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Posts posted by cubsfan

  1. Don't forget - those 800+ bases are largely to the benefit of our many, many allies - much to the unhappiness of aggressor nations such as Russia, N Korea, China and Iran. 


    Without those bases - you can count on the whole world nuking up to defend themselves.

  2. 10 minutes ago, Xerxes said:

    As a side note for fellow North Americans and West Europeans, you do realize that we collectively (aside some energy price spikes) have not seen or felt the impact of Ukraine War at a personal or family level. 

    So our collective points of view (whatever those may be) is really shaped without having paid the real cost of expanding the war. 




    Well that is an excellent and important point. Ukraine itself will have to judge what price they wish to pay in lives. Our view shouldn't matter in that regard. As an outside observer, I do not think Ukraine can afford to lose a generation of young men and survive as a nation. In that regard, Putin has them over a barrell with an extended campaign. I do hope that Zelenksky is acting in the majority interest, but I have my doubts with all the corruption and thievery in Ukraine.


    When you've suspended civil liberties, imposed martial law, canceled elections, outlawed the opposition party - one has to wonder about the current leadership.

  3. 10 minutes ago, Luca said:


    Putin won't knock at Europe door no matter how much the media wants us to believe that to justify further escalation.


    You have absolutely no idea what is going on in Putin's head. None.


    Same mistake President Obama made with his "reset button".

    "Hey Vlad, give me a little space on this next election, and I'll kill the missile projects"


    After his very generous concession, Putin took Crimea and then the rest. Fools trust Putin.

  4. Of course Europe or the US do not want a war with Russia.  Do you think the Russians want a war with them? A war certainly, that Russia can not win?


    You are seeing the red line being drawn by the Europeans - which should comfort Poland, and the Baltic States. Europe knows exactly what they are doing.


    Diplomacy is wise - unfortunately for Ukraine, it will cost them the eastern half of their country, but save millions of lives they can not afford to lose. But the cost must be high for Russia as well. A united Europe will see to that.

  5. 10 hours ago, whatstheofficerproblem said:


    I agree with this. But I also see no other way around it, if Hamas uses tunnels and civilian areas to fire and a military state then it is the civilians who are going to die, Israel can't just keep taking it because of humanitarian reasons, people have forgotten what wars are like.


    We need to be real this. This is what, the 4th war with Palestinians  now??


    IF you think there will not be a 5th or 6th, you're dreaming. The only chance the Israelis have to stop another war is to completely destroy Hamas. The fools are still launching missiles into Israel.


    A much weaker military power decides to attack a much stronger military believing their will be no consequences AND has the gall to take hostages. Hamas has assured it's utter destruction.


    It's very humane to feel for the people of Gaza - but this is their duly elected government.

  6. ^^^ Those are really great links @james22


    The back is far more resilent than most people think, especially if you make it strong. Strengthening the muscles that surround the spine does amazing things for your back. A weak back just invites problems. Strong back muscles SUPPORT the back and protect the spine.


    It blows my mind that people think deadlifts and squats are dangerous. It's often the same people that played football when they were young - and landed on their backs 100 times with no issues. And being blocked/tackled or taken down on a basketball court is a totally UNCONTROLLED movement.

    Deadlifts/Squats are CONTROLLED movements - where, if done with proper form - you are golden.


    Everyone over 30 has a bad back - and will show some level of spinal degeneration.

    But when you make your back strong - posture improves, back pain is eliminated, balance is improved.


  7. 14 minutes ago, rohitc99 said:

    have you faced any lower back issues due to strength training ? I started the program and hurt my lower back. Physio recommended not to do deadlifts


    Possibly i am doing it wrong and should do it with a proper coach 


    Watch some Starting Strength videos - I posted some in the other thread. I had back pain for 30 years - too much time on planes, rental cars and desks...  30 days after learning to deadlift several years ago - no more back pain, none. I have injured myself a few times - but to me it's like spraining your ankle playing basketball - it heals just fine. 


    The deadlift is the easiest major lift to learn and it is important to learn how to do it correctly. Feel free to pm me - and I'll send you any.  Physios recommend not to deadlift because they have no idea how to do it. It's a fantastic excercise for everyone.

  8. 3 hours ago, Charlie said:




    nsx5200, can you recommend a good book or video about meditation. How did you learn it?




    "Thanks Greg! The strength training helps turn back the clock."


    cubsfan, which are your best strength training exercises?


    @Charlie   I only do 3 full body exercises for strength - squats, deadlifts, press (or bench press)

    Done correctly, those 3 lifts cover everything really. @james22 and a few others are very familiar with the program Starting Strength - which was disucssed in this thread:




    When I want cardio - I do the prowler, which is brutal and fast and intense. 3-5 rounds does the trick.




    I'm 70, so running doesn't work anymore - too hard on the joints.

  9. 1 hour ago, Gregmal said:

    I’ve always viewed it in phases. 15-30 give or take was about pure hedonism with financial independence underlying the motives on the back end of that stretch. I definitely aced those objectives.


    30-55 or whatever is purely about being the best parent possible for my kids. Doing well on that front, so far.


    55+ I have always kind of valued way less than the first two phases. I’m honestly not even sure what I’d want for myself outside of lower quality experiences I had in the first two phases. Maybe that changes, idk. 

    55+ can be great if you’re healthy. Less all around responsibilities. If you are financially ok - then you realize you got maybe 25-30 years left - so you better live it up! It’s back to being a kid again.

  10. Actually - it was the Brookings Institute - from 2013:




    -least finish high school,

    -get a full-time job

    -wait until age 21 to get married and have children.


    Our research shows that of American adults who followed these three simple rules, only about 2 percent are in poverty and nearly 75 percent have joined the middle class (defined as earning around $55,000 or more per year). 

  11. I believe it was the Manhattan Institute that published their study of poverty, just a few years ago.


    Want to stay out of poverty OR rise out of poverty?


    Do these 3 things:


    1- Finish High School

    2- Don't have children out of wedlock

    3- Start working right away


    Your success is pretty much assured.


    None of this is hard at all. But it does take discipline and losing the "victimhood" complex.



  12. 3 hours ago, Luca said:

    Certainly, this board is not representative of the average worker 



    I think that's true, because this board is populated by passionate committed individuals who have figured out how to get ahead.


    In most cases, the average worker would never consider working a second job or going to night school. In the "average" corporation, if you work 10% more hours - you likely make 40% more than the your "average". You see it all the time, especially in America. It's certainly true in sales, where I grew up. In general, the guys that sacrificed the most (in terms of time & effort) blew away their colleagues. It's going to be the same in many careers - if the company you work for doesn't recognize it - there are 10 other companies that would want you. I always worked weekends early in my career - some guys thought I was crazy, some were jealous - I just didn't care as I was out to make a lot of money. 

    My father never came to any of my sports activities when i was young, only a few games in college. Dad was always working. He wasn't any genius - he always said you could outwork people. I didn't really get it until I graduated from college.


    The opportunities in the US are tremendous, even today - especially in the tech business, those opportunities are off the charts. I'd encourage any young "naysayer" to read a book like Outliers.


    No shortcuts, no easy way, only commitment.

  13. 20 hours ago, blakehampton said:

    - The Intelligent Investor

    - How to Make Friends and Influence People

    - Onward (Starbucks backstory)


    I know it’s basic and I’ve already read the first two books a couple times. When I was reading them again though, I had the thought that maybe we don’t need to read a large amount of books to understand the important stuff. These first two books are simply incredible in my opinion.


    The Carnegie book is timeless and great. A book somewhat along those lines that was revealing to me was Givers and Takers by Adam Grant. It changes your view of social interactions and who you surround yourself with..and how you look at certain individuals.


    Outliers by Gladwell is also a wonderful book about success & commitment. Every young person with any ambition should read it.

  14. 57 minutes ago, SharperDingaan said:

    Have to think the helicopter crash wasn't an accident; it's 2024, this level of dignitary fly only with the best pilots, in suitably modified craft, and with all kinds of 'other' support. May-18, Gantz demands a plan for post Gaza by Jun-08 or he quits (bringing down the government); about the same time, Netanyahu is issued an international arrest warrant; executable as soon as he is no longer in government. And two days later a helicopter auspiciously flies into a mountain, killing all on board? perhaps with a little help from some friends?




    The US built Gaza floating pier is now complete, and the aid trucks have begun rolling. Driving the population out of Gaza has failed; and it is a simple matter to replace the drivers and distribution with blue-helmets. It would appear that Gaza is pretty much done; and that even Gantz can see that. https://ca.news.yahoo.com/aid-flows-gaza-u-military-155901057.html


    It would seem that Netanyahu himself is perhaps the only person in the world gifted enough to make MBS look good. https://www.ibtimes.com.au/us-envoy-touts-potential-israel-saudi-deal-netanyahu-talks-1848158


    Of course oil prices will rise on this, but one has to hope that the saner heads will prevail. Have to think that US 'protection from prosecution' in return for an 'exile' will on the table; and that the precedent will be extended to MBS when it becomes his time. 




    Yeah, lots of conspiracy theories going around. We all know what Mossad is capable of...or the USA for that matter. 


    The best I've seen is the pilot was a Mossad agent named Eli Copter. Certainly to be expected from Israel haters. Sure to stir up the Arab world against Israel.


    But, the world is rid of one more rat - President Raisi was responsible for the executions of thousands of political prisoners - estimates range from 3000 to 30000 - and they went on for months. Who can forget the sights of hundreds of bodies hanging from cranes all over Iran in the 1980's.


    So whether it was Mossad or the incompetence of Iranian pilots/mechanics - who cares.

  15. Interesting that Netanyahu is a war crimes candidate. Especially now that the Israelis have discovered 700 tunnels under Rafah and 50 smuggling tunnels to Egypt. The ICC is a joke, of course, as they don't realize Israel's right to self defense - and a right to free their Israeli hostages. Like the UN, these international organizations are corrupt - have they indicted UNRWA for storing weapons/rockets for Hamas, while Hamas lobs 7000 rockets into Israel from Palestinian homes?  Of course not!


    War is ugly and should be a last resort - unfortunately , this is how you have to deal with a terrorist nation where both the population and every institution in Gaza is involved with terrorism and holding hostages.


    The Palestinians will be forced to learn the hard way.

  16. 28 minutes ago, Xerxes said:

    what is your proposed solution in clearing the cesspool …. on the day after ? 

    it cannot be just about hostages. Israel needs long term solution and not just a “mission accomplished” photo op with the conquest of Rafah on the deck of an aircraft carrier. 

    Israel is great at getting tactical short term wins, but it keeps planting seeds ensuring that it loses the long game, even as it wins the short game. 



    That's a very good question @Xerxes


    A decent nation and neighbor would release the hostages and overthrow their terrorist government if they wish to live in peace. If the Palestinians will not do it - then the Israelis will - regardless of who the Israeli leader is..


    The ONLY long term solution is: Hamas gone and destroyed.


    You have a much weaker nation (Gaza) picking a fight with a much more powerful nation (Israel), that can completely destroy them - and should. I doubt they expected this reaction - but they earned it.


    A terrorist nation is NOT to be trusted. You might say, this was the last straw. No negotiation until an unconditional surrender.  Japan/Germany learned the hard way. No different here. Then you can talk about a "Marshal Plan" - if there is to be one.

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