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DooDiligence last won the day on January 29

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About DooDiligence

  • Birthday 05/06/1962

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  1. This was a fun, behind the scenes, watch.
  2. Somebody probably found a bunch of coke on a boat.
  3. My thoughts exactly. I’m pretty concentrated and don’t want to sell my high conviction positions.
  4. TFW you front run the master on both DPZ (in) and C (out). Now if he'd just buy some Nintendo.
  5. You gotta write the whole username or it could be construed as inflammatory. Nobody wants an enflamed testicle. : )
  6. IDK, maybe when CoBFers start crowing about how value is back in vogue? Probably ought to just start DCAing in now.
  7. I’m pretty concentrated right now (in for the long haul). Debt free with plenty of cash to live. I’m ok sitting on my hands, and would put the rest of my investable cash into VOO on a big pull back, and call it a day.
  8. “You can’t complain that the market is broken just because you don’t agree with it.” “Maybe this whole indexing thing is a self-reinforcing cycle of the sort Soros talks about. The more active managers underperform, the more investors rush into index funds, and the more investors rush into index funds, the higher the index goes, and the more active investors underperform.” “Of course, this can’t go on forever, but like any big cycle, it is very hard to call the turn. It may take a big bear market to wash out all the passive investors first, and maybe when investing is no longer viewed as the right thing to do, the next cycle will start with active managers outperforming the indices (like Buffett in the 50s). Maybe putting on a pair trade like this is a good hedge against ‘broken’ markets!” Hmmm…
  9. He went from being absolutely terrible to greatness. I doubt we’ll see a similar change in a world leader any time soon.
  10. May 2018 in both taxable and non. Sold taxable position and then repurchased in Nov 2021.
  11. Was just reading about Ashoka in Walpola Rahula's "What the Buddha Taught" (downloadable pdf), and would like to visit the Bihar region (formerly Magadha). His story, the fanciful and the true, has some powerful lessons in it. Go cuttlefish!
  12. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Uncle Warrens parting gift to the faithful will be Easter eggs. edit: Nothing is permanent.
  13. Same, except I did buy more NVO as lightning (RFK) struck. I'd already been thinking about adding, and the quick rip down made it easy for me. I think politics, especially in the current environment, will present some nice buying opportunities for long term holds. Other than that, not a trader so I'ma just let things be.
  14. Just saw this and deleted my last. Probably need a 30 day ban anyway. It's really hard to fill your heart with love on this timeline. Kind of gotta bury your head in the sand. I'ma bury my toes in the sand and see if that works.
  15. Left wing rag? Murdoch's spent a ton of capital training you alt-righties, and given enough time I'll bet he could flip your head any direction he wants. https://www.the-independent.com/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-rupert-murdoch-wall-street-journal-b2691504.html
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