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  1. I prefer the E Trade platform for stocks and bonds. Also have IB, which I really dislike. An absolutely terrible interface. Also have Schwab, which is ok for standard fare but seems pretty shitty for anything complicated. Fidelity is also decent for stocks and bonds, but more restrictive than E Trade on what you can purchase.
  2. BWEL
  3. IMKTA: I think the distro center was flooded, not leveled. That said, how much damage was done, to both the capital asset and inventory? Must be a couple hundred million at least. And then business interruption....57% of sales went through that distribution center....how long until it is operational again? Sold the majority of my IMKTA in low 60's last week....would buy it back under $50.
  4. Sold most of my IMKTA....that storm did a number on their distribution center/inventory. And they self-insure. Gonna be some tough sledding there for a while. Some puts might be interesting for those into making leveraged bets.
  5. "The Prophet".......LOL!
  6. Oh my goodness....just saw this ad on CNBC...unreal. I'm speechless... This is a must-watch for anyone who can rewind to approximately 9:37 pacific time. I really can't fathom what kind of person puts this kind of stuff out there.
  7. NLOP - Net Lease Office Properties. A bunch of commercial properties in wind down mode. Tend to be more suburban than downtown. Bought most of my stake under $25 but still adding a bit up at $30 as I find change in the couch. Think we see more than $45 in 18 months.
  8. Wow....this is amazing....LOL stuff!
  9. LOL....the appeal to "SCIENCE"....and then the extrapolation to child abuse. Too funny!
  10. Our first kid had a terrible time getting to sleep. We ended up using the Ferber method...which was tough for a couple days but ended up saving our lives. Other 2 kids were pretty good sleepers from the get go but we also didn't let them trick us into bad habits (manipulative little devils).
  11. Nothing really to add...concur with your thoughts. Have a sub-1% position here in several accounts....some of it purchased back in '20 in the low 50's. Most recent purchase was at $77.
  12. 51...still playing basketball at least once a week. Bike rides, stairs, and push ups fill out the rest of the activity schedule. Personal rule: have to get a workout in in order to have beer that day. And I love beer.
  13. "Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth" - Mike Tyson
  14. You do understand the difference between replacing the fleet and buying/building new self-storage buildings, right? From this statement it doesn't really seem like you do.
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