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Everything posted by Hawks

  1. Just today, a Canadian woman with a valid Cdn Passport was held at the U.S. border for 6 hours and told she would need an immigrant visa. Entry was denied by U.S. Customs. She was going to Vermont with friends to a spa she has visited many times with no problems. This is outrageous. The only thing that I can think of is her parents were originally from India, so she is not white skinned. Pretty sad. And now, just a few hours ago, Khizr Khan the father of the son who was fighting and died while in the U.S. army has been denied travel to Canada and govt is reviewing "travel restrictions" for him. He has been an American citizen for 30 years and has never experienced problems like this before. You know what is speaking engagement in Toronto was about? tolerance, understanding and rule of law". What is becoming of American society? The land of the "free"?? How many more freedoms are going to be denied and limited and to whom?
  2. I really wish both the right and left in America would take a step back and take a look at history. There are countless examples in the past where democratic institutions got trashed and nationalistic, autocratic governments replaced them. But in today's world, more and more people get their so called "news" via social media. The lack of facts and evidence and research via social media is appalling. Remember, those who forget or don't know their history are condemned to repeat it. No nation is immune.
  3. RichardGibbons Thank you for your reply. I think your comments re the key points were objective for the most part and I appreciate your input. I have also asked a couple of American friends, who also live in Canada during the summer, and some Australian friends what they thought of Sanders remarks. Hoping more American citizens will respond as well.
  4. No matter what country you are from, nor what political persuasion you are, I would like to hear people's perspectives on the YouTube video I just watched. It was titled Bernie Sanders reply to Donald Trump's speech to Congress. Listen to it first, then respond.
  5. But it is not so simple as left leaning versus right leaning media. I'm talking personalities and value systems. For the most part, Obama was respected as a person around the globe, Trump is not. Scapegoats are everywhere for him - Muslims, CNN, NY Times, France, Merkel. For the thousands of Americans murdered every year in the U.S., Obama correctly saw it was too loose gun regulations; Trump thinks it's Muslim terrorists and Mexican rapists and hoodlums. It's American citizens who are doing most of the killings; this is not "fake news" Grant your point re blaming Bush; more accurately it was Bush and Clinton who weakened the financial regulations then all hell broke loose.
  6. Cardboard If you are saying Trump and Obama are the same type of personality type by blaming others for their problems, how do you explain that Obama commanded a lot of respect around the world, but Trump does not. Trump as a personality always finds scapegoats for his troubles including workers who worked for him who didn't get paid cause "they did shoddy work"! The lawsuits against him for not paying his bills are numerous. Obama worked in the slums of Chicago and had credibilitiy there; Trump lacks credibility with many of his own workers and those he has trampled over. Just ask residents and the govt officials in Scotland.
  7. Your President Trump is starting to sound like a "broken record". This morning I read he said his current troubles, the leaks and protests are due to Obama. Why doesn't the President of the U.S. take some responsibility for his own actions? He blames others all the time. Our parents raised us to take responsibility for our own actions; surely the leader of a western nation should take some responsibility when the going gets tough. But not him. On another topic, Buffett has said there is no problem releasing one's tax returns when an audit is being conducted. Why does Trump continue to deny releasing them? The more he is in denial, the more one suspects there is something there he doesn't want public. Perhaps the Senate Intelligence Committee will take a look see.
  8. This executive order banning refugees from Islamic nations has just made the U.S. a more dangerous place for its citizens imo. Terrorists will be agitated like never before to do their dirty work. Will be interesting to see how many Americans reduce their travel holidays abroad in light of various Trump executive orders. Maybe Trump should concentrate on why so many legitimate American born citizens commit terrorist attacks against their own.
  9. I would totally agree with this post. Been on this board created by Sanjeev way back to the days when FFH was below $100 and being attacked left right and centre by the shorts. The insights on this board, and the professional manner in which individuals post, is due to the standards which Sanjeev established early on and set by example.
  10. Thank you everyone for your insights. I should clarify my original post. My son is married, and he and his wife are raising their 6 and 8 year old daughters. Busy time for parents for sure. So the education plan is for the kids. This fact may or may not impact on your ideas. However, you are right, 15 year horizon is a long time. And maybe a touch early to have the girls read investment books. But I know Grandpa will be passing down some of his to them in the years ahead. lol
  11. My son has an education plan for his young children and has invested within the plan in a variety of financial instruments (mutual funds, GIC, etc). He asked which stock I would buy for the next 10-15 years to further diversify his plan. My immediate thought was maybe JNJ due to its enduring, widespread product base. But I am continuing my research to determine how to answer his question. Would love to hear board members insights on his question.
  12. Tonite, I have read all of the posts on this topic. Some of my observations: 1. I really do not see how the so-called "elites" were dealt a well deserved defeat. Some political elites both left and right maybe got hit. But the super rich elite (including Donald Trump) are as rich today as ever and will be even more so tomorrow. With a billionaire now in charge (and given the elites he associates with) the 1% just hit the jackpot. 2. Many have said that Trump tapped into the "anger of Americans, especially the white, non-college, older and younger males" especially. I find this plausible because it seems that is where a lot of support came from, both Republican and Democrat. But, I find it laughable, sorry to say. It reminds me of the phrase "a sucker is born every minute". Given how Trump has treated and stiffed former employees, contractors, etc. I find it hard to believe that so many citizens really seemed to believe his sales pitch that he represents them. There is no doubt, he is one great salesman. I really hope he does help some of these citizens; time will tell.
  13. What are some of you guys smoking? Markets are at record highs, world debt loads for individuals, banks, governments, etc are worse than in 2008/2009, and you are buying stuff in this market!!!!!!!! I thought this was a value investing site which Parsad started. I own cash, FFH (huge downside insurance), PDH (only in the 1st inning with Parsad's company), and a little bit of GUD (Toronto). Hope you momentum guys keep this market going, cause I will start to salivate where all this will end. Best of luck to all of you.
  14. Too bad you only have 2 to choose from. Not as democatic as most Western nations. We have 3-4 parties in Canada, with any 3 of those having a really good chance of forming the next govt. We now have the Liberal Party (sort of like your Democrats) in power now.
  15. +1 Cardboard S.A. has been so short sighted in its attempt to drive other nations to conform to its view of the global oil market. It has now put in motion a major rebound in oil prices which it will be unable to control. When you force others thru predatory pricing to go out of business, drastically reduce capital budgets, etc etc, there is going to be a price to pay which the world won't like. And consumers are going to be mad as hell.
  16. +1 Cardboard. Crunch will be sooner than most expect imo.
  17. Would like to talk about actual stats re world oil supply, demand, and depletion rates. I know this is a radical idea because I see very little of this in the mass media today. So, it must be heretical to do so. This info has been mentioned previously in an attachment from Islamorada Investment Management. see islainvest.com and his piece re oil. I forget who the poster was who originally mentioned this analysis. Global Supply(Production) approx 95 million BOPD per day Global Demand(Consumption) approx min 94-max 96 million in 2016. And growing. Check China/India demand. Current "Surplus"(Oversupply) approx 1-1.75 million Current Decline Rates (conservative 5.8%, max 10%) Hence we need to find brand new production of min 5.5 million per day just to stem the loss each year. Conclusion: that so-called "surplus" is gone in a hearts beat. Note: before you beat me up with "words", why not check your own and others numbers to see the actual situation. I would love to see others numbers and what they say about the situation. And do check the IIM argument mentioned above. Would be great to see someone invert on that argument. Imo, as Cardboard said, the spring is really getting wound tight on the downside; the upside should be huge. When will that happen? Have no clue. One significant event? Change in investor psychology? The shorts get too greedy? But am tired of reading articles that do not even mention any statistics at all to "support" a thesis of the "world being awash in oil". I look forward to your responses and stats. Meanwhile, I will suffer with my recent Cdn oil purchases.
  18. Cardboard: "Scratching my head" re the EIA numbers was my first thought too, but your insight confirms it. Thanks for your reply. In general terms, what concerns me is the media continually mentioning the large surplus of global oil stocks with no statistical evidence re numbers related to global supply, demand, oil depletion and any mention of missile attacks on S.A. oilfields in the Yemen war, just to mention a few factors. As a retired college business teacher, if my students presented such an argument without complete factual data, they would be given a F. In The Big Short, facts didn't seem to matter to most who were wheeling and dealing, nor the public in general, until a few individuals checked the facts and they didn't add up. 2016 is going to be a very interesting year for crude oil and the consensus viewpoint. Call me skeptical.
  19. Cardboard Would be interested in your take on the latest EIA numbers.
  20. My Titleist 913 D2 driver, 1 year old. Instead of the new 915 for $500 plus.
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