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Everything posted by Palantir

  1. Maybe what's best for America isn't what's best for Israel or our "allies"? Perhaps Obama recognizes that.
  2. While Booth has better brand name, it's not the FT MBA program, which is the "real" one. AFAIK, Booth part-timers don't have access to the same recruiting channels, and I have heard at events they used have to wear colored bands to clearly depict their status. I don't know if that's true anymore, but you get the picture. The PT program is really geared for people who are working and plan on staying in their company, while FT programs are more relevant to career-changers.
  3. The problem is there are so many unknowns so that you cannot estimate the payoff of climate change. Yeah maybe a few trade passages open up and maybe some frozen land thaws, but it could result in droughts, permanent weather pattern changes that could affect crop yields, warming climates could now be exposed to new tropical diseases to which animals have no immunity, leading to extinction events. Thinking about the net impact of climate change won't get us anywhere. It doesn't cost all that much to help solve the problem. Start subsidizing renewable energy, and minimum have tax breaks for RE.
  4. The alternative energy threat is still only part of KSA's strategy here, and part of the emphasis on alternative energy is really commentary on the author's part. I don't think it is the most important takeaway from the article. The key thing to keep in mind is that their goal is to let other producers exit the market.
  5. Exactly. Here is more commentary: http://www.usnews.com/opinion/economic-intelligence/articles/2016-04-11/the-oil-price-crash-is-basic-economics-rather-than-sexy-geopolitics
  6. I don't understand what that has to do with Saudi Arabia's stance on production levels. But since you want to change the topic, yes, that is what made me invest in SUNE. ::)
  7. I don't think you understand the market. Ali Al-Naimi knows what he is doing. Their stance is perfectly rational, and justified by both theory and experience. For those interested, here is a look into Mr. Al-Naimi: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-04-12/saudi-arabia-s-plan-to-extend-the-age-of-oil
  8. There may be some disagreement going on between Ali Al-Naimi and Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. That said, Saudi Arabia's stance is perfectly rational.
  9. Surprising. Tad is pretty young by BRK standards no? I still don't think Jain will inherit the Iron Throne, I doubt a nearly 70 year old Indian guy is moving to Nebraska.
  10. Was it not supposed to go kaput? Iran didn't even come to the meeting...
  11. Hahaha. To think this company was the object of some serious hero-worship by forum members not too long back. ;D
  12. I would urge him to call up the types of industries he is interested in working for and offer to work for free. Gets experience and the company doesn't have any cost.
  13. I don't think you understand the issue. Despite my explanation, it does not seem you want to understand it either, so I rest my case.
  14. I don't believe anybody is guaranteeing any type of return.
  15. BRK and KO are "equity bonds" and should be compared to bonds. Not speculative stocks. Most investors should not expect returns higher than 9% with current interest rates. Are you/other investors here running insurance firms?
  16. (1) Because 8-9% is too low for the effort; OR (2) 8-9% is too low to compensate for mistakes? That is, the 9% bull case can't compensate for a mistake elsewhere so you'll end up lower? What's the effort? I don't know what StevieV means regarding effort, (he could mean the effort of actively managing money), but the point is that 8-9% is a mediocre rate of return to target for an investment.
  17. (1) Because 8-9% is too low for the effort; OR (2) 8-9% is too low to compensate for mistakes? That is, the 9% bull case can't compensate for a mistake elsewhere so you'll end up lower? I was thinking the former, but I think you bring up a good point with the latter.
  18. Nobody is dividing the issue, the issues are literally separate. These are all separate sanction regimes with different enforcing parties. The nuclear sanctions are enforced by the UNSC, while the US has other unilateral sanctions. Think about who is in the UNSC, some countries see Iran as an adversary (like the US and UK), while others see Iran as a friendly partner (China and Russia), with Germany having economic interests there. To get all of these countries on board for a nuclear agreement, the focus will naturally be narrowed to issues all 5+1 nations want to enforce. Why would Russia and China care about enforcing American sanctions? It doesn't make any sense. Aside from this, the US continues to enforce other sanctions against Iran's missile program.
  19. No, that is incorrect. The delivery system is a separate issue that has no association with the nuclear deal and is dealt with by a separate sanction regime enforced by different parties. Obama has pursued sanctions in order to limit Iran's delivery capability along with restricting the nuclear program through the JCPOA. The idea that the enemies of the US are now suddenly able to take advantage of the US is a myth. Indeed, where was Bush when NK was developing nuclear weapons?
  20. Except Obama is right, the missile issue is a separate one from the nuclear agreement. You conveniently also forget that Russia also used to poke the US regularly during Bush's tenure. Best example is them obliterating US ally Georgia and GWB couldn't do anything. This narrative about other countries taking advantage of Obama's US is a joke.
  21. I think one big mistake is this tendency to invest in poorly returning stocks. Good example is BRK.B. Even the bulls on BRK say they expect a 8-9% return, which is a really anemic bull case IMO. Could say the same things about IBM or KO. I think to actively invest, you really need to be setting your sights a lot higher.
  22. In fact there is a name: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=hipster
  23. Sold GNCMA, should have sold earlier, don't want to hold this stock while EBITDA is flat/slightly lower.
  24. did you replace w/ cash? Or another stock. if so, which? curious on why you held pre-annual report and are selling now? price / value seems to have not changed much. Nothing has changed, but while BRK is still undervalued, the upside is not so great. I'm replacing with PAGP and OKE.
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