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Everything posted by cubsfan

  1. And rightly so - if there is one thing this President has been right about for 3 years - it's dependence on China. The haters will never give the man an ounce of credit during a crisis obviously, but the average Joe will do so. Seems like this crowd is real critical of Trump handling of this crisis. Too bad really. I mean the President is ALWAYS fair game for criticism given his position - but the "open border" crowd and all the folks that don't want border security and fences - want to have it both ways. No screening or profiling - let any body in at any time. Remember all that crap? The crowd that loves China - and detest how Trump was out to destroy China. Yet China covers this shit up and causes a world-wide disaster. LeBron James and Trump critics must be happy now... Oh, right crowd, our REAL enemy is Russia, not China - remember? But now you have your armchair quarterback reasons to really bring Trump down - instead of band together as real citizens should do under their leader during a crisis. Very patriotic. And of course, President Trump is a bigot for being the first to impose a travel ban on January 31 from China: https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/proclamation-suspension-entry-immigrants-nonimmigrants-certain-additional-persons-pose-risk-transmitting-2019-novel-coronavirus/ The first world leader to have to balls to do it - yet his liberal critics condemned him as a racist and xenophobe. Too bad some of you want to have it both ways...I would love to see how the Dems would have handled this crisis. In the end, President Trump's 3 year effort to distance us from dependence on China is looking more and more brilliant. But perhaps, Corona virus will accomplish what your beloved Russia Hoax, Mueller Investigation and countless other feats of Presidential backstabbing didn't accomplish for you: Bring down this President for good.
  2. IMHO - the link RTF just posted is a must read. Not pleasant, but critical consideration.
  3. I agree - it's such a fast moving situation. It does demonstrate the wide range of outcomes due to the unknowns.
  4. Perhaps this Morningstar assessment has been posted already: https://www.morningstar.com/articles/971254/morningstars-view-the-impact-of-coronavirus-on-the-economy
  5. oh, geez, I'd be laughing if I didn't have to change mine..
  6. Thanks - nice to see some real quantification of what the actual capacity and constraints are all about. Great contribution.
  7. LMAO - that'll be the day!
  8. Nice explanation - thanks for pointing out the differences.
  9. Gregmal - thanks for MSGN idea - out at $17.05 Shrinking share count very compelling. Nice idea. Hope to get another shot.
  10. Saw this years ago a few times on PBS - have searched for it many times and could never find it again. Very entertaining -with all the "youngsters". The moderator is quite talented. Many thanks for posting!
  11. And I believe - it was mentioned during that discussion - that for the right situation, use of debt might be used.. so for that reason, I thought the acquisition figure could be in the area of $150B.
  12. Shocker! -- will be interesting to see if they hire another investment manager
  13. The main point you might have missed is the clueless/partisan Mainstream Media - so out of touch with America. Anyone that trusts them, like we used to in the old days, is fooling themselves. My "speculation" is that Trump will be impeached, but the real damage will be to the Media once again, when he is re-elected. The damage to the media is permanent and long-lasting - as it will be to the Democratic Party until they fix themselves. Including the credibility of those suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome, like some on this thread.
  14. The NYT poll had Trump at 15% chance of winning the night before the election. Most polls were in that 10-20% odds for Trump. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016/upshot/presidential-polls-forecast.html CNN Poll - Trump chances = 9% https://www.cnn.com/2016/11/07/politics/political-prediction-market-hillary-clinton-donald-trump/ Such is the out of touch media --- totally clueless on Trump's election chances........totally clueless on Russian/Trump collusion. Hell, for 3 YEARS - the Media has been totally clueless and totally partisan. Why in the world would you assign them ANY credibility now?? And now we are supposed to believe the media about the Ukrainian Hoax?? Try 0 for 3 - and the Media is done...
  15. Yup - thank you for posting that article Jurgis - it's a good one. After 30 years in software sales (15 as a rep, 15 as a manager) - you see this rat race and lack of empathy. The arrogance and elitism that results is frightening. And then I see the same types in my neighborhood berate the Mexican landscapers and Polish housecleaners for a better price and are so proud of themselves when the beat them down - and brag about it. And I ask myself - "are they cheap? or do they just love to win?" - I think this article answers that question. Thanks for passing it on.
  16. Pupil - wow, what a great explanation. Thank you!
  17. This would describe Chicagoland metro area on the residential side - below 500K, moving. As you move closer to $1M - disaster.
  18. Good article about American higher education -and how the system morphed to much higher costs over time: https://amgreatness.com/2019/09/01/from-icon-to-just-a-con/ The "Prescription" is quite interesting, although the chances of reform the author puts at zero. Reason? too many imbedded interests
  19. Those goat jokes were hilarious
  20. Thanks much John - doesn't bother me in the least. Lots of Tilson haters out there - even though Whitney's been spot on with Berkshire over the years. His analysis on BRK has been very good in the past - so I could care less if investors want to ignore it or make fun of it. My money agrees with his current view.
  21. Update by Tilson on his intrinsic value calculation for Berkshire: https://assets.empirefinancialresearch.com/uploads/2019/08/Berkshire-Hathaway-analysis-Whitney-Tilson-8-21-19.pdf Today IV = $261/B share 12 months out = $284/B share At least with Berkshire, Whitney is generally spot on with the IV trend line, if not a little early.
  22. I'm not sure what the Teacher pension situation is in other states, but in Illinois - it a great deal. I hear these teachers bitch about how hard they work etc, --- but check out some of these pensions - here a slice from Naperville, ILL schools, fairly close to me: https://www.openthebooks.com/map/?Map=1803&MapType=Pin&Zip=60527 (when the map opens, just click on Naperville) Not bad if you've been teaching driver's ed or an art class your whole life!
  23. That is such a good way to frame it. I'm also encouraged knowing that Greenberg is a highly concentrated LT investor with few positions that knows his holdings well. Usually around 10 stocks. He stays out of the spotlight, buying companies that he feels deliver high returns on capital. Perhaps along the lines of Lou Simpson.
  24. Nice article on the tradeoffs on the public picking up the tab for higher education in developed countries: https://www.nationalreview.com/2019/08/what-european-countries-sacrifice-for-free-college/
  25. Glenn Greenberg too - 14% position
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