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james22 last won the day on December 20 2023

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  1. Sure. But we underestimate accelerating change.
  2. Some pointed the finger at the government of China, which they speculate mandated the apparent censorship for reasons unknown. "It is quite unfortunate that they put so much dev effort into making good jiggles but CCP cucked them," yet another redditor contributed, which isn't the most incisive bit of analysis I've ever read, but is pretty funny. https://www.pcgamer.com/games/rpg/gooner-9-11-averted-as-zenless-zone-zeros-butt-obfuscation-technology-is-rolled-back-in-the-face-of-horny-outrage/
  3. It's the most entertaining thing I do.
  4. Anyone's number lower than what they have or had? Anyone expect they'll reset their number higher once they've hit it? Do you expect you'll quit the game once you've won? Or be willing to take more risks because you can?
  5. What's your number?
  6. Sure, but not because the current system works so well. The market should not be so moved by the Fed.
  7. Tweaked. Even if you're right, what's your payoff? Ironic.
  8. Returns > feelings
  9. I'd pull investments from Ireland. The point here is this: Ask the Americans or the Indians or even most Europeans to choose between Ireland and Israel, and they’ll choose Israel every time. We have, for most of our existence, pretended that we can say or do what we like on the international stage because everybody loves us. The truth is that we’ve been able to be liked because we are irrelevant. Nobody has ever had to choose between Ireland and a powerful ally. In our utter folly, we have now decided to put this country in a position internationally where people who are our natural friends have to take a side: Ireland, or Israel. The Israelis know who’s going to come out on top there. That’s why they’ve closed the embassy. We are governed by utter fools. https://gript.ie/israel-ireland-embassy-closed/
  10. And increasingly "asset light."
  11. Which currency would you prefer?
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