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Posts posted by cubsfan

  1. Oh my, now all of a sudden, Bebe is supposed to stop and rollover when he has Hamas on the verge of defeat. Avoid the dirty work and criticism - pull out and wait until the next terrorist attack that kills thousands of Israelis. The only thing terrorists and their brainwashed backers understand is strength - and they are witnessing it in spades.


    Could have all been avoided if braindead Palestinians released all hostages (yeah Americans too) and  turned over the Hamas planners. But no, they rather suffer with the consequences of their actions and blame Netanyahu.

  2. One perspective is that Bebe is incredibly pissed at Biden, which most Americans are.


    What kind of a President takes an aid bill passed by Congress, and then selectively stops the legislation for the Israeli portion because he is getting heat in an election year?


    The man is a coward and should be impeached. He's got no moral compass at all.

  3. 48 minutes ago, ValueArb said:




    And just in case anyone reading that thinks that I'm depressed or anything, I'm not. I feel better about myself now than I have in years, the shoulder pain is just a bump on the road for me. I am very sad about my dog, but optimistic about both getting healthier and maintaining my fitness for as long as I have left. Two years ago I was depressed to the point that I wondered if I would see 60 or if I even cared to, and I'm very glad to have shaken that awful mindset.


    Great stuff @ValueArb -- at this point, what mostly matters is health and strength in general.


    I have gone through the exact journey. After being extremely unhealthy for many years due to work - no sleep, too much alcohol, smoking, eating like shit, stress - everything has changed.


    Just turned 70, and I'm way healthier (and happier) than in my late 40's. Never been stronger.


    Know that you can turn all of this around with the right program and some discipline.

    The human body has amazing regeneration capabilities.

  4. ^^^ The majority of Americans support your view. They detest antisemitism. On college campuses, we are seeing a sizable minority of lunatic faculty and students alike showing hatred for Jews. Students I can almost understand - but faculty, that has never grown up or held a real job - is a travesty.


    Such is the cesspool of many of our universities in America.

  5. 37 minutes ago, SharperDingaan said:

    Bernie thing ...


    He merely points out that what is going on in Gaza, is just wrong; and that keeping quiet for fear of being branded antisemitic is not racist; it is simply not acquiescing to what is going on, and recognising that when millions of people around the globe similarly speak up, change is much more likely. It's rebellion, and a propagandist nightmare. 


    The propagandist (warlord, extremist) solution is to fan the fear of antisemitism, as the more perceived antisemitism the diaspora experiences, the more support it generates at home; the state exists so that Jewish people everywhere have a safe 'home', and see! - it is clearly needed, and it takes money/weapons to support. Cast speaking out on Gaza as antisemitic, the Bernie's as doddering fools, and the student protests around the world as threats .... seem familiar?


    Much as in playoff hockey, occasionally there are teams/players that lose it, and insist on playing rough. Elbows/sticks go up, the hits get harder, and individuals get targeted, to get the message across - give it a rest. It persists, injuries climb, eventually either the player or the team loses the playoff round, everyone walks away with bruises, and the remaining playoff games for the winning teams are less than they could be. Gaza atrocities/synagogue targeting are just different manifestations of rough hockey; nobody wins.


    No dog in this, other than a ceasefire will instantly drop the price of o/g. If it also results in fewer deaths, and more people retaining their limbs, so much the better. Field treatment and prosthetics have come a long way, but its better never to require one.







    Spoken like a true pacifist. Welcome to the real world where you fight to save your country.  The terrorists in Gaza will suffer utter defeat & humiliation, as they should.


    And if they continue to elect terrorist's governments - they are destined for a lifetime of misery.

  6. 2 minutes ago, SharperDingaan said:

    Over the weekend, Hamas offered peace and an end to the war; the only reason the war continues today is because Israel chose to walk away in favour of a strike on Rafah. Hot pursuit is defensible, whereas this? …. not so much.


    There is no serious "offer" when you do not release hostages. That is a clear non-starter. Even you understand that.

  7. 46 minutes ago, Xerxes said:



    I don't know what you are getting all excited about in your SUDDEN "analysis", on this fine Sunday evening.


    You just have to read The Economist (a Western newspaper) to figure out all you need to know about IDF, its government and its mistakes.


    And yes denying a population food and water, is a 'weapon of war', that sadly both Tel Aviv and Hamas are fond of using. Less exciting and "picturesque" Gulf War of 1991, but call a spade a spade.


    IDF follows orders from a government, which Bernie describes it best. Bernie is clueless about economics, but nails it with run-of-the mill azzhole like Bibi.









    What a bozo Bernie is - that clip is idiotic. Not a peep about hostages, nothing. Not a word about thousands of missiles being fired into Israel, nothing. Not a word about Hamas using their own citizens as human shields. Not a word about the Egyptians blocking the Palestinians from entering Egypt.




  8. Hey, the Israelis want a couple things - simple enough.


    - Return all hostages, including all Americans

    - Turn over the Hamas terrorists that planned the attack


    Until it's done, Hamas and supporters are doomed. 


    Let the news rags print whatever they like.

  9. ^^ The Ukrainians put up an amazing defense. Unfortunately, with hindsight - their vaunted offensive was ill advised and a disaster given their resources. They'd have been far better served just digging in for a defensive campaign.

  10. 1 hour ago, Sweet said:

     Putin the master strategist.


    Yes, he certainly is indeed. It started when Obama ask Russian President Dmitry Medvedev - tell Putin to give me some space before the 2012 election and Obama would have "more flexibility on missile defense".


    Putin did exactly that - so once Obama was elected - he cancelled the US plans for missile defense for Eastern Europe. Putin played Obama like a fiddle and figured he had his green light to take Crimea in 2014 - with only a tongue lashing from Barrack.

  11. @John Hjorth Wonderful to see John. @Xerxes Mentioned the gut check citizens & countries will have to make in committing their sons to the conflict.


    Looking ahead, I think Ukraine really needs to think through the possibility that they could lose a million or so of their sons to this conflict - and whether, as a nation,  they can recover from that. That is - if it means ejecting the Russians for good.


    Xerxes would know, as I believe the Iran/Iraq stalemate, cost Iran 1M young men from Saddam's ill-fated miscalculation.

  12. 4 minutes ago, gfp said:

    HomeServices has settled their antitrust suit -





    Dusseault said HomeServices faced potential bankruptcy if it didn’t settle. To even appeal the verdict it likely would have needed to post a bond, which a judge could have set in the billions of dollars. 

    If Berkshire had instead stepped in to bail out its subsidiary, it would have set a precedent that could make other companies under its umbrella an appealing target for litigation. "


    Damn - that sounds bad. I didn't realize it was that dangerous.

  13. 8 minutes ago, Xerxes said:

    I was in Tehran during the 8 years war, except for the occasional Scud missiles and air bombing via modified Mig25 (that broke through the F-14 shields) by the Iraqi and some line-ups for meat, live went on. I cannot say the same thing about the cities that were on the frontline with Iraq. 


    Oh my gosh. I had no idea. God bless you and your family!

  14. 2 hours ago, Xerxes said:


    The good professor is on fire !!


    That's a good video. He lays out the arms needs nicely and the desperation for help. He does however, completely avoid the topic of the manpower catastrophe that Ukraine faces. I believe you can assume the population of Ukraine is down to 25-30 million and the fighting age population significantly less. Your opponent has 144M and is dug in. You're not going to reclaim those lost territories - and you're fortunate to stop any advance.


    You listen to the sophisticated weapons that are promised or needed - and you see the second problem - difficult & time-consuming training. In order to advance, are you going to involve Europeans??


    The Russians can crank out munitions all day long, and one leader has a mountain of men to throw at the offensive or stalemate.

  15. 2 hours ago, Luca said:

    Thank you, at least you are replying with arguments now instead of just insults. Also, the text was 4 pages and you used 2 buzzwords in one post, a big difference. Long road ahead. 


    There are many more factors that you don't mention, protectionist measures and corporate espionage are an important part of Western development. Of course, the US is not giving out freebies to other countries...


    You can see how oppressive US capitalism is once you move up the value chain, hence the trade war. 




    This is the typical Marxist response. Everything is the framed in the lens of "oppressor vs oppressed". Every social problem in the world is viewed as a problem with "oppressive US Capitalism". 


    The powerful US, with its capitalist system is corrupt and US business is nothing but oppression. Once you buy that nonsense, then it easy to paint the picture of how the "plan" of the West  is to keep  the whole world down.


    Utter nonsense. You should be more careful with your sources.

  16. 4 hours ago, Luca said:

    My post adds more to the discussion than your one-liner insults, if you don't have arguments but only insults, I urge you again to refrain from posting. I also think you should block me in your settings if it makes you that angry. Please stop destroying a thread with insults because this can actually be a fruitful discussion for everybody, including me. I tried to report your comment and hope it will be removed, not worthy of this board. 


    @Luca  Stop insulting our intelligence. Your very long post from the Economist Professor Michael Hanson, who is an avowed Marxist is replete with ridiculous buzzwords (which should annoy you). I commented only after I read your passage from Professor Hanson completely. His whole thesis is how the USA, since WWII, has had the goal of siphoning off all the world's income wealth for themselves. How utterly ridiculous. No mention of the dramatic rise in living standards for those under the influence of the West. Most of us understand that socialism/communism is antithetical to capitalism.


    Does capitalism need to be regulated?  Of course

    Does capitalism need to be destroyed? Clearly not


    The crux of his argument is how oppressive capitalism is to those that follow the US lead.

    So much for avoiding the Neoliberal American disease - his words not mine.

  17. ^^^ Well, that is just your opinion of course.


    Your's is an equally naive view of history. You decapitate the leadership and attempt to win the hearts and minds of the fools that put them in power. Unfortunately, you must obliterate the leaders, and humiliate the populace - so they have little choice.


    Witness NAZI Germany, Fascist Italy, and the militaristic Imperial Empire of Japan.

    All leadership was decapitated. The population was humiliated. Then they realized the enormous mistake they had made with these leaders. Only then could those countries be remade into neighbors that others could live with. This victory requires unconditional surrender.


    IF Hamas is not obliterated - then this war will go on forever.  Israel is not going to let that happen this time around.

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