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Everything posted by berkshire101

  1. Yes but Kim Jr only uses it for porn official country business. You know Obama and him are tweeting back and forth and liking each other selfies on instagram. ::)
  2. In countries like Belgium, Malaysia, New Zealand, Belize, and Hong Kong there are no capital gains tax rates. I think. There are studies that cite by trading frequently you hurt your returns due to transaction costs and taxes. But what if capital gain taxes were to go away. Would that increase the incentive to turnover your portfolio more frequently? Just curious.
  3. Wait, North Korea has internet?! I'm terrified now.
  4. Asset management. I think there's like 75 billionaires on the list that are consider to be investors. Then there's retail, but I forget how many. Billionaires come in all shapes and sizes, but it seems like the common ones tend to be investors. Hmmm... maybe I'll be a billionaire one day :)
  5. Started a position in CNSWF :)
  6. Was there a 2014 predictions tread? It'd be fun to go back and read some of the predictions.
  7. cheaper oil -> lower inflation -> gold going up?!?! does it this make sense? I don't think so That's why it's going up because no one is expecting it to! Just like how no one expected oil to drop 50% this year.
  8. Mark this down because gold is going to $3,000 per ounce! Invert invert invert right?
  9. We discover life on another planet.
  10. +1, I agree! I started one - even though it failed - but it gave me a new perspective on the dynamics of business, industries, people, and marketing that you just can't get from reading. I think Buffett is more hands-on than he lets people to believe. Running Berkshire and having access to almost every aspect of business and industry does give him much more insight than someone who just read books and annual reports.
  11. When you say small...are you saying ~1% positions? Just curious...I have been looking at CTCM for quite some time and held off because of the price. It is starting to get interesting for me. Yeah, they're about 1% each. I left some room to maybe add more if it goes down from here.
  12. I don't trade frequently so it wouldn't be enough of an incentive to switch. I like the motif investing idea of buying multiple stocks at once for one flat rate. Hoping traditional brokerages will start lowering their commission fees.
  13. Started small positions in YNDX, QIWI, and CTCM.
  14. I still have 5 more years before reaching 30. Guess I better get started on that now. :-[
  15. Ah yes! That's the company. Thanks!
  16. Anyone taking a closer look at the Russian stock market? There seems to be some interesting opportunities nowadays. Yandex (YNDX) looks interesting. There's a credit card processing company too, but I can't recall the name of it. Any other ideas? :)
  17. I need to buy some BRK.B shares so I can attend the meeting this year! It's going to be amazing!
  18. It is pouring rain here at the moment!
  19. Yes, I saw that too! Thanks you! Just converted it to mp3 so I can listen on the car ride to work.
  20. The way I see it, if it was easy to predict cash flow then everyone would be rich. But it's very hard. Looking from a company's management perspective, the good ones usually lay out a 5-10 year plan and execute them. And that's the best we have to go with. In the end, you're investing in a business. And every business has a plan, it just depends if that plan is good or not. I don't think anyone is going to go into business and say I'm starting a business so later on I can sell it for half the book value. There's no right way to invest. I just think if I were to own a business, I would seek to grow it and that requires looking years out where the business will be. I think that's why people are fascinated with future growth. It's the entrepreneur inside all of us. Softbank has a crazy 300 year business plan. Gotta admire the enthusiasm of Masayoshi Son.
  21. I'm amazed at how people will often spend weeks researching a $500 TV or planning their vacation, but they don't spend any time planning for their financial goals. I don't get it. Everything seems backwards to me. #YOLO.
  22. Thank you for the early Christmas present Santa! :)
  23. The thing that stood out to me was how the top investors think about risks. They're always thinking about how much could they lose before how much they could make. It's nothing new, but it's a good reminder. And they're always thinking about risking $1 to make $10. The average investor is hoping to make 7 to 10 cents on the dollar.
  24. I haven't been investing for 10 years so I can't say. But when I made my first investments back around 5 years ago the cash flow is higher since my purchase. It' actually higher than my estimates. I used return on capital as a proxy for my estimates. Then see if book value per share including dividends paid and share purchases grew at what rate.
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