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  1. Seems desperate. Keep pumping.
  2. @james22 with all respect, why are you using this board like Twitter / X, reposting stuff 20 times a day? Seems inappropriate.
  3. It's that time of the year again - index inclusion speculation. Will March 2025 be the month? FFH is currently #29 in market cap. https://companiesmarketcap.com/canada/largest-companies-in-canada-by-market-cap/
  4. Thank you. Turns out there is such a thing as peak negativity, even here on COBF.
  5. Can you show since August 14, 2023, when this thread was started?
  6. Back into FIH.U.
  7. No. I was just channeling my inner Charlie Munger.
  8. If you are bullish on a stock, just buy the damn stock. I’m pretty sure that’s what Charlie Munger would say.
  9. Don't just watch short or edited clips, or worse, coverage by certain media outlets. This Forbes channel is doing a good job recently just publishing original content without commentary. If you have time, here is the raw footage of the whole thing in context:
  10. Having your username an email address seems fishy, because it feels like a low level attempt at people contacting you privately. Maybe change that. If it is a realy email address you are using it is dumb to have it out there open on the internet.
  11. You need to do this regularly to get any kind of meaningful return, since the 10 day 4% OTM call yields you only 0.1-0.15% each time. If you do this in practice, eventually you'll run into the situation where BRKB runs up 8-10% in a week and then it is a shitty choice between taking the loss and the stock maybe whipsawing, or rolling the strike and waiting for a pullback and maybe the stock runs up another 4% and then the choice is even shittier. Anyway, this is my last post on the subject, thank you to @boilermaker75 for elaborating.
  12. @73 Reds so how long have you done this with real money and by how much have you bested the index in % p.a. by selling calls? I think you would have to agree that the people/market makers selling these calls to you are not in the business of giving money away. You don't have a statistical advantage. But maybe you are better at predicting short/medium term market swings, "picking your spots". Or maybe you just think that, because only once in 10 years the market goes crazy right after you picked your spot, and it has not happened yet.
  13. Just digging around randomly: boilermaker75 Posted June 9, 2022 I wrote June 10 expiration 302.5 and 305 puts yesterday. If instead, you had bought the same notional amount of BRKB on margin, you’d be $190 ahead, minus around $60 margin interest equals $130. Do you think you have taken in $130 in BRKB option premium in this time? Same with AMZN, selling short term $115 puts for a few cents, AMZN is now at $215. It’s a fun and sometimes satisfying way to make a few extra bucks on margin, but not very efficient. Main function for me has been to distract/entertain me and prevent me from touching my long-term investments.
  14. There is no free lunch. Even selling puts (which I have done a lot of as well), is largely bullshitting oneself. But it is entertaining, and successful most of the time.
  15. Q4 2024 BV per B 301.00 Cash and equivalents 321,432 (payable for treasuries deducted) Operating Earnings 14,527 (insurance killing it) no buybacks No afternoon session at the Annual Meeting, instead a longer morning session with a break.
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