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Everything posted by doughishere

  1. Mr. Market needs to start reading some of these redacted documents.
  2. He has some good stuff over on the google boards.
  3. What do you think the odds are they come up with levels of formaldehyde that are Cali Phase 2 Compliant standards? From valuewalk: http://www.valuewalk.com/2015/12/whitney-tilson-thinks-martin-shkrei-g-ds-work/ Anyone know how to get onto Tilson email list. I would enjoy reading it strait from him.
  4. Heres what i was getting at. From the man himself.
  5. At the risk of making a fool of myself(and i really got to stop this) i wouldn't add too much weight to ISIS....at least yet.... You have 4k Russians involved and no one really else from the major powers. France maybe a battle group flying only sorties(35 aircraft so far). And the Us is really only fying Sorties....so you have no "boots on the ground(maybe "advisers" only)." The Germans dont want a fight in Syria...thus the recent vote for a "non combat" role. All of this opposed to the 70,000+ that went into Iraq in 03. Plus, yeah maybe you could say well its just beginning...i cant really speak to the future. You have a ground breaking deal with Iran that was only just this summer. So in reality maybe "more peaceful ME" are priced in at the moment. I mean yea the worlds a dangerous place but I dont think its as dangerous right now as the news makes it out to be......in other words look at the numbers and not at the headlines. So now your going to say something about the Ukraine...well ask the Irish about that they've have a major power run into their cities not even 40 years ago....so im fairly confident that that will remain locally. Ever since two monkeys crushed each others brains out as there been geopolitical risk. An I stress in no way am i trying to diminish whats happening. Its a shame that it happens. I just think that the world is a "relatively" safer place....at least that's what the price of oil is telling me.
  6. Howard Marks said in an interview i saw that the oil sector is the "out of favor" sector (not exactly news according to the poll on this board) but until you can figure out those elasticizes the best move is to wait... Remember: It takes time to bring oil online as while as take it off-line..... sit here till the winds shift and there isnt enough oil online to keep up with demand.....as for going short I think you've probably missed that boat......just my thoughts.
  7. Yeah meanwhile OPEC keeps pumping it out of the ground. I cant remember the last time i filled up a whole tank on less than 20$. I paid with cash for the first time in forever because I literally got change back. Contrary to what everyone is saying, today's OPEC meeting talked about focus on inventories and managing potential new prod (Iran) which can be a sign of change in direction during the next quarters. Will see... I wonder how many producers (Iraq, Venezuela) come to mind will be able to maintain prod at current prices? The elasticity of supply are definitely out of wack a bit. I think everyone kinda just under estimated how much they have shifted from '07-'08 with 1)new technologies getting it out of the ground(fracking) and 2) new technologies in using it more efficiently(more efficient cars). Add that to the fact that it takes time to bring rigs and what not online as well as take them off line....anything know anything abou how the supertanker supply is going? Agreed Goldfinger, Iraq, Iran or Venezuela have the guys who know this....they must they cant be that stupid...but then again like any cartel...its hard to keep the other guy from cheating......(different faces, different names, different....its just the same -50cent) They'll figure it out....Its not rocket science..meanwhile enjoy $1.75/gal gas.....If i was Obama(or whoever the voters choose) now would be the time to raise the gas tax...
  8. Yeah meanwhile OPEC keeps pumping it out of the ground. I cant remember the last time i filled up a whole tank on less than 20$. I paid with cash for the first time in forever because I literally got change back.
  9. So they got to file the information with out the Fairholme's Amicus?
  10. When they talk about "facial challenges to subject matter jurisdiction" they mean that In U.S. constitutional law, a facial challenge is a challenge to a statute in which the plaintiff alleges that the legislation is always unconstitutional, and therefore void. If a facial challenge is successful, a court will declare the statute in question facially invalid, which has the effect of striking it down entirely. This contrasts with a successful as-applied challenge, which will result in a court narrowing the circumstances in which the statute may constitutionally be applied without striking it down. So I believe what this says is that Fairholme amicus brief is being denied at this time because its really too early in the game(remeber that SAXTON is side show game, not the other cases) to decide if whats contained in the brief(remember whats probably in it is some redacted "bad stuff") is necessary in "determining facial challenges to" whats at stake here. The foot note from the doc....that Luke highlighted. Edit: The court has decided to deny it because of a number of reasons 1. Because it can. 2. is the brief "useful"? 3. Will it help enlighten the judge? So basically I think what She is saying is that the Amicus brief will in no way help her determine if the facial challenges that are what this case is about are with merit? Merk or cherzeca im i right?
  11. I'm an adult and might get that for myself.
  12. It will be 5 years in january...from when twacowfca first posted...wow.
  13. 22nd Annual Distressed Investing Conference Monday, November 30, 2015 Myron T. Steele, Esq., Partner, POTTER ANDERSON & CORROON LLP (and the former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Delaware and a Vice Chancellor of the Delaware Court of Chancery); Elliot Moskowitz, Esq., Partner, DAVIS POLK & WARDWELL LLP; and Ronit J. Berkovich, Esq., Partner, WEIL, GOTSHAL & MANGES LLP http://bankrupt.com/DI2015/ Anyone Going? Any Lurkers going?
  14. Anyone remember what the next few important dates are?
  15. Why dont activists(hedge funds) just out right buy out the company? I hate to keep going to the WEB model....but why not just buy good business' when they want to be sold to you then if the opportunity comes along then take a 10% stake at a killer discount....hedge funds make the assumption that they can keep making killer bets into infinity, at least the cheaper hedge funds...you cant. They think "if i get X richer then i can tap out" but no one actually has a product. Waltons had a product. Gates had a product. Ford had a product. Exon has a product. Coors has a product. Oracle has a product. Shit even the Koch bothers have a product. Number 21 on the Forbes list has Ball bearings as his claim to fame? Buffet just lucky enough to "hedge fund" his way into the business...adn even he make candy. At some point you cant just keep hitting "cigar butts"...at some point there has to be some value added? Isnt that what corporations should do?' And every once so often you get a good insight into some inefficiency it makes sense to pour cash into Geico....
  16. The Russians violated Turkeys Airspace....how would you feel if Russian bombers skirted the top of Maine? And you have the nerve to blame obama? No offence.... Maybe....Russians arnt exactly known for their spot on coordinates....and is this is a case....it make Putin look weak....even technology wise....and for the record... a guy with a tonne of nukes it doesnt look good to be weak. Words from Sir John---https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OAnwYfEUtLw
  17. They may be rich old white dudes but at least they know how to spend their money.
  18. I would hardly say going ballistic but a little trash talk is just good for competition. We do it all the time in the gym. Come on guys we live in a time of guys who privately put up cash to build rockets to go into space. 50 years ago it took a nation to do these things.
  19. Hold on to your hats! Merk, anything we dont already know in the article? It's this article in print http://fortune.com/2015/11/13/fannie-mae-freddie-mac-nationalize-housing-finance/ ahh its that article....l. This will be in every newsstand and every book store at every commuter station and airport in america....people will notice the headline when they get bored waiting for their departure.
  20. Hold on to your hats, Ladies and Gents! Merk, anything we dont already know in the article?
  21. From Todd Sullivan over at VP. http://www.valueplays.net/2015/11/24/democrat-compares-white-house-cover-up-in-gse-litigation-to-watergate/
  22. Bloomberg View Matt Levine usually every morning....thanks to a member who told me about it.
  23. Do they exist? Kidding there's a lot of really nice people out there that I'm fortunate to know present company included.
  24. I absolutely agree. Knowing of it takes many years. I first read this 4-5 years ago and I re-read it the other day and it takes on a whole new meaning, because my experiences have changed since I last read it. But I think the framework still holds true. I'm a Star Trek guy but I like Star Wars also and I have to think that there's some value from trying to learn from those that have come before me. I have to think that I can learn from yoda on the caveat that I must move forward to situations even yoda has never had to deal with before. Sorry all....I'm not very fun at parties.
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