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Everything posted by doughishere

  1. Bethany: "WTF, mate." http://video.cnbc.com/gallery/?video=3000430360
  2. Yeah it is all political. Corker at the end of the day can say he did something while in Congress. He is postureing to get re-elected....He might be on his way out. His seat isnt up until 2018. Notice he kinda diggs at his own party and the rest of congress. Think he has anymore friends left in congress? According to Bill Maloni, probably not. Bill Maloni There was another link over at gselinks from the fairlome case....more people want to look at the documents huh?
  3. Corker on CNBC today. Corkers brain is inept. Go back to TN. http://video.cnbc.com/gallery/?video=3000429727 Side note: Santelli chain smokes like no ones businsess....dont know why i decided to share that. Nothing against him. Its just amazing in a time when virtually no one does anymore. http://www.marketwatch.com/story/sen-bob-corker-says-investors-should-short-fannie-and-freddie-2015-10-07?siteid=yhoof2
  4. I'm starting to be a wise guy these days. But seriously Merk is right. I wonder what wants to be quashed. Anyone wonder when we'll get a motion to dismiss. That should be a interesting read.
  5. Cubs are on the verge of winning the WS. Govts lawyers want to bury the fact that they had a copy of "Grays Sports Almanac 85-15"
  6. Steele wants to get the ball rolling on this. Must think this one is tagged already. Plaintiffs Response Defendants Response to plaintiffs response It even stipulates the number of pages the breifs should be.........I guess i was wrong in saying this case wouldn't be started until next spring.
  7. Luke, im not making a personal attacks against you or your posts or even the information that you share. None of my last few post were intended to be adversarial towards you at all. I'm sorry if i come off that way. Posts and such on the internet tend to become more about how they are revived vs. what their intentions were when conveyed. My post have merely been to urge caution. I agree that the sum of the news that has come out and the sum of the rulings in the cases have been net positive. We agree on the fact that significant progress has been made. And lastly but not least your posts are appreciated. It is precisely when we real the fish in and are ready to take it off the hook that we must be careful not to drop it.
  8. This is kinda what i was getting at. I dont really want to fully commit to getting on the hype train. I'm probably the most guilty with my crazy theories and all but even i say there is no direct evidence. The Pres is allowed to have closed door meeting the The Tres. Sec. but it doesn't mean hes talking about F&F. Its certainly a topic im sure all of them are aware about but there could be a 50 different things to talk about that have as equal or greater importance....to the nation as a whole and not just F7F shareholders.
  9. I think they are just being difficult now. More documentation, More Depositions. Its a shame we cant see them.
  10. I want whatever Carl is taking in that main pic. Looks like he's on some good shit.
  11. luke, I get it. I really do. Well see. I just don't expect anything any time soon. Discovery goes until next year. I just think it'll be Easter before we see any movement or anything, positive or negative for shareholders. I'm not even talking the share prices I haven't looked at it in months. News wise I just don't see anything but more of the same. I get the anticipation, I'm hoping for a whistleblower to come forward. We'll see. I kinda expect the next few months to be like the last week or so...Alls quiet on the western front.
  12. http://globalreports.columbia.edu/events/bethany-mclean-at-the-university-of-chicagos-institute-of-politics/ Bethany McLean at the University of Chicago's Institute of Politics Wednesday, November 18, 2015 6:00pm — 7:30pm Booth School of Business, Room 104 Institute of Politics University of Chicago 5707 S. Woodlawn Ave. Chicago, IL 60637 I'll be there. Probably wont be much different talked about other than whats in the online interviews. Non the less it will be interesting.
  13. I get where you are coming from. I do think the odds have "gotten better" in maybe a normal circumstance. However this is not a normal circumstance. I think F&F are a "special" special situation case and make or break of it does rest on the courts. This has been teh case from the beginning. Plus, now you could get a ruling like Hank Greenberg and the AIG case. A win but no award. The market is correct in discounting the success right now. I do think the word is getting out now. Maybe some of you others agree, but i think that there is a much wider audience that sees what is happening now.
  14. Not the Onion. Same guys that did the report earlier. White Paper Analysis of the Treasury Takeover of Fannie Mae Adam Spittler CPA, MS Mike Ciklin JD, MBA, MRE G. Stevenson Smith, Ph.D., CPA, CMA http://www.housingwire.com/ext/resources/files/Editorial/Trey-Files/White-Paper_Treasury-Fannie-Mae-FINAL.pdf
  15. Michael Burry. From Aspergers to movie star. What a dude. Yall know he got his start just posting messages...kinda like some of the guys on this forum. This is the type of guy that got picked on in HS, now hes eatin everyone's lunch. I bet he never thought there would be a move about him. "I shorted mortgages because I had to. Every bit of logic I had led me to this trade and I had to do it" "Natural state" as an outsider who "just likes to find my own ideas", saying, "no matter what group I'm in or where I am, I've always felt like I'm outside the group, and I've always been analyzing the group" What a great story.
  16. I was hoping the Pope would put in a good word with the Easter Bunny, you know maybe we could get this all taken care of for the shareholders by April.
  17. More news for the rumor mill. He has to be joking. Vatican sources—whose identities I cannot reveal because of my adherence to the International Blog Source Secrecy Guidelines (IBSSG) —implied Pope Francis expects to warn congressional and Administration policy makers, “Hands off the GSEs.” It was hinted His Holiness may also suggest that banks not be given early access to the CSP. In a related development, Mario Ugoletti, former Treasury and FHFA employee (see impotence above), reportedly has moved to Ulaanbator, Mongolia, shortly after joining the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints. Before leaving, MU muttered something about, “Francis can’t excommunicate an ex-Catholic Mongolian Mormon novitiate can he?” http://malonigse.blogspot.com/2015/09/the-pope-fannie-mclean-and-little.html
  18. I wish Bill would of let her speak more. I like her analogy, Fix the roof while the sun is shinning. More and more people are talking about, the last thing to be fixed in the Great Crisis of '08, which is a plus. That Street guy..."So Fannie and Freddie are profitable?"....shocking i know.
  19. Bill Ackman Is THISCLOSE To Reading The U.S. Government Its Miranda Rights http://dealbreaker.com/2015/09/bill-ackman-is-thisclose-to-reading-the-u-s-government-its-miranda-rights/
  20. Agree to agree with both of you. Good to see it all getting some air time though. McLean is really well spoken. A lot of guys i talk to here in chicago dont like Ackman because he comes off abrasively. She kinda has a demeanor to her that people will listen to.
  21. From the Tweeter michelle celarier ‏@mcelarier 31m31 minutes ago Bill Ackman and Bethany McLean on Charlie Rose tonight to discuss #shakyground and fanniegate Charlie Rose is always good. Watched Justice Breyer last night.
  22. Thanks enoch. Howd you get that so quickly? Edit: my google skills seem to be lacking along with my cross referencing skills. These quotes are nothing new.
  23. Ive poststed this in a number of forums. Page 41 of Bethany McLeans book states... "A member of the group that sets federal accounting guidelines later explained that government wasn't actually going to exercise its right to take ownership of Fannie and Freddie. Instead, the bailout was designed this way because "driving the stock market value to zero" would "prevent current shareholder speculation resulting in speculators taking advantage of government intervention at the expense of others," according to the minutes of the meeting that became public in 2015" What meeting was this? Where are those minutes located? Anyone know? I got a little outta hand yesterday....apologies.
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