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Everything posted by AzCactus

  1. I honestly have an issue with a company charging fees when they are 80% in cash. That's kinda crazy. They should prorate the amount they charge based on how much cash they have once they get over a certain %.
  2. thanks for posting. any idea of his long term track record?
  3. Thanks---looking forward to reading it.
  4. I am not sure if anyone else follows Dave Ramsey at all or more specifically his retirement rules. He basically says that one should expect a 12% return from the market and plan for a withdrawal rate of 8%. I find both of these numbers too high by about 4%. Am I missing something here or is Ramsey just being a bit aggressive? David
  5. I completely agree with Scott---discuss anything and everything means just that. The other issue is quite simple and was stated before---if a topic does not interest you do not click on it. This is pretty basic stuff. If you are hungry and walk down the street and see a restaurant called "Greasy Pizza," its probably a pass if you are on a diet.
  6. DavidVY---Care to enlighten us?
  7. Love: Under Armour Hate: Costco-nothing labeled and basically any internet/tv providers.
  8. Based on what I know you guys in California could use a little rain.
  9. If this is how he chooses to spend his own money I wonder how he would spend money belonging to the general public.
  10. A better way to show that information would be showing the % of actual portfolio.
  11. I doubt he'd disagree with you that there are exceptions. I think his point is that majority of companies are borrowing money to buy back expensive shares. When downturn comes they might be hit with double whammy: stock drops but they don't have money to buy back cheap shares and they have to pay interest on debt. +1 Clearly some companies maybe borrowing prudently. By and large however, these companies are acting irresponsibly and will face consequences down the road. My guess is 2-3 years.
  12. Not to stray too far from the article, but really happiness is what you make of it. So someone could potentially have no money, lousy health and a dim future and still be happier than someone who has money, good health and a bright future. Obviously, a good mental attitude and knowing what really matters are important facets. I would say the BIG issue comes when people in their 20's (I'm 26) feel like they are entitled to certain things just because they have a 4 year degree and a decent job. I don't think someone driving a Tesla is happier than someone driving a Honda for that reason alone.
  13. Pabrai added tons of Posco now about 13% of assets as well as WL Ross Holdings which now are about 4% of assets while substantially reducing his Citigroup position. Additionally, he completed sold his Berkshire and BAC positions. Link Below: http://www.dataroma.com/m/m_activity.php?m=PI&typ=a
  14. "What goes up must come down" ---Newton
  15. It's an interesting situation. My feeling is that if the QB involved was average and the team wasn't great this would be no big deal. I think that the four games is a bit much, but I think there are some politics with Roger Goodell and Bob Kraft known to be friends. Nonetheless, I agree with most---the product of the NFL is not what it used to be.
  16. Thanks for posting...Some good stuff. I would still want to know more about Zinc and what his thesis is moving forward.
  17. Thanks Jurgis. I was unaware that there was already some chatter about this.
  18. Click on the url below: http://money.cnn.com/2015/05/07/investing/dan-loeb-slams-warren-buffett/ My own two cents: I think Loeb has a good point in that Buffett says one thing and commonly does something different. The way he seems to slam activist investing is a good example. ANy other thoughts out there?
  19. And of course after Greenspan's comments the dot-com bubble promptly burst...four years later. That was one of the implications in my comment. ;) Then six years later the Nasdaq was actually cheaper than where it was when initially made that comment.
  20. I thought it was interesting that she said this. Effectively my impression is that unless interest rates stay artificially low for the next decade the markets are getting close to bubbly. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-05-06/yellen-says-equity-market-valuations-are-quite-high-
  21. +1. I would love to see that too. However, I think Mayweather has a policy: I do not fight anybody in their prime. And second I do not fight anyone who could beat me.
  22. Scott---I think there are very few athletes who would turn down less sums for that sort of long term damage you speak of. People generally are short term oriented. A rare exception is someone like Chris Boland--but for every one guy retiring at 24 there are many more who play as long as possible to make every last dollar. That being said I would bet you that a guy boxing or playing in the NFL is not thinking about the consequences down the road. Quite frankly, I think if most of those guys quit they would have few dollars saved and not much education to fall back on.
  23. Much like my portfolio, it is adversely affected by cold weather. Lol
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