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Everything posted by TonyG

  1. am i crazy or does that entire WSJ not reflect what Mnuchin actually said?..
  2. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-12-01/trump-s-time-is-short-to-redo-fannie-freddie-as-hedge-funds-want?utm_source=twitter&cmpid=socialflow-twitter-business&utm_content=business&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=socialflow-organic just hedge funds want this..lol "The preferred shares they own would likely soar if the Treasury Department relinquished or altered the terms of its roughly $220 billion stake of senior preferred shares in Fannie and Freddie -- a move Calabria is urging."
  3. I agree, but no matter when they did it they were always going to face backlash. Time to die the cast..
  4. I got that same feeling. Trying to set the narrative of exactly that
  5. https://www.wsj.com/articles/fannie-freddie-overseer-seeks-to-end-federal-control-before-trump-leaves-11605873600 complete 180 from last friday lol
  6. Ya I realized it was written interview after. Thought this was great and really enjoyed it. Keep it up
  7. wouldn't that be something. a crisis put them in this mess and a crisis that takes them out of this mess...
  8. https://housingfinancestrategies.com/235-2/ Latest from Craig Phillips
  9. I promised myself that I would stay at the position level I was at for the rest of this trade but man is it ever tempting
  10. F and F still need sufficient capital on their books before raising equity. Even if this pushes the rule until spring 2020 they weren't going to market most likely before then while still building equity capital. So I see it as no harm no foul and let's them get the right capital amount (hopefully) It is slightly annoying though that Calabria could have re-proposed this a few months ago instead of going to a different conference once a week
  11. https://www.banking.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/Calabria%20Testimony%202-14-19.pdf "I have even brought with me today my nearly decade old, dog-eared personal copy of HERA. Whatever the policy issue, my first question will always be “what does the statute say?"
  12. https://www.americanbanker.com/news/white-house-pushes-surprise-fannie-freddie-reform-plan-but-is-it-workable "We do not believe that the OMB proposal enjoys much support within government. It is interesting that it came out without direct expressions of support of Treasury or HUD, both of which are major players within this White House on housing policy," Seiberg said in a research note." man im confused
  13. mnuchin on cnbc at 1. doubt he'll mention housing finance though
  14. https://www.wsj.com/articles/ackermans-take-fannie-freddie-deal-unlikely-this-year-1522752047 anyone with a wsj pro subscription wanna post this article?
  15. also, senator cotton is a trump devotee i believe and wouldn't support something trump wouldn't. also during one of the hearings with demarco this summer he was the only one that asked about what happens to the lawsuits
  16. Regarding the backing of Treasury and FHFA, i remember Craig Phillips saying Mnuchin met with C/W and saying he's supportive of them coming together for a bipartisan bill. Not that he's backing what they are putting into the bill yet. Big difference
  17. also, do you think its most likely Watt ran this white paper by Mnuchin?
  18. Rosner on twitter saying he read draft of the bill and says its a "POS"
  19. just gonna post that Luke. This process has to fail and then Mnuchin will hopefully step in.
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