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james22 last won the day on December 20 2023

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  1. Anklebiters gonna ankle bite.
  2. Funny how this is still so hard for some to understand. Trump’s statements are not intended to be historically accurate but to shock Europeans into action.
  3. Yeah, great. https://alexpriou.substack.com/p/on-the-technological-republic-by
  4. OTOH: Trust me, in the deep bowels of finance, no one cares. https://jeffreycarter.substack.com/p/a-nothing-burger
  5. The new stock exchange will reincorporate the Chicago-based exchange in Dallas. https://thetexan.news/issues/trade/new-york-stock-exchange-plans-to-relocate-chicago-exchange-to-texas/article_126667ca-e966-11ef-af4d-7b36ad55f790.html
  6. And someone who is skeptical only since his political conversion has zero credibility. Nuke this thread already.
  7. The Cash Cushion approach is really caught between a rock and a hard place. Either the drawdown is so long that you can’t possibly have enough cash to make it through or the drawdown is short enough that the cash cushion likely wouldn’t have made a big difference. https://earlyretirementnow.com/2017/03/29/the-ultimate-guide-to-safe-withdrawal-rates-part-12-cash-cushion/
  8. Sure, and I can't compare to previous shows. But went on Wed (invite only) and had a chance to talk to lots of brokers - they all thought it was going to be a special year.
  9. Just back from the Miami Boat Show. The vibe was very optimistic.
  10. There is no second best.
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