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Everything posted by TonyG

  1. sounds similar to berk and tim howard..
  2. common down big again. anyone with balls of steel thinking of adding? hasn't been this low in a long time
  3. at what point does treasury/mnuchin need to speak up on this(provided he's pro fannie freddie as i believe he is)? or are they just waiting for the tax votes to go through first.
  4. isn't he retiring? check out Rob Zimmer's twitter. He said "Sen Heitkamp: Sens Corker, Warner very busy w/Foreign Affairs, Intel Committees; may limit bandwidth on addressing Gse Reform in near term." if the above tweet is true, how are they supposedly coming out with a gse reform bill soon?
  5. is it just me or did he just admit to not doing away with the GSE's? his " no i wouldn't" answer..
  6. cherzeca or anyone, obviously impossible to predict, but what you think the odds they actually hear this case?
  7. luke, was just gonna say usually joe light is writing an article about them making the paymentt by now or posting to twitter but nothing so far. than again, could be nothing.
  8. he speaks at tons of housing events. MBA happens to be one of the large trade groups, he's spoken the past couple of years.i don't see it as a factor but i could be wrong.
  9. https://financialservices.house.gov/calendar/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=402338 interesting
  10. http://www.tennessean.com/story/news/politics/2017/09/26/sen-bob-corker-not-seek-re-election-next-year/678088001/ don't let the door hit you on the way out
  11. http://mba.informz.net/MBA/data/images/GSE%20Reform%20Joint%20letter%20921.pdf "As noted by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) in 2016, allowing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to create a capital cushion simply converts a potential future draw on federal funds into an immediate draw and such an action would effectively increase the size of taxpayer exposure to future losses." anyone want to explain that line? I've read it over 10 times and can't understand it.
  12. https://www.gop.com/rules-and-resolutions/ its on the RNC site
  13. if republicans get their tax reform done by year end, gses will need a lot more than just this dividend payment in capital retained
  14. Think I found my answer Sen. Brown and 5 other Sen. Dems send letter to Mnuchin asking Treasury to let Fannie/Freddie to retain capital ahead of GSE reform plan. Haven't seen the letter yet
  15. I agree Midas. Also, anyone care to guess why common was up 10% today? possibly based phillips comments from yesterday?
  16. i just don't see how corker and warner can switch just like that. unless they see the writing on the wall and know. or like cherzeca said and they are no longer short.
  17. https://assets.pershingsquareholdings.com/media/2017/08/17151225/PSH-Interim-Financial-Statements-06.30.17.pdf "We are fortunate that two of the most financially sophisticated Senators in Washington, Senators Corker and Warner, have taken the lead on housing finance reform and have suggested that they will put forth new legislation shortly to address this last remaining restructuring of the financial crisis. We believe that this initiative combined with support from the Treasury Secretary has dramatically increased the chances of a favorable resolution for the country and for investors in Fannie and Freddie, including the government, which is not reflected in their current share prices." uhhh what
  18. https://seekingalpha.com/article/4093131-freddie-macs-fmcc-ceo-don-layton-q2-2017-results-earnings-call-transcript?page=4 anyone read the call transcript from this morning? "With that, let me wrap up by saying this is not your parent's Freddie Mac, and anybody who thinks it is hasn't been watching the last five years. The business fundamentals are strong and residual flaws are nearly gone. " layton seems to hammer how they are much different from the past.
  19. i asked tim howard that, says my question is awaiting moderation
  20. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/videos/2017-06-19/why-bruce-berkowitz-still-likes-stocks-others-hate-video fannie freddie talk starts round 24:50. said they haven't yet talked to this administration about f&f but yet they had talked to the last administration. kinda seemed weird
  21. cherzeca, regarding the 13.5 multiple, if f&f were converted to utilities ( even though it doesn't say that in the Blueprint) don't utilities generally trade at high teens multiples? Or maybe 13.5 or lower is more acceptable given the politics with this thing.
  22. I agree. I wonder why not just convert at the than price instead of pre determined? the common was 5 at the hint the trump admin might do something. If we know they're going to recap, i think it would be higher therefore less dilution, and no need for as much as 21B shares outstanding
  23. also, the real tim howard said that 160-180B of capital is way too much for f&f to be able to price and compete effectively.so that number might change as well.
  24. https://www.mba.org/publications/insights/articles/current-issue/direct-from-dave-the-case-for-gse-reform?_zs=WqkwB1&_zl=Usvo3 This feels so desperate. he must be really feeling this slipping and trying to put on a brave face
  25. https://www.banking.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/hearings?ID=CA80DC0D-C337-4204-9E51-399AB13AC5B1
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