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Everything posted by Xerxes

  1. Retreat has become a rout. With Newmont dropping 12% in one day ! I guess I am next with Barrick
  2. very impressive SD. I always figured I ll be doing an overland trip in Africa. But in today’ world it always seems to be far in the future. (Time, investment needed)
  3. @Blugolds11 what I found impressive (or rather what I remember) about Kyoto was the well preserved Nijo castle. Unlike the phony rebuilt castle in Osaka. Istanbul is beautiful. Collision of west and east, locked in time forever.
  4. Not sure where to put this. Looks like it belongs to the “sell thread”
  5. Half way through. this is really good. the show is about the power brokers managing between different sides inside a US prison and their affiliates outside
  6. Thanks Spek. unrelated to Ukraine, I think the most effective donation are the ones people are doing in their own local community. Effective defined as “close to full worth of dollar” making a difference. the further is the geographical distance between the donor and the destination, more gets shaved off that one dollar donation. Perhaps 15 cents for every 1,000 miles.
  7. soldiers get a free pass from me for signing up those bombs etc. as they are the one doing the fighting. commercialization to the masses is a no for me.
  8. Here is one way to tap into the Western desire for gamification without the “sign my rocket” bullshit nonsense. Come up with different avenues for people to donate that shows credible tangible output. For instance, if folks watching on TV the Donbas front crumbling, they could say this donation will help release XX munitions badly needed on this front (obviously w/o being explicit). This way folks would feel to donate knowing they are making a specific donation to where a emotional link has been established. instead of one big pot going to Ukrainian military. now of course the reality is that in the background it could be all bullshit. But that doesn’t matter, it gets the money flowing.
  9. ^^^ On a different note, I just bought a copy of “Peter the Great” and “Catherine the Great” books, written by Robert Massie.
  10. Personally I find this lame and disappointing. But that is me. donations of all kinds to the Ukrainian military, civilian infrastructure, Red Cross etc is one thing. But this “sign my ticket” “marketing” idea by the Ukrainian PR brain trust tapping into Western needs to feel important, to gamify, says more about Ukraine than it does of the west.
  11. ^^^ amazing. In 2018, I did the Rainbow mountain, went as far 5,100 meters. Came back to Cusco for the night. And did 4-day hike in Manuch Pichu the day after. you are picking my interest with Salkanty. Just came back from a 2 weeks from Sicily. Spend 7 days of it bicycling and seeing 7 different cities. Did about 450 km over 7 days, each day with 700-900 meter elevation. First 3-4 days temperature ranged 35-36 degree.
  12. Anyone read this. Seems interesting. I read its review on The Economist book section. Nazi Billionaires: The Dark History of Germany's Wealthiest Dynasties: de Jong, David: 9781328497888: Books - Amazon.ca
  13. Haven’t read this column yet but probably belongs here :
  14. @SalukiI never read “guns, germs steel etc” how did you find the book ?
  15. ^^^ I think both defence stocks and oil stocks have bullish secular trend with a front-loaded cyclical bull. so they will disappoint in the short term as that cyclical bull rolls over. But the underpinning secular trend is there.
  16. in fact, this thread doesn’t even belong in this forum. This should go to the political section.
  17. “Mayor of Kingstown” looks very interesting watched the first episode(Paramount+)
  18. And i still have not seen “Dances with the Wolves”
  19. And you are all missing the most important one. can’t beat this : Once Upon Time in the West
  20. Finished 1883. impressed by the storytelling, landscape, horses, how unrelated this is to the Soap Opera Yellowstone and last but not least Elsa’ accent (southern I guess)
  21. in 2014-15, the obsession was about the Baker-Hughes measure of rig count. market locks in on one thing every now and then and gets obsessed about it
  22. On a GS Talk podcast with the head of Norwegian Wealth Fund, I heard that the latter has its own podcast with its investee. I haven’t listened to it yet, but thought sharing:
  23. https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/charlie-munger-warren-buffett-berkshire-hathaway-australia-charles-jennings-stonehouse-2022-7?amp
  24. Depends when was the last time you read/watch his memos/interview. And how much other stuff you watched in between. I like to re-anchor once in a while. Why do I watch Berkshire AGM. The older the two of them gets, the less new stuff they convey.
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