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Everything posted by berkshire101

  1. Thanks for the replies and links guys. I guess the reason I asked this is because you see hedge fund guys like Ackman, Tepper, Loeb, etc. have great track records. Some above 20% net of fees. How do they do this? Well, they're billionaires for a reason. But are those gross or after-tax returns? I've had success with buying (through a virtual account) concentrated positions in these GARP companies when they're out of favorite. CLB, ROST, and PETM were a good recent examples. So I was thinking maybe do a blend of GARP and Net-net. If it doesn't work out then I'm stuck holding onto a pretty high-quality business (assuming it's high-quality to begin with).
  2. I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately. Maybe it’s just because we’re in a bull market. Let’s say your goal is to compound capital at 15% annually. The GARP model seems to work. But finding businesses that can grow at that rate can be a difficult thing to forecast. Another method is rotating in and out of stocks trading below intrinsic value. But that process comes with higher fees and taxes. Let’s say the second method generates 30% annual returns before taxes and fees. After your expenses, the returns would be 15%. Would you still go down this route or stick with the long-term approach? Are there any research papers showing how taxes and fees effect returns and by how much? In some countries, there aren't any capital gains taxes. Does anyone know the returns of investors in those countries? Thanks.
  3. Plenty of signs it burst last March I didn't notice.
  4. Initiated a position in CPSI.
  5. I've owned a small HOTR position for a long time. I'm still waiting for them to get their act together, but all they do is further dilute the stock again and again. I've seen no attempt to get costs under control or to grow organically. I've been holding and waiting, but I'm not sure if I will participate in the up-coming rights offering. I'm thinking about starting a position. It's trading slightly below book value. They are finally growing the top line and they finally inked out positive EBITDA at their restaurants. But who knows.
  6. I stumbled across this little gem, Chanticleer Holdings (HOTR). They own and operate Hooters restaurant franchises and some other small chain restaurants. They've never been profitable, but it looks like if management can get their act together then they could be worth much than $12.5 million.
  7. I think I narrowed down my options to either the Barclay's Arrival Plus or Capital One's Venture. They're basically the same, except for the Capital One's having a lower annual fee while the Barclay's CC looks so much cooler. So which one? If I could get a free flight or two a year to go on a cruise then I think it's worth it. Cruises aren't that expensive, it's just the flight that adds to the cost.
  8. Thanks. The Barclay's Arrival is definitely on my short list of CC. It seems the annual fees are well covered by the rewards. Any thoughts on the Capital One Venture CC? It looks about the same as the Arrival, except for a lower annual fee. http://www.capitalone.com/credit-cards/venture/?Log=1&EventType=Link&ComponentType=T&LOB=MTS%253A%253ALCTMMQC4S&PageName=travel+and+miles&PortletLocation=4%253B16-col%253B2-1-1&ComponentName=suiteTable&ContentElement=2%253BVenture%253Csup%253E%2526reg%253B%253C%252Fsup%253E+Rewards&TargetLob=MTS%253A%253ALCTMMQC4S&TargetPageName=Venture+Card+Details&referer=https%253A%252F%252Fwww.capitalone.com%252Fcredit-cards%252Ftravel-and-miles&external_id=CJA_ZZ11412970_USCCJ_K7247714_1032211_F529620919
  9. Your credit union is unlikely to offer a competitive rewards program. I also do my banking at a small credit union and its cards are not worth having. True, I looked at the perks and they're not really peaks. Another question, say I bank with a credit union and decide to get a Citi CC. Do I have to open a bank account with Citi? How would I go about paying my balance every month? Thanks.
  10. Thanks for the suggestions so far everyone! Looks like I have a lot to look into :) I currently bank with a credit union, and they offer a credit card. I'm not sure how the points/peaks work, but it seems convenient to just stick with one bank. But we'll see. I don't think I'll get multiple cards, just only one. Ah, so many options!
  11. After 25 years of never owning and using credit cards, I finally caved in. In a credit based society, it's just too difficult to go against the norm. Also, since I plan to do more traveling, I can't simply travel with a debit card around. So that's the main reason for getting a credit card. But I have no clue how they work. So any suggestions on what's the best card to get? I was looking at American Express, but they have annual fees. And I don't really understand the whole points systems as I don't spend much anyways. Thanks.
  12. Started a position in PCLN and added more CLB.
  13. I'm hoping to buy some more too below $20 a share! :)
  14. I wish I realized how competitive the world is. And that I took knowledge acquisition more seriously, especially during college. It took me a while to figure out how to be a self learner.
  15. I save around 80% of my income.
  16. My personal expenses in 2014 was slightly below $7,000. I still live at home so that's why it's somewhat low.
  17. Japan proposed the idea of making a mega-city pyramid in the bay of Tokyo a while back. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shimizu_Mega-City_Pyramid
  18. Thanks for the idea. I did a quick google search and there are some local shareholder meetings. I plan to buy a few shares and attend. It should be an interesting and fun experience. :)
  19. Wow, we might as well start building floating cities at this rate!
  20. I would add Realty Income (O) too. It's a REIT that consistently grows every year by acquiring more real estate. Pays a monthly dividend too!
  21. 50 Cent - I Get Money. He raps about his Vitamin Water investment!
  22. Depending on when you are coming in - there are several events. Here is a dinner with Tom Russo ($75) on Thursday night, in addition to an Investor Conference: http://www.valueinvestorconference.com Thanks! I plan to arrive Thursday. Hopefully I can attend that conference.
  23. I'm planning to attend my first BRK shareholder meeting this year. Does anyone know what other events are taking place throughout the weekend of the meeting? I know that Markel holds a brunch the day after the BRK Q&A session. Thanks.
  24. I want Cormier to win, always rooting for the underdog. But if you look on paper, Jones has all the stats to win and in many ways too. I'll be cheering for Cormier! The staredowns are so intense.
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