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Everything posted by Benderok

  1. Added to GOOGL today
  2. Yeah cheers indeed! I saw you at 9,999 today in the morning, thank you for such a contribution!
  3. Added to MSGE
  4. A bit of GOOGL and a tad of CPNG over the week to reduce basis. Some MSGE, thanks to posters with knowledge in msg threads for extensive discussion
  5. The interface looks very much like Quickfs.net, probably the full paid version
  6. For sure. So I'd say if we are excluding significant portion of fraudsters, finance and Putin's friends, that would remove a significant portion of wealthy population and this rule doesn't work and doesn't apply to them (which is already skewing us from the truth). That leaves us with general working and honest population. Among them IMO this rule is mainly applicable. The more people you can help and solve their problems, the wealthier you get. But it further depends on circumstances such as political system, country and occupation. In some or many places health care and education specialists are less wealthy then say pilots. I'd argue that teaches are doing more profound job in terms of usefulness to people then pilots just bringing people from point A to point B. And in both cases you need to exhibit certain personal qualities and skills to do these jobs. So i think, in theory and probably in most cases, money on its fundamental level Is made to solve this equation, and an ordinary person looking to grow their wealth can use it as a guiding principle.
  7. At which point should the expectation of Buffett passing get priced in? Or maybe it already is and the sad news should become a catalyst for the stock to move higher instead (with maybe a modest drop initially)? As @Parsad pointed out, firstly fund magnets would start selling upon the news, and after that value managers would pick up on buying. But it seems to me that with every passing day we get closer to the inevitable and therefore it should be getting 'priced in more and more everyday. And because of that, those fund managers should presumably already be selling out (to support my theory) until the final headline comes out, marks the bottom, and invites value investors on standby at the moment.
  8. Yeah you are both right that the average person in Russia didn't see it coming and those who did couldn't imagine in their dreams such a scale. I think the reason for that being is that everyone who even loosely followed the situation from 2014 just got tired of this stuff coming from this TV's as well as the TV propaganda would never tell them what was actually developing there, even if we think they knew something. Xerxes's observation on spy chief is spot on i think.
  9. The Bank of Russia is temporarily suspending selling orders from foreign holders of Russian equities starting 28.02. @TwoCitiesCapital be careful arb'ing this thing. https://cbr.ru/press/pr/?file=28022022_072328SUP_MEAS28022022_072619.htm
  10. Interesting situation and arb possibility. Noticed something similar when i was looking at Polymetal yesterday. But it's the other way around. POLY is listed at LSE and Moscow exchange trade its ADRs. As i have never done it, i wasn't exactly sure how do currency fluctuations factor into the spread? Also what happens to ADRs if let's say the main security like POLY.L gets delisted under some imaginary sanctions from LSE? I remember reading extensive conversations in BABA thread regarding ADR delistings, but it seems it doesn't apply to my question.
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