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Santayana last won the day on April 8

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  1. Saying that full amount is at risk suggests the possibility of the stock going to $0.
  2. Thanks for sharing. Only 6 exclamation points
  3. To the uninformed he makes it sound like they lost $300 million from operations turning a $1.3 billion investment gain into only $1 billion of net earnings.
  4. He's drinking heavily with Brett Horn. Unless the entire short attack was just a ploy get himself a better entry point to go long!
  5. Interesting, Schwab is no longer showing a Morningstar rating or reports for FRFHF.
  6. Those 10% pullbacks are such gifts.
  7. Gloria was $900M in 1985. I wonder what that would be now.
  8. I don't think they're in a position to take LVMH private. I understand your point, but you can't compare the situation of having full control of a company to what's available by just buying stock.
  9. That's multiple years of earnings for CrowdStrike, will be interesting to see who ends up paying.
  10. Meanwhile Fairfax is at a new high. Will we see the usual Q3 pullback as the season really gets underway?
  11. I know this is the earliest, but there have been other years where early storms have gotten people concerned about a bad season that never manifested. But just the worry of a bad season could lead to some better buying opportunities for Fairfax.
  12. I've been trimming my very overweight Fairfax position a bit as we head into Q3. Seems like there's already been a couple of events that could lead to this being a larger Cat year.
  13. That is not true. You can trade long puts/calls, sell covered calls, and sell cash secured puts without having a margin account.
  14. Is this your way of answering the how old are you thread? I got to see him play a couple of times in his later NASL days.
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