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Everything posted by rb

  1. Not sure it would be a bad deal depending on what they pay for BB. I think they can sell this as a whole or in parts for much more in just few years. Leaving it grow without the pressure of the market should benefit. I think there is potential in the cybersecurity space and that BB has value overall. As for your tip, I am always very careful when I hear those i.e. '' a friend says...'' ;) Well it's pretty clear what they're gonna pay isn't it? A control premium to the current stock price. Were you a Blackberry investor? If so, why not? It's obviously a great deal.
  2. Really? They've been doing their "transformation"for close to 10 years now. When is it going to transform? 2040? They're basically ramping up to incinerate a whole lot more capital.
  3. Oh great! Buying more dogshit! Btw it's real, just got an email from a buddy of mine that works there. The guys are prepping their resumes to leave after they get vested by this deal.
  4. After I'm done buying this yacht. 8)
  5. Adverising yachts to value investors!
  6. That’s going to show China. Soon they will be running the outfit. The US saves $550M or roughly $1.3 per head. That's just a tad more than what the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation spends on the WHO.
  7. Definitely makes it weirder!
  8. You generally don't hear much from them as they don't have any more money so nobody gives a shit anymore. Do you know how Chuck Prince is doing these days?
  9. Buffet is probably waiting for Fed to pull the rug out so that he can go to work. Fine by me. And what leads him or anyone else to believe that they will? People having been saying these same things about the Fed, and the music stopping, and the "stock market doesnt match the economy" for the past decade. For a 90+ year old dude, Im not sure thats a great game to be playing. Or, as we've seen from time to time in the markets, the Fed may in fact do that, and the story doesnt play out the way the pundits think it will. Ive become more and more convinced that the rallying cry of "the markets are overvalued" is just a convenient and pride saving way of admitting "I missed the opportunity". From what I've seen generally the bunch that point that "ABC" has missed the opportunity just because the markets went up tend to correlate well with the bunch that claim that nobody could have seen "XYZ" event coming when asked why they don't have any money anymore. Also, pretty sure Buffett doesn't give a shit about "the game" or how he should play it.
  10. What? Finance and law are probably some that for practical reasons are very hard to do remotely. For those that think it's easy, let me paint this scenario for you. Meet John. John is bight law associate working for Skadden Arps. John works from home under Skadden's new "Fuck the landlord" policy. John jumps on a zoom meeting for a live deal he's working on. 10 ft away in their 600 sqft NYC apartment is his roommate Andrew. Andrew is an ambitious 2nd year M&A associate at Morgan Stanley. He's working from home under MS's new "why should we pay rent policy". John and Andrew don't want to move to Toledo where they can each afford their own place cause in Toledo the chicks are fat and in NYC the chicks are keeping it tight.
  11. It can’t replicate by itself, it needs a host to replicate. Doesn't a human, or any mammal for that matter need the same thing?
  12. Nah, he probably thinks he's taking HQC but they're really giving him kids vitamins or something.
  13. More fuckups with the data. https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2020/05/cdc-and-states-are-misreporting-covid-19-test-data-pennsylvania-georgia-texas/611935/
  14. Yes. Now can all you have to is turn Americans into Japanese. Hygiene obsessed, mask wearing little drones, social distance, no kissy huggy stuff. Good luck. https://youtu.be/XedDyR0opow?t=63 That was embarrassing to watch.
  15. Yes. Now can all you have to is turn Americans into Japanese. Hygiene obsessed, mask wearing little drones, social distance, no kissy huggy stuff. Good luck. This is who you get to work with. Incidentally, cases are going up in US and Canada about 2 weeks after mother's day (for a virus with 14 days incubation).
  16. The next level, highly innovative, super patented, impossible to replicate mobility solution.
  17. You must admit that you love the bullshit. The last go around the libtards were the bunch who were expecting handouts from the dems, like food stamps and free healthcare off the backs of the hard working republicans. Fast forward and this time the libtards are sitting pretty with cashed up portfolios wanting to crash the economy and hurt the hard working republicans to get rid of Trump. Damn those libtards are a really crafty bunch.
  18. Hey! Can people who have no idea what the IFR of the flu is please stop saying Covid "is just as deadly as the flu"? I'm just posing the question - not sure if it's deadlier or not deadlier than the flu. Indications in some places (NYC, Italy) says that it is while in other places (Singapore, Japan) says that it isn't. Flu deaths are also highly ambiguous and aren't counted the same as COVID is, so I'm not sure the quoted IFRs here (0.27% vs 0.1%) are even directly comparable, plus there's high degrees of variation between demographics/general health condition in the affected population/quality of health systems/etc. Okay, fine. Then the answer is no. Covid is approximately 10x deadlier than the flu. I"m always skeptical when people answer so definitely to questions for which the answer is still very much in doubt. The CDC just revised their estimates down to an COVID IFR of 0.27%. If IFR for the flu is the commonly accepted 0.1%, that'd make it 2.7x not 10x. You're confusing IFR with CFR.
  19. What did you guys do to Orange that you've triggered him? Of course Uber is just a taxi with an app. I mean they also have their creepy trackers and stuff. But if they can't make money off of that at their current size when will they? Right now in most markets you have at least two players. In the US the majours are Uber and Lyft, in Europe you have Uber and Taxify. I'm on all of them and i just pick whichever one is cheaper. In the US it's really easy cause you get prices in a google search and you don't even have to go in the app. If one of these platforms would have some sort of advantage over the other there should be something that would tie you to the brand. But there isn't. In Europe I'd say that Uber does seam to have a better mapping than Taxify. They tend to be more accurate with arrival times and trip times. So if prices are the same I'll probably choose Uber over Taxify. But not if prices are over $1 apart. In the US I didn't notice a difference between Uber and Lyft. They're both good.
  20. Curious if you want to share any reasoning. I have a bit long. Cranking out 30% app store fees, 80% of USA youths have an Apple phone, Trump has an apple phone, lowering costs on some models, Huwawei blocked for politics in USA, going towards services and other products like watch and health, reasonable capital allocation. I have absolutely nothing against the business. I think it's a great company. It was valuation sell. I picked up a lot of it a year or so ago when everyone was freaking out about iphone volumes and talking about what a piece of crap Apple was. But around $320 the value proposition is a lot different than around 160 which was my entry price. So I just rang the cash register.
  21. Yea, main problem with replacing the US dollar as the reserve currency is that you don't really have what to replace it with. The only real contenders are the RMB and the Euro. The RMB? Yeah, no! The Chinese would have to run their economy in a vastly different way for this to be a feasible option. Maybe one day that will happen, but that day is a very long time from now. The Euro? This may have looked as a reasonable option around the GFC. As in you could talk about it and not sound crazy. But I think this option is a non-starter after the Euro Crisis. So you can say that the US dollar is and will continue to be the reserve currency for the foreseeable future because it is the least bad option out there.
  22. I sold out of AAPL.
  23. Neiman Marcus is not high end enough anymore? Not sure about Neiman Marcus. Never shopped there. Maybe, as others have said, it had something to do with service differentiation. Why would you get a Prada shirt at Neiman Marcus instead of going to Prada? On the flip side there is an retail chain in Canada called Harry Rosen. High end men's clothing. Only men. I love those guys. If I want a Prada shirt I totally would buy it from them instead of a Prada boutique. Excellent service and none of the snobby pretentiousness that you get in some of these places. So I would say that it's not all macro stuff. You also have to run a business. Your competitors are out there looking to eat your lunch. Yeah, retail is tough.
  24. Nordstrom stands out for service. I do like Nordstrom. But I do feel like the stuff is a tad on the expensive side. But maybe I'm just a tad on the cheap side.
  25. I would say that it's not just up to the business. But it could be driven by the economics of the customer. What you're seeing is the middle of retail getting obliterated. The high end and low end are doing just fine. Basically back in the 90s the middle consumer still had enough money to go into Sears, Macy's etc and spend money on overpriced crap in a nice setting. Same idea applies to applies to J Crew, Abercrombie, and others that middle brands that are struggling or no longer with us. As that middle consumer starts to get squeezed they start looking for alternatives. It doesn't take that long for the consumer to find out that you can find the same crap at 1/2 price or 1/4 price in a bin at TJX or ROSS. Then the guy/gal that was going to Sears and Macy's despite the fact that they could pay more but they're cheap, or like to gawk at teenage girls give up and move upmarket as these places start to look a little depressing. Of course, the former group is larger than the latter group. In my opinion this started in the 2000s and then got kicked into overdrive in the 2010s. Amazon is an interesting example that because of its non-descript version can be low market and up market at the same time. Selling both cheap shit and pricey stuff to snobs with the latest iphones.
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