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Santayana last won the day on April 8 2024

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  1. In since 2007 thanks to Ericopoly who also introduced me to this forum back in the Yahoo days. Sold most (along with everything else) in February 2020, started rebuilding the position in late 2020 and now hold more than ever.
  2. Saying that full amount is at risk suggests the possibility of the stock going to $0.
  3. Thanks for sharing. Only 6 exclamation points
  4. To the uninformed he makes it sound like they lost $300 million from operations turning a $1.3 billion investment gain into only $1 billion of net earnings.
  5. He's drinking heavily with Brett Horn. Unless the entire short attack was just a ploy get himself a better entry point to go long!
  6. Interesting, Schwab is no longer showing a Morningstar rating or reports for FRFHF.
  7. Those 10% pullbacks are such gifts.
  8. Gloria was $900M in 1985. I wonder what that would be now.
  9. I don't think they're in a position to take LVMH private. I understand your point, but you can't compare the situation of having full control of a company to what's available by just buying stock.
  10. That's multiple years of earnings for CrowdStrike, will be interesting to see who ends up paying.
  11. Meanwhile Fairfax is at a new high. Will we see the usual Q3 pullback as the season really gets underway?
  12. I know this is the earliest, but there have been other years where early storms have gotten people concerned about a bad season that never manifested. But just the worry of a bad season could lead to some better buying opportunities for Fairfax.
  13. I've been trimming my very overweight Fairfax position a bit as we head into Q3. Seems like there's already been a couple of events that could lead to this being a larger Cat year.
  14. That is not true. You can trade long puts/calls, sell covered calls, and sell cash secured puts without having a margin account.
  15. Added to JOE and NTDOY.
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