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Everything posted by TonyG

  1. http://www.urban.org/tim-howard-fixing-what-works Tim Howard advocating a 2 percent capital ratio and government to not exercise the warrants. Posted this on his website as well and check who was the first person to comment lol
  2. doughishere, http://www.insidemortgagefinance.com/issues/imfpubs_igse/16_3/news/-1000035432-1.html Posted on gselinks on friday but says you need a registration.If you click the link it gives a little blurb by Charles Cooper.
  3. Anyone have access to the Fairholme article on Inside Mortage Finance by any chance?
  4. Ya i saw that. I was just hoping people were smarter than that and giving everyone the benefit of the doubt.
  5. I don't see any news either. Might just be the whims of Mr. Market
  6. http://www.c-span.org/video/?402252-1/us-senate-morning-business&start=17851 Corker pounding his chest on his Jumpstart provision. I really can't believe he believes half of what he says
  7. Another article by Carney that doesn't report facts. I really cannot stand this guy. and cherzeca, great comment on it.
  8. Ya I emailed too but they didn't respond back either. Thanks
  9. Do you need a confirmation code or just dial in the number?
  10. According to this link, the event will be live-streamed (Scroll to bottom) http://www.universityprograms.columbia.edu/#!/big-problem-financial-crisis-still-isn’t-fixed
  11. So next Tuesday Ackman, Bethany Mclean, and Franklin Raines (former CEO of Fannie) are at Columbia to talk about Bethany's new book and F&F in general I believe. Anyone plan on going? http://globalreports.columbia.edu/events/launch/
  12. Curious if any one knows any good law firms in Ontario that does this (setting up of the fund)?
  13. What about the proper way of analyzing and calculating how NOL's will affect income going forward? For example, GM's latest 10K had operating loss and tax credit carryforwards of $19,342(Billion) and DTA of $32,478. Which number would we use and how would we do it? and when calculating enterprise value would we subtract it from the equation? It's a couple questions in one but like i said I have a lot.
  14. I was curious about how people go about and read income tax footnotes and what to look for? My main reason is because I was reading an article where Bob Olstein said the first thing he does is go to the income tax footnote and see if they are actually paying any tax and he read Enron's income tax footnote and found something wrong right away. I have tons more questions about accounting but thought that I'd start with this.
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