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  1. Yes. Call these guys. 30 minute consult changed our lives. 18 month old now loves to sleep and sleeps from 7am - 7pm no issues. https://www.sleepbabyconsulting.com/meet-the-team
  2. Apparently Munger agrees with you some ”World-leading” would be the description I would choose. In some important ways, each is a better business executive than Buffett.”
  3. Yes - I do largely agree with you. For me I treat Berkshire as relatively low risk with chances of marginally beating the index going forward. I expect 7-10% type returns out of it. Buybacks at “cheap prices” help that cause of course. Re-reading some of the Berkshire analysis from the bloomstran letters. Looking at his 10 year return expectations from a normalized earnings power = $48 billion. - your looking at 10% - 20% type returns over a long time horizon. (depending if you think the equity trades for 13x or 20x earnings and whether the roe is 8% or 10%). * and of course how much stock is bought back vs price
  4. It’s a good point re Buffetts age and the risk to Berkshire going forward. Anytime I find myself thinking about it I reread the essay from Munger - VIce Chairman’s Thoughts Past and Future. If anyone who owns Berkshire has not read it - highly recommend. The part below is what I often remind myself of. Gets me comfortable owning it long and strong. “The next to last task on my list was: Predict whether abnormally good results would continue at Berkshire if Buffett were soon to depart. The answer is yes. Berkshire has in place in its subsidiaries much business momentum grounded in much durable competitive advantage. Moreover, its railroad and utility subsidiaries now provide much desirable opportunity to invest large sums in new fixed assets. And many subsidiaries are now engaged in making wise “bolt-on” acquisitions. Provided that most of the Berkshire system remains in place, the combined momentum and opportunity now present is so great that Berkshire would almost surely remain a better-than-normal company for a very long time even if (1) Buffett left tomorrow, (2) his successors were persons of only moderate ability, and (3) Berkshire never again purchased a large business. But, under this Buffett-soon-leaves assumption, his successors would not be “of only moderate ability.” For instance, Ajit Jain and Greg Abel are proven performers who would probably be under-described as “world-class.” “World-leading” would be the description I would choose. In some important ways, each is a better business executive than Buffett. And I believe neither Jain nor Abel would (1) leave Berkshire, no matter what someone else offered or (2) desire much change in the Berkshire system.”
  5. For what its worth Li Lu established his Berkshire position in Q3 2021. Assuming he bottom ticked the Q - he probably bought his 11% US portfolio position around $275. Not a huge position for him but a position nonetheless. If its good enough for him at that price - its good enough for me now!
  6. BRK.B & a starter in JOE
  7. Conrad - Maldives Post ranch Inn - Big Sur Conrad - Punta de Mita Amangiri - (not beach, but supposed to be amazing)
  8. Also more BRK and FRPH. Added some KKR.
  9. Just got my 2021 4Runner TRD off-road with the KDSS. Love it. Great looking car and drives well with lots of room. Gas sucks.
  10. yeah this. i got it on a trip to florida. was vaccinated in march. sucked for three days. prbly didnt help i was on vacation and drinking heavily. no big deal.
  11. BABA - approaching full allocation for me.
  12. The Real Estate Game is a good primer
  14. Netflix culture is interesting one to study. I enjoyed the book. https://www.amazon.com/No-Rules-Netflix-Culture-Reinvention/dp/1984877860
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