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Everything posted by Daphne

  1. Addressing one dartmonkey point, the US already has 16 banks operating in Canada as well as banks from many other countries. These claims appear to be more smoke not dissimilar to the false assertions around drug and migrant flow from Canada.
  2. Dazel I’m so glad to see you back. Long before Viking graced our shores, you were our north Star, our voice in the wilderness. We missed you.
  3. I first bought FFH in 1993-94 at about $40 and sold at about $400 around 1998. Got back in around 2002 at about $165 and still own most of those shares.
  4. We saw some serious blocks today safety
  5. Nuclear power company Westinghouse Electric and Seaspan ULC said on Thursday they have signed a memorandum of understanding to help expand nuclear projects in Canada and around the world. With nuclear power garnering renewed interest as a cleaner energy source, countries such as Italy, United Kingdom, China and the United States are looking into nuclear technology firms such as Westinghouse to meet their carbon emission goals. Westinghouse said Seaspan, which provides services such as shipbuilding and maintenance, has the potential to manufacture key components, including pipe spools and steel structures, used in its nuclear reactors.
  6. No mention here of fires in North America and Europe
  7. Hoping FFH is sweeping the floor at these rock bottom prices
  8. DJ is down close to 1k points
  9. Eurobank produced another solid set of results in the first half. EPS amounted to 20cents, tangible book value per share increased to €2.25, while RoTBV reached 18.5%.
  10. Political backdrop is ignored at your peril…its an important component of risk management.
  11. I know a Canadian medical dr who paid 80k to relinquish his us citizenship
  12. Sounds like a step toward retirement
  13. It was a part of a larger analysis on what to expect from cdn insurers this reporting season
  14. * Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd. ( FFH-T +0.63%increase ) to $2,000 from $1,900. Average: $1,828.09. Analyst: “We believe Fairfax’s current valuation does not fully reflect the company’s earnings potential and remains an attractive opportunity for investors. We believe the stock should garner a sustainable re-rate on the back of the organic expansion in its insurance operations, which likely enhances the company’s ROE and the growth rate potential of its book value, and potentially adds greater consistency to both metrics. The company is likely well positioned for the current rate environment and has locked in a much higher run-rate of operating investment income as a result of the rise in bond yields and its short-duration portfolio. Further, given its value investing approach, we think it has the potential to continue to generate outsized investment returns – even against a backdrop of more modest equity market returns. The company has demonstrated resilience through the business cycle and turbulent financial markets, but we view it as a less defensive play than more traditional publicly listed insurers. At this stage of the market cycle, this likely provides an attractive balance: downside protection thanks to the relative resilience of insurance operations through a potential recession, and upside potential when markets recover. We believe the company is overlooked or unloved by investors, and continues to trade well below its intrinsic value. We are bullish on the name and believe Fairfax is well positioned to successfully navigate the current environment and remains one of our top ideas for 2024. Fairfax’s valuation discount remains wide despite showing strong growth and enhanced ROE potential. FROM TODAYS GLOBE AND MAIL
  15. From the perspective of share price, there may be a rush to take capital gains before the new rate kicks in on June 25.
  16. They put a special tax on insurance cos and banks in last years budget
  17. The MW short took place in 2024
  18. Farming in the time of war: How Prem Watsa’s Fairfax Financial built an agribusiness portfolio in Ukraine ERIC REGULYEUROPEAN BUREAU CHIEF KYIV PUBLISHED YESTERDAY
  19. Just click on Eng icon
  20. Asked and answered dirtbag..next!
  21. Rightly so…third party endorsements
  22. If they show up on the call, expect lots of questions along the line of “when did you stop beating your wife?”
  23. INVESTIGATION ALERT: Berger Montague is Investigating Securities Fraud Claims on Behalf of Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited (OTC: FRFHF, FFHPF) Investors Dow Jones - Updated 43 minutes ago INVESTIGATION ALERT: Berger Montague is Investigating Securities Fraud Claims on Behalf of Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited (OTC: FRFHF, FFHPF) Investors PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 14, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Berger Montague is currently investigating potential violations of the federal securities laws on behalf of shareholders of Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited ("Fairfax Financial") (OTC: FRFHF, FFHPF). CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THE INVESTIGATION Fairfax Financial, headquartered in Toronto, provides property and casualty insurance and reinsurance, as well as investment management services in the United States and internationally. On February 8, 2024, short-seller Muddy Waters Research published a report titled "Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd.: The GE of Canada." Following this news, Fairfax Financial's share price fell by more than 11.6%, from a closing price of $1,041.43 on February 7, 2024 to a close of $920.37 on February 8, 2024 -- a decline of $121.06 per share. If you are a Fairfax Financial investor and would like to learn more about our investigation, please contact Berger Montague: James Maro at [email protected] or (267) 637-3176, or Andrew Abramowitz at [email protected] or (215) 875-3015 or CLICK HERE. Whistleblowers: Anyone with non-public information regarding Fairfax Financial is encouraged to confidentially assist Berger Montague's investigation or take advantage of the SEC Whistleblower program. Under this program, whistleblowers who provide original information may receive rewards totaling up to thirty percent (30%) of recoveries obtained by the SEC. For more information, contact us. Berger Montague, with offices in Philadelphia, Minneapolis, Washington, D.C., Delaware, San Diego, San Francisco and Chicago, has been a pioneer in securities class action litigation since its founding in 1970. Berger Montague has represented individual and institutional investors for over five decades and serves as lead counsel in courts throughout the United States.
  24. I backed up the truck when it hit $89 back in the day. Been smiling ever since.
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