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Everything posted by OracleofCarolina

  1. https://www.otcmarkets.com/stock/PGNT/news/Paragon-News-Release?id=449722 well, Sham had a good run!
  2. I have never seen any stories on that, is he still making those books?
  3. Anyone watching the PGNT and OPTT proxy battle, looks like Sham wins the 1st round with the delay in the annual meeting
  4. https://pgntgroup.com/annual-shareholder-letter this year’s letter is out
  5. https://www.wsj.com/articles/gambler-claims-online-casino-betmgm-glitches-robbed-his-winnings-fueled-addiction-11664397469 which Sam Antar is this? Crazy story...gambled over 29 million in nine months??/sheesh...
  6. https://www.amazon.com/Adventures-Renaissance-Academic-Investing-Scientific/dp/9813148292 I thoroughly enjoyed the stories in this book. He is very similar to Ed Thorp and there are actually some Ed Thorp stories in the book. There are many gambling(especially sports gambling and racetrack gambling) & investing stories, research studies , and arbitrage topics.
  7. slides are up for the 2021 annual meeting https://s1.q4cdn.com/579586326/files/doc_presentations/2021/Fairfax_Financial_AGM_April_2021.pdf
  8. Any one have the slides from the AGM?
  9. https://www.amazon.com/Speculators-Mosaic-Robert-Leppo/dp/1080007431/ref=sr_1_1?crid=V5KN9JY0IXZ7&dchild=1&keywords=speculators+mosaic&qid=1615654158&sprefix=speculator%2Caps%2C268&sr=8-1 brief easy read, I hadnt heard of Robert Leppo before reading the book. He has some fun tales of trading stocks, commodities, and venture capital and even playing poker over the past 50 years.
  10. http://ballantynestrong.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/BTN-INVESTOR-PRESENTATION-v.7b.pdf Hey, Took a look at Ballantyne Strong and there is a Fairfax connection. BTN owns 30% of a company called GreenFirst Forest Products, https://gffp.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Itasca-GreenFirst_11_9_2020.pdf Paul Rivett, former president of Fairfax, is on the board there along with Rick Doman. Canadian lumber mill bought out of bankruptcy, could be interesting.
  11. https://www.alumni.caltech.edu/events/daa-charles-munger-dec14-2020 An early Christmas gift for all you fanboys!
  12. http://choufunds.com/pdf/SEMI-AR%202020%20%28English%29.pdf latest Chou letter, still having a rough time being a value investor
  13. podcast with Ryan O'Connor, his granddad was one of the original investors in the Buffett partnership and has some funny stories.
  14. Pabrai has said many times that if he did revise " The Dhando Investor" book, he would leave out the chapter on the Kelly Criterion as it does not work in investing....he admits it was a mistake
  15. A couple of Coronas!
  16. Brad Safalow, of PAA Research is in today’s Barrons and one of his picks is OSTK. He originally recommended at $15 and his current price target is $110. He values the online business at $75 and thinks in and upside scenario that tZero could be worth another $25 a share
  17. the letter will be posted there later today, if you look at that site, there is a note that it will be there. Cheers!
  18. Yes, look at valueinvestingworld.com
  19. http://www.centralsecurities.com/financialReports.cfm latest annual report is out Cheers,
  20. It’s a weird story..he was on twitter today and he is in San Francisco . He said he was feeling better when asked about the kidney stones but looked fine.
  21. http://www.wintergreenfund.com/ The fund is shutting down as of now. Wonder what will happen with the Consolidated Tomoka shares??
  22. Wow..stock was down 25% on delisting news. CCA Industries, Inc. Announces Plan to Delist from NYSE American and Deregister Its Common Stock $CAW https://seekingalpha.com/pr/17402726
  23. https://www.otcmarkets.com/filing/conv_pdf?id=13187200&guid=h2TtUeO9abr5H3h Interesting that Sardar extends the agreement for one year for $200,000. Is he that bullish on CCA Industries or was there some other reason??
  24. Thanks Sanjeev for the posts. Looking forward to your updates!
  25. https://ritholtz.com/2018/11/transcript-robert-cialdini/ Cialdini was on the Ritholtz podcast this week. Here is the transcript.
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