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Everything posted by EliG

  1. Punch Card Research wrote a blog post about DJT, Trump's public company that went bankrupt: A Cautionary Tale: Trump Hotels & Casino Resorts (DJT) According to the blog, Trump used IPO proceeds to pay off his personal debt:
  2. Probably the same person who posted self-selected online polls as proof that Trump won the debates. It's common knowledge that those polls are worthless, yet the person went through the trouble of sharing them with COBF.
  3. Presidential !! http://i.imgur.com/5E9PdrA.jpg
  4. Nearly 20 percent of Trump’s supporters disapprove of Lincoln freeing the slaves She was wrong to say "half" but "basket of deplorables" is spot on.
  5. Projection. It's clear as day that Trump has some mental issues and thus is unfit to be President. His supporters know it, but are voting for him anyway out of partisan loyalty. To find peace with themselves, they are trying to prove that HRC is unfit too, based on health reasons.
  6. Are you accounting for the fact that Clinton Foundation is an operating charity while Gates Foundation is a non-operating one? CF runs its own programs. GF distributes grants to the partners who implement the actual programs. The two models are not directly comparable.
  7. The link I included has the IRS tax report. That's the holy grail. Everything else they said on that annual report or any outside numbers are just bull shit. FactCheck.org Where Does Clinton Foundation Money Go?
  8. https://www.charitywatch.org/ratings-and-metrics/bill-hillary-chelsea-clinton-foundation/478 Charity Watch rating: A Program Percentage: 88% Cost to raise $100: $2 Should I trust Charity Watch or a bunch of GOP partisans on COBF? I dunno, I am just a dumb Canadian.
  9. Merrill Lynch Global Fund Manager Survey
  10. Ronald Reagan's daughter Patti Davis: https://www.facebook.com/BooksByPattiDavis/posts/488450031279847
  11. context https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/08/10/people-love-it-when-donald-trump-makes-fun-of-journalists-except-one-in-particular/
  12. Trump is losing big to Clinton among white college-educated women Trump's reaction? Muse openly about Clinton assassination. Of course! That's brilliant. College-educated women love that kind of talk.
  13. You don't like Snopes? That's fine. Here's PolitiFact: Donald Trump wrongly says Hillary Clinton wants to raise taxes on the middle class PolitiFact verdict:
  14. LOL. This is a falsehood pushed by the Trump campaign. It has been thoroughly debunked by Snopes.
  15. If so, why did you quote it? Huh? Back to Snopes: Given the context of her statement and the audience's positive reaction to it, it appears that Clinton actually said "we aren't going to raise taxes on the middle class," Yep. Alan Yu, a linguistics professor at the University of Chicago who specializes in phonology, ran the audio through a computer program called Praat, which analyzes phonetics. By analyzing the sound waves, we can see that Clinton was saying "aren’t," because she definitely pronounced the "n," though she didn’t really hit the "t." She used a poor wording for which she apologized later. But those who pounced on the quote took it wildly out of context. NPR Fact Check: Hillary Clinton And Coal Jobs PolitiFact In context: Hillary Clinton’s comments about coal jobs No thank you, I will take a pass.
  16. Snopes: Hillary Clinton: 'We're Going to Raise Taxes on the Middle Class' Quote: Given the context of her statement and the audience's positive reaction to it, it appears that Clinton actually said "we aren't going to raise taxes on the middle class," but either she didn't fully enunciate the ending of the word "aren't" or the word didn't come through clearly on the audio recording (or both). Worst case, she simply misspoke and said "are" when she meant "aren't," because she has not announced any changes to her tax platform or said on any other occasion that she plans to raise taxes on the middle class and not the wealthy. Shortly before the portion of her speech captured in the viral video, Clinton said that raising taxes on the wealthy would serve as the foundation for future investments: <snip> That platform of closing tax loopholes for the wealthy and providing tax relief to working families is also outlined on her campaign web site: <snip> A transcript of Clinton's speech stated that she said "we aren't going to raise taxes on the middle class."
  17. I agree with many points you made but not the last one that I bolded. The younger generation is not supporting Trump. Look at the poll breakdowns. Trump polls poorly in the younger demographic. For example, here's the latest CNN poll http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/2016/images/08/01/2016.post-dem.convention.pdf Under 45: Clinton 63%, Trump 30% Over 45: Clinton 44%, Trump 48% This poll is not an outlier. I've seen similar generational breakdowns in other polls. I don't disagree, but defining young people as those "under 45" is sweeping with a very large brush. Maybe filtering down to a demographic of 18-lower/mid 30s would be more appropriate to capture the individuals I was referencing. And of course, not necessarily all of them are supporting Trump, but a lot of them aren't supporting Hillary either. It may just be they feel forced to choose between one or the other. I know that my facebook feed is full of Bernie supporters who still trash Hillary. I don't know exactly what they'll do when it comes to vote, but they have a few options: 1) vote Hillary, the "anti-Bernie" 2) vote Trump (probably even worse than Hillary in their minds) 3) Don't vote or 4) vote 3rd party When you have polls that remove those last two options that would arguably carry the majority of that group, and leave the two most unfavorable, you're obviously going to get skewed results among a number of people. And I don't know how it shakes out nationally, but a lot of my friends from traditional Southern/Republican districts definitely support Trump - and they're college educated. ^ Good analysis. Today's Marist poll supports your line of thinking. https://www.scribd.com/document/320225575/McClatchy-Marist-Poll-National-Nature-of-the-Sample-and-Tables-August-2016 18 to 29 year olds Clinton: 41% Johnson: 23% Stein: 16% Trump: 9% Clinton leads but it's her weakest age cohort. Anti-Clinton young votes go to the 3rd parties, not to Trump.
  18. Trump asked why US can't use nukes
  19. Trump makes light of military sacrifice AGAIN when veteran gives him his Purple Heart
  20. I agree with many points you made but not the last one that I bolded. The younger generation is not supporting Trump. Look at the poll breakdowns. Trump polls poorly in the younger demographic. For example, here's the latest CNN poll http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/2016/images/08/01/2016.post-dem.convention.pdf Under 45: Clinton 63%, Trump 30% Over 45: Clinton 44%, Trump 48% This poll is not an outlier. I've seen similar generational breakdowns in other polls.
  21. Munger on Trump https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJDsbttOVEI
  22. ^ written by Peter Schweizer Peter Schweizer's Long History Of Errors, Retractions, And Questionable Sourcing
  23. +1. Some people tie themselves into pretzel trying to rationalize their vote. It would be so much easier just to admit: "I am a GOP voter. I *always* vote GOP. It doesn't matter to me who the nominee is." And leave it at that.
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