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Everything posted by ccplz

  1. Just shows how little you know about China. Why do people who know nothing insist on showing off their ignorance on the internet?
  2. What primitive thinking. Yea, blame the politicians. Blame the government. Blame the bankers. Blame the Chinese, the Mexicans and of course the Muslims. Blame everyone but yourself for not studying or working hard or smart enough. So much for non-accountability... What a joke.
  3. I am Canadian. I want to build a wall even if he loses. 48-50 million Americans are about to vote for a mentally unstable near-fascist. This is scary as hell. Why is that a surprise? The country was founded on racism. And you have people, who are not only not embarrassed by Trump, but are actually publicly bragging about their support for him, even on a forum like this (just look at that guy Cardboard's posts). It's incredible.
  4. What does that even mean.. 'Mr Left Wing'?? Is left wing supposed to be derogatory?
  5. First in this country? Get real. NY dem AG is going after Trump right now. Obama didn't just threaten, he actually used the IRS to target his political opponents. Also, think about what you are arguing for - those in power would never be able to enforce the law against law-breaking political enemies, without fear that their actions be construed as biased. How would you ever enforce the law against politicians who broke the law? Think about what you are saying. That is the whole point of the concept of a Special Prosecutor. Do you have a source for your claims? Then again I guess facts aren't important for Trump supporters. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/11/us/politics/donald-trump-hillary-clinton-special-prosecutor.html?hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&clickSource=story-heading&module=b-lede-package-region&region=top-news&WT.nav=top-news “There is nothing historically that would be comparable.”
  6. Bill Weld on the debate: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/10/us/politics/william-weld-libertarian.html?action=click&contentCollection=Politics&module=RelatedCoverage&region=EndOfArticle&pgtype=article
  7. So Trump threatened to target his political opponent with the legal system. Even appointing a special prosecutor to go after her and throw her in jail. Is this a first in this country?
  8. ...How is this even bad? I agree with everything that she says here. Is there anyone on this forum who aren't for the transparency and integrity of the capital markets, and don't support having a free market economy? I am a Democratic partisan. While I have never voted for, or even liked, a Republican president or nominee, they all carried themselves with a certain dignity and gravitas that Trump has never, ever known. Romney was competent. George H.W. Bush got a lot of shit done. Even George W. Bush, for all his obvious inadequacies, was himself not racist, nor was the rest of his family. I'm reasonably certain that GWB never cheated on his wife (his father did have a long-term mistress). It's just staggering what a low character the Republican nominee is. He's been credibly accused of rape. His behavior as a businessman is just shy of criminal. He's openly courted racists, and not just the genteel racism that has fueled the GOP since the Dixiecrats joined it and the Southern Strategy began; but the frothing, evil racism and anti-Semitism that is literally indistinguishable from Nazi beliefs. He is literally backed by a Russian dictator. Even his own attorneys would meet with him in pairs because he would lie to their faces if they met with him solo. This is just off the top of my head, if I researched it, it would be a very long list. I can't imagine having this conversation about any other Republican presidential nominee. It's beyond ludicrous. "I thought Reagan was unbeatable until the remark about groping random pussies."
  9. I think it's worth noting that the GOP's lead prosecutor for the Senate whitewater committee has endorsed her in the presidential race. (Michael Chertoff, who went on to serve as Secretary of Homeland security under Bush 43). This in his statement about it, he basically says "maybe their judgment wasn't the best but we probably should have used the time/resources to fight terrorism instead." http://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/politics-government/election/article105624876.html http://www.npr.org/2016/10/06/496749561/once-clintons-prosecutor-during-whitewater-now-a-clinton-supporter Also maybe worth noting is the extent that the people who bring up Clinton scandals go to to make them look legit. I found this article while looking for the one above and it's seriously fascinating: http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2015/03/among-the-hillary-haters/384976/ . The sheer number of people who started working years before Hillary announced she was running for POTUS on finding dirt on her is impressive. Also the amount of work they do to appear extremely legit, with focus groups and working to kick the "crazies" out. It also goes through some of the perceived "scandals" and how basically, as society has changed over the last twenty years they've become much less interesting to most people (like if Bill Clinton actually "inhaled" or not, most people aren't going to care).
  10. Clinton Holds 41-Point Lead Over Trump Among Asian-American Voters: Survey - NBC News this only proves the polls are rigged. I am Chinese and I have not seen a single Chinese nearby supporting Hillary. Is this guy serious?
  11. This is an interesting statement, because I think almost everyone I've heard from portrays this election as a choice between bad and worse. Out of curiosity, is there anyone on the board who is sincerely delighted with either Trump or Clinton being a nominee and thinks they'll do a great job as president? (And I don't mean from a libertarian perspective like "this candidate will do so badly at the job that they'll bring down the whole political system, and that'll be great!") I am inclined to think Trump will do fine, but I am not sure if he will do great. I am inclined to believe Hillary will be disastrous. Let's look at their policies. 1. Trump will slash tax rate from 35% to 15%. This will be good for us and easy to do. 2. Trump will void Obamacare. Anyone who followed VRX and a few other pharma stocks know Obamacare's biggest winners are these pharma companies, not low income Americans. Small businesses are being choked to death by Obamacare. This should be easy to do. 3. Trump will stop illegal immigrantion. Maybe? This is really hard to do, but at least he will try. 4. No more squandering of tax payer's money. Hopefully. This depends on his personal judgement, so it is hard to say. But if you look at Obama's clean energy scandal, squandering $90 bn of tax payer money, giving billion dollar loans to CCC rated electric car companies just months before they file chp 11? That's extremely irresponsible for our tax payer money. Then let's look at Hillary's policies. Basically anything Obama did, she wanted to do more. 1. Bring more people to Obamacare. Come on! We already had enough premium increases. The state of TN just approved 62% premium hike. I am sure people will be furious there. 2. More tax hikes. Come on, show me you can use the money prudently first! 3. Bring in more refugees. German's situation today is US's situation tomorrow. Guess you're as dumb as your username would suggest.
  12. Very often businesses destroy value.. even successful businesses can destroy value. And most businesses fail. So the opportunity cost of starting a business is the value that is lost because you were off starting a business rather than working for someone else. So I would say there is a lot of doubt whether creating a business actually generates more value than working for someone else. Why is it a bad thing to get some experience before starting something yourself?
  13. "<3 Munger", "<3 Thaler", "sad face", "Ask why I don't build DCFs".. Pretty cringeworthy stuff. https://www.linkedin.com/in/theashlad
  14. We get Trump trolls, even on a board like this. Unbelievable.
  15. Will go public July 14/15, dual listing in Tokyo and New York. Thoughts?
  16. I don’t like making Nazi comparisons–they’re emotionally charged and often highly unfair. But in the last few months, the things Trump has been saying are eerily reminiscent of the kinds of things that right authoritarian politicians claim when they are trying to win a democratic election for the purposes of doing away with that system. There’s a group that is demonized (immigrants and Muslims), there are draconian policies to deal with the “problem” group (the wall, the database, the ID cards, surveillance, closing mosques), the politicians who disagree are accused of ignoring reality, and ordinary folks who disagree are condemned as troublemakers or enemy sympathizers who ought to be “roughed up”. Right authoritarian politicians emerge in democracies when there is a group of people who feel that the democratic system exists to take things away from them and give those things to other people. During the Obama administration, the Republican Party has consistently nurtured this belief among its supporters–that the government and the democrats want to take things from them and give this “free stuff” to “those people” (the poor, the blacks, the immigrants, the Muslims). When Mitt Romney said that his party is going up against “benjaminstudebaker.comthe 47%” who do not pay income tax, the implication is that politics is a class war between the Americans who work hard and have stuff and the Americans who are lazy and take things. The republicans were overwhelmingly confident that they were going to win in 2012. When they lost, the implication was that there are too many “useful idiots”–those willing to help the 47% take things–for the republicans to take the presidency. And while some Republicnas believe that 2016 will be different, there’s a chunk of these people for whom 2012 established more deeply than ever that the only way to stop the 47% from taking their stuff is to use all available means. On internet forums, these people contemplate armed rebellion, they stockpile gold, and they look for a great leader who can protect them from the left. This chunk of Republicans believe that their country and its values are under attack, that they themselves are going to be expropriated by a government permanently captured by socialists. Fox News, conservative talk radio, and the Republican Party itself have all deliberately fed into these fears to mobilize support for republican candidates. As time progresses, these people grow steadily more desperate and steadily more willing to do things that most of us would consider unthinkable. They believe that Donald Trump is their guy. Is he? Maybe, maybe not. But he sure knows how to use them. And the trouble with using these people like this is that you cannot use them without creating more of them and without making the ones we already have more reactionary and extreme over time. The US does not have a draft anymore–the military is all-volunteer, and because much of the left disdains the armed forces, reactionaries are over-represented in the military. As time progresses and the Republican Party continues to encourage this zero sum view, they are inadvertently potentially creating a situation in which the state could be captured by right wing authoritarians, either through the election of a figure like Trump or through a military coup. While folks like Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush pretend it’s 1996, the U.S. political system is devolving in dangerous and sinister ways. Donald Trump may personally turn out to be harmless, but his supporters are anything but. It probably won’t be this year or this election, but every four years these people seem to be stronger and more influential in the Republican Party. If the U.S. continues down this path, we may all live to regret it.
  17. Would that Fiorina be the Fiorina who destroyed not one, but two blue chip companies with her incompetence? How does she even have supporters, especially on a board like this one? Very few people have destroyed more shareholder value than her in the history of civilization I would think.
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