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Everything posted by abyli

  1. Give you a few example: 1. In World War II, it was Communists who fought Japanese mainly. 2. In 1949 Communists won the domestic war because Communists are popular in China. 3. All major global issues happen because of USA: Russia went into Ukraine because of NATO and USA. 4. The China economy is not currently doing well because US sanctions China. 5. USA the empire always wants to overthrow China. (美帝国主义忘我之心不死)。。。
  2. Yes, you are right. You know, all Chinese were brain-washed since they were born, and they are still brain-washed 24 hours every day. That is why China blocked all international websites so that they can run their propaganda machine powerfully. The covid-19 woke me up.
  3. No, I dare not touch Chinese equities any more. I like PDD the company, I trust the management team. The key question is if CEO of any Chinese company cannot even protect his own life, how can he/she protect your interest? Remember, this is a communist country. There is no law to protect private properties. The government can take away your house anytime, can make you disappear any day. The communist party control the government, control the police, control the court, control all the big banks, control all the media. Now with digital tools, the gov can control every single posts online (they can remove your posts, can block your accounts, can send you into prison just because you said one word they considered wrong), they have records of every word you typed in WeChat. Before 2012, the top 7 guys from CCP make big decisions as a group. Now Xi has the power to stay there forever....
  4. Q1 2024 29.6Trillion Q1 2023 28.5 Trillion 29.6/28.5 = 103.9%, that was 3.9% increase from Q1 2023, where did the 5.3% come from? Q4 2023 34.4Trillion 29.6/34.4 = 86%, so Q1 2024 was down 14% from last quarter Q4 2023. It is obvious all those GDP numbers are faked....
  5. I am Chinese. I was born in China and now in US. I can tell that Luca has no clue what he is talking about. In China, 2.xx% people own 80% assets and 93% of people (around 1.3 Billion) owns 7% of total assets. Now the housing bubble is bursting (already down 30-40% from the peak in 2021), large home builders are filing bankruptcy one after another. (Hengda, BiGuiyuan, Wanke... ), local government owe so much debt (40 Trillion RMB + 60 Trillion RMB of City Investments companies, that is about total $14Trillion US dollar debt just for the local gov) that they do not even have cash to pay government employees. Financial crisis is ongoing because all those debts borrowed from big banks. All wakeup Chinese are trying to get out of the country, rich or poor. There is no future, no hope in the country.
  6. Gosh, you guys are still here... I moved on in 2013 after holding FFH for 10 years....
  7. Just bought the kindle version of the book, thanks for the recommendation.
  8. Called them, they seem have no clue. Thanks though.
  9. Just banking account to do Wire transfers. Thanks. Normally banks do not like this kind of business because of the potential risks.
  10. We are starting a hedge fund next January in US. I just realized that most big banks do not want to do business with hedge funds. Opps. Friends, do you have any banks in US that are willing to work with hedge funds? Thanks, Bing
  11. We all know it is fake number, remember, it is China! https://www.barrons.com/articles/chinas-economic-data-have-always-raised-questions-its-coronavirus-numbers-do-too-51581622840
  12. Wechat ID: abyli333
  13. Yes, it is true.
  14. Incorrect, death rate in Wuhan is around 10%, in Hubei Province is around 5% so far....
  15. https://www.facebook.com/pttcitizen1985/videos/490429341619548/?v=490429341619548
  16. Yes, what you said is true. The one big issue is the doctors do not have enough supplies, the doctors and nurses do not have enough masks and eye protectors! The government say we do not accept overseas donations, but the doctors and nurses everywhere are crying online for international help! This is just one: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/r0MgCEtpYRocZECSPcpDXA The doctors have no masks, no eye protections, no food! My WeChat: abyli333
  17. Yes, what you said is true. The one big issue is the doctors do not have enough supplies, the doctors and nurses do not have enough masks and eye protectors! The government say we do not accept overseas donations, but the doctors and nurses everywhere are crying online for international help!
  18. Wow! I am glad I sold 7 years ago....
  19. :-) 16 years...
  20. I wish they only report once a year. Sick of the quarterly beating/missing earnings guestimate game of Wall street. It is just wasting time and money and Analysts do bad job all the time and they blame the companies. :-)
  21. Recommend "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle https://www.amazon.com/Power-Now-Guide-Spiritual-Enlightenment/dp/1577314808/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1531145090&sr=8-2&keywords=the+power+of+now
  22. Why You think FB is expensive and GE is cheap? Weird
  23. http://www.vltavafund.com/dopisy-akcionarum/vynos http://www.rvcapital.ch
  24. It's great for a lot of things, and the new dashboard has the potential to be good to keep an eye on a watchlist (I know it's new and they're still adding features). There is a bug in the watchlist, I put on 8 stocks and only 6 shows up...
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