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DooDiligence last won the day on April 17 2023

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About DooDiligence

  • Birthday 05/06/1962

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  1. The ultimate "where are you going?" My favorite comment so far: The world keeps lobbing these at me and after a lifetime of misguided shambling, I know exactly where I'm going.
  2. This is getting to be too much. The fact checking has to be stopped NOW!
  3. Somehow I thought this might resonate. Gonna go fuck up some valuation models now.
  4. Hypocrisy applies to all humans and especially those living in an entitled society. Over the decades, I've heard a lot of people criticize actors and entertainers for being vocal / politically active, and yet those same individuals will turn out and (edit for emphasis: fanatically) vote actors and entertainers into office. It's like a feedback loop of hypocrisy.
  5. Too busy freezing my nuts off to agitate.
  6. I figured that's how big sellers handle things but can individuals do the same? I don't lose money on sales. Asking for a friend.
  7. Should we build a wall in Florida?
  8. IIRC annual sales of more than $2,500 in 2025 will result in a 1099K. The rule regarding cost basis is the same as for inherited equities (based on the day you received the asset). Interestingly enough, the IRS wants a cut of the profits but you are not allowed to take a loss on 1099K income. https://www.hrblock.com/tax-center/irs/forms/what-is-form-1099-k/?srsltid=AfmBOorBtOJ4fVQDVcuhO-J2EP2s7xjw1wqB7Afa3PugdoNb7LkqwQGg
  9. eBay doesn't care about the grifters either. One of the most commonly counterfeited coins is the 1916D Mercury dime. They are relatively easy to identify. A few months ago, I saw one and the sellers profile even had a negative from a previous buyer who had returned the same coin after discovering it was counterfeit. I reported the listing to eBay but it stayed up and was eventually sold to some poor schmuck. The 21st century will be known as the golden age of grifters.
  10. Numismatics is a great hobby. Art, history, finance, NTM getting to satisfy your ocd by completing a set of type coins. Regarding ebay; gauging valuations based on current listings is sketchy at best. The real (current) values are found by filtering for sold items. === You can also search for historic sales and trends.
  11. Yeah, what a horrible prick. Why would anyone in their right mind want to serve with honor in the US military and stay married to the same woman for their entire lives. The douchebag actually built houses for a bunch of losers after he left office. Not only that but he wasted a bunch of time and resources flying around to 3rd world shitholes mediating conflicts. If I'd been elected and handed an economy like he did, plus the Iran hostage situation, and I'd been a bit of a prig and refused to work with other politicians out of some misguided sense of morality, I think I would've just gone around and fucked a bunch of ho bags and porn stars and lived the life after leaving office, in an attempt to compensate for the shortcomings of my administration. Almost forgot, the guy actually had the gall to try and run a successful farm in the 20th century? What a fucking loser. Dude was a gaping asshole. edit: Forgot about Volker. Another gigantic asshole. What was he thinking? Political careers could have been destroyed with his reckless behavior. What a dick.
  12. Definitely don't clean them. Some can actually be more valuable with toning. Reddit can be a great source of info. https://www.reddit.com/r/coins/
  13. ABEV 0.9% ABT 2.2% BRK.B 18.0% DPZ 9.0% EW 12.9% GOOGL 9.2% JACK 1.9% NTDOY 18.8% NVO 14.3% Investable cash 12.7% + enough cash for the next 2 years expenses. Debt free.
  14. All of the above plus the American consumer, which is not necessarily a bad thing for upcoming generations. Gonna suck for a lot of people in the present though. Chaos agents at work to consolidate the billionaires. Welcome to the matrix. Now take your medicine. === edit: Seriously though, thanks for posting this. Lot's of good info. Trying to draw my own conclusions, even though that's frequently proven hazardous.
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