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  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XamC7-Pt8N0 Any asshole knows what you do if you get up $2.5 million.
  2. Yeah I guess it's a second-place golf equipment outfit (maybe third) in what appears to me to be a slow growth oligopoly but if it's reasonably close to as good a bidness as $GOLF, I'm getting topgolf for free.
  3. I'll take a shot: $MODG spin or sale of Topgolf; Callaway etc. re-rates to more acushnet-like multiple (which I think gives you a little more than total current market cap).
  4. Probably freakout because might be putting kennedy or his brain worms in charge of FDA.
  5. Financials worked pretty well for a while until global pandemic but were super cheap. Probably same thing for value stocks generally. Should be better for lower basil, steeper curve, more M&A option value. I am tempted to dump O&G exposure. The regulatory capture/capital scarcity was the feature not a bug.
  6. Yeah will probably look to buy more on any big weakness after.
  7. The stache is in charge now. Just saying.
  8. I'm in this with you. Similar logic. I didn't get nearly a full position on before the Peltz pop and I'm having a hard time averaging up. Brains are weird. I should just bite the bullet. One other favorable factor is the potential catalyst from Trian. Seems likely to propose moving to a US listing, but maybe not, sometimes he's relatively chill/operational focused.
  9. Too much space and repetition for 98% of humans to get through it. He makes it thematic so the mental latticework and retention is better, plus ain't nobody got time to read all that. I really like John D' Rockefeller's letters to his son, but that's probably a lot of recency bias. But that was a smart mfer though.
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