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  1. Questrade and Interactive Brokers. I recently closed down IB but only because I have some health issues and am simplifying. They are both good, minimal issues.
  2. I like the concept. Need to do some DD on my end. What is your base case scenario if you look out a few years?
  3. Sorry about this. It was me. I'm moving the market lol.
  4. I think you misrepresented my argument. Again it's performance of the index that matters. We can try to discount and explain but it's the simple indexes which tell us how average investors are doing. In Europe they are not doing well.
  5. Doesn't the market kind of speak for itself? I see some successful euro companies but so? The way to evaluate is the indexes and they suck. Vanguard Europe (VGK) is STILL below is 2008 peak. Dead money for 16 years and just a small 2% or so dividend. Sure individual stocks have done well but it's hard enough to beat the market, so now you HAVE to beat the market just to make a profit.
  6. Bought some $DE stock. This is the agriculture equipment company John Deer. It's a long term compounder selling at 11 PE. There is a bit of debt, I think around 6x FCF, so some risk but this has historically been a niche sector and perhaps near oligopoly. Obviously some risks from competition but has historically performed well.
  7. $CSU.to. I actually missed the big moves and sold way too early but even still I managed to double my money in half a year. I've had lots of other doubles and larger but this was different. I had a huge position in it as it was going for 15x earnings, with no debt, growing 30% a year or something and holding a diversified set of niche software businesses. It didn't ever feel like there was much risk. I probably had 10% in it (for me that's huge) but always regret not making it larger. It was the near certainty that I would not lose and possibly make a huge gain that stands out.
  8. Atrion $ATRI This is a mega compounder that is on sale. Niche medical device market. Good financial position with no real debt. In regards to the huge decline (it's down 60% from ATH) I would just say that this is how it rides, and it isn't always clean. We are currently at a down phase but the company is trading around 15x prior year earnings and has historically compounded at 15-20%. Not sure if they can continue at that rate but I feel it's way too cheap. There will probably be at least another quarter before sales turn around but most of the slow down has been due to oversupplying channels due to COVID demand. I have the impression that the business is not fundamentally impaired. I feel it could trade at 20-25x normalized earnings, which is 30-70% from here plus any growth they can pull off.
  9. It bothers me. I don't think I can, with good conscience, be part of some unknown censor protocol. It would have been fine if we just weren't allowed to talk politics at all but to have people casually discuss the slaughter of Ukrainians and Russians and then randomly draw the line at Israel/Palestine.. It's too much for me. Admin are well within their rights to set limits but I am within my rights not to take part. I am sure no one cares but that's my go forward protest. I will lurk on the sidelines.
  10. Is anybody else a little upset that an entire thread just disappeared.... I am fine with no politics but then why are we discussing Ukraine...
  11. That domino seems to be doing OK. They have nuclear weapons and a huge advanced military. If it seems like they will get overrun maybe we should help but otherwise clearly not our fight.
  12. I don't disagree with much you said. I, Canadian perspective, just don't want to get involved. Risk of Iran involvement.
  13. Did it get deleted?
  14. They are now threatening to execute hostages. Throws a wrench in the plans. I guess Israel can just ignore the threats in which case Hamas is really screwed but I'm not sure that's palatable.
  15. Are you going to show your sources? You made a claim., back it up or withdraw it.
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