (I have not tried it).
  15. Did not know they have lot of legislative battles on their hands (past and ongoing) http://www.businessinsider.com/north-carolina-may-ban-tesla-sales-2013-5
  16. Reusable Rocket's Prototype Test flight http://www.slate.com/blogs/bad_astronomy/2012/12/27/spacex_grasshopper_reusable_rocket_test_flight_takes_it_up_12_stories.html
  17. Apologies in advance if I am seen as turning this into a politiocal discussion, but cannot resist bring attention to this line. http://www.slate.com/blogs/future_tense/2012/11/12/elon_musk_s_tesla_model_s_is_first_all_electric_car_to_win_motor_trend_car.html
  18. Netflix pops after Icahn's disclosure. http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/10/31/us-netflix-stock-idUSBRE89U1GA20121031
  19. I am sure experts will correct me (if I am wrong). But it is my experience that collateral need not be Cash. But if it is Cash your put writing power increases because your capital is not tied up. For example, if you have $10,000 cash and the margin ratio is 2x (meaning your broker allows you to buy up to $20, 000 worth of shares), then you can write puts up to $20, 000. If you have entered into a position with that $10, 000 then you will be allowed to write puts that are worth $10, 000 only.
  20. http://www.cornerofberkshireandfairfax.ca/forum/investment-ideas/lre-l-lancashire-holdings-ltd/
  21. RLI (introduced by HarryLong to this board) declared two consecutive special dividends 2010 ($7) and 20111 ($5) and may do it again this year.
  22. Thanks finetrader and Hielko (I now understand atleast understand some of the thinking behind why it is trading at $6.32). Here is my take. I am not looking at it as an investment beyond 12th September. As long as the total shares tendered does not exceed 12.7 mil, my investment is zero (buy 100 shares at $650. Out of 12.7 mil 8.25 will be paid $10, so I will get $650 for my 65 shares and will be left with 35 (possibly worthless) shares. So my breakeven scenario is the shares tendered does not exceed 12.7 mil. If it does I am sc...ed. Now let me see if I find any details of the earlier offer (like how many were bought back vs how many were tendered etc...) that finetrader was referring to.
  23. Let us say you buy 100 shares today at $650 and with a (big) assumption that the offer will go thru, you have a chance of at least 35 shares to be sold for an amount of $350 But you have close to zero percent chances of 100% of the shares showing up for buy back. The lower the number of shares tendered for buyback the lower your entry point will be post buyback. If number of shares tendered is Your entry point post buyback will be 23.7 mil 650-350/65 = $4.61 11.85 mil 650-500/50 = $3 < 8.25 mil Your investment appreciates by 53.8 percent I don't know if they have any frivolous conditions under which they can cancel the buyback. Hoping that the 'Letter of offer terms' will provide the answer.
  24. CCRT announced a buy back offer to purchase up to 8.25 million shares http://finance.yahoo.com/news/compucredit-holdings-corporation-announces-tender-210000481.html As per the information, there are 23.7 million shares outstanding apart from 1.7 million shares short. Float seems to be around 6.x million shares. Did not get to see the Offer terms but on the surface looks like a fair chance to get $10 (few weeks down the line) against the trading price of $6.5 today. Does anyone know of any intricacies where your validly tendered stock will not be bought back? I am assuming there is something, otherwise market will not provide a guaranteed 50% return opportunity in few weeks. Anyone?
  25. I am thinking Health Care industry has been given a lot of leverage with more than enough Profit Motive the last so many years and yet the situation has only worsened. It may be time to do something rather than sit by and watch the consequences. I understand what is being proposed is not well liked. Sometimes making it worse may motivate powerful people to work closer and address the issues. Coming to the tax part of the act, If I were targeted by this tax, I will not sympathize with myself for being taxed. As of now, I am forced to take automobile insurance, though I am not destroying someone's property everyday and I am not complaining about this. And as far as the number of peolpe traveling to get services outside, I think it is their personal finances that is driving this rather than which country's government is more intrusive on their health care systems. I believe a lot of people from India are travelling to Europe or Noth America just because they can afford it and don't want to take a chance in their own country. Similarly I would speculate a lot of the 46, xxx Canadians would have travelled because they are rich and can afford it. I would also speculate that if every american is treated like a candian by Canadian Health Care system, millions of americans will drive to Canada to get the services (despite the presence of a socialized system).
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