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Posts posted by boilermaker75

  1. 7 hours ago, Ulti said:

    2nds on kettlebells. Doing them for many years …. If you have disposable cash …Concept 2 rowers are fantastic workouts with/ without kettlebell 


    I have had my Concept 2 for 29 years. Just got off it before reading this thread. I have probably used it at least three times a week during those 29 years. It is as durable a piece of work out equipment as I have had and I have had plenty.


    Edit: The monitor does not work anymore, probably because I had a battery leak in it.


    IMG_7258 2.JPG

  2. 9 hours ago, schin said:


    That is pretty amazing... other than hoping there is a doctor in your network... how do you find the specialist and part B, how can you get an appointment that is somewhat timely? 


    I would look on YouTube for videos.




  3. 9 hours ago, schin said:


    Having access to the Dr. Weisskopf, did it allow you all to get access to the drug trials or is there something he can do that others could not diagnose? My mom has Sjogren's Disease and there is no cure. Just treat the symptoms..... there is a phase 2 drug, but not sure if she will be given access to that. Is that Mayo doctor do better than the rest? They're smarter and more punctual?


    An acoustic neuroma is a benign tumor so drugs are not used. Weisskopf was in charge of my wife. He is a surgeon, but he had us treat the tumor with radiation instead. He said only if the radiation did not work would he do surgery.


    The radiation oncologist was Terrence Sio. He too was amazing. He was extremely careful and would personally call my wife to check on her or tell her something. 

  4. 7 hours ago, Ulti said:

    Might be behind paywall



    Both Mayo locations are great…. Minn and Jacksonville….Regional / university ( teaching) hospitals are good alternatives but quite Byzantine in bureaucracy.


    If there is a physician / dentist In your parents area that you trust and fits with the philosophy your looking for ask them for a referral…..chances are who they send you to will be similar in practice style 


    and finally, if they are looking holistic…. Have them do their part with diet exercise and social interaction….


    All three Mayos, don't forget Phoenix. I have been to both Rochester and Phoenix Mayos and the Phoenix campus is much, much nicer.

  5. @Blugolds11 I second that about Mayos. My wife had an acoustic neuroma and after research we went to see a doctor at Mayos in Phoenix. Amazing place. When you have an appointment that is exactly the time the doctor, or whoever you are seeing, you see. Why does that not happen anywhere else?


    Edit: Plus this doctor, Peter Weisskopf, walks us out to the lobby! I knew someone and she used to fly to Mayo once a year for her yearly physical. I have been thinking about doing that now that I have experienced Mayo with my wife's issue.


  6. 18 hours ago, cubsfan said:

    I don’t know, but I have such a simple view of this situation.


    Do you want a world where everyone has nukes? Or do you want a world where a bulk of Western favoring democracies/allies can band together under some type of umbrella protection to protect themselves against expansionist/aggressors nations?


    Whether you call it NATO or a far East coalition against China/North Korea- the point is to have some level of strength and true WILLINGNESS to stop unchecked aggression in its tracks. You may think that is warmongering lead by the United States. I disagree. What’s your alternative is what I’d ask you? What chance do we really have for some level of world peace without such a policy???


    And I respect the argument that this can’t apply to everyone and is unfair. You have those awful conflicts in places like Rawanda and Yugoslavia.

    It seems tremendously unfair.


    As an American, I hate the idea that so much of our GDP goes to Europe and Asia for protection. But what alternative do we really have? Become isolationists again, like we did with Japan pre-WWII? Become appeasers again like Britain did with Germany? 

    We all know how that ended..


    There’s a reason the first George Bush took the hammer to Sadaam when he invaded Kuwait. You can say it was about oil or whatever. It was about stopping aggression in its tracks and protecting the neighbors in the area. It’s about stopping something that may lead to something much, much larger. Take the pain now, before it escalates. That’s exactly where we are now with Ukraine…well into the escalation of something that well MIGHT have had been stopped much earlier. The leaders that pass off the problem look like heroes because they kept the peace….temporarily…until you have a wider conflict…


    That’s the kind of message that tells your allies or coalition members you mean business. For US citizens, it’s sucks to be in that position since it saps the country’s resources big time.


    So I would ask: what’s a better alternative?


    As Thomas Paine said, "Those who expect to reap the benefits of freedom must undergo the fatigue of supporting it."

  7. I'm 70, but feel much younger because as I mentioned before, in this thread https://thecobf.com/forum/topic/19734-which-activities-in-life-brings-you-the-most-fun/, I try to work out at least an hour every day. My work outs are usually intense with intervals, Tae Kwon do, weights, etc. Different things on different days. 


    I wish I knew more about nutrition when I was younger. I consumed too much sugar in my younger days, and I hope that doesn't come back to bite me. Sugar is probably the cause of most western diseases—type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular, and Alzheimers.

  8. 9 hours ago, rkbabang said:

    On Fidelity I can place a limit order only in $0.05 increments, but it is sometimes filled at a better price not divisible by $0.05



    It must be something Scwhab and Fidelity are imposing for some reason but the options actually trade in $0.01 increments because I too sometimes get filled at Schwab at other than something divisible by $0.05.

  9. 29 minutes ago, aws said:

    The increment depends on the stock, not the broker. Some stocks have options tradable in penny increments up to $3 and nickel increments thereafter, others start at a nickel up to $3 and a dime over $3.


    It looks like the penny increment options are part of a trial program.




    That is what I thought. But for OSTK options I can only trade in 5 cent increments at Schwab while at IB I can trade in 1 cent increments. I know because I have done several trades with both brokers.

  10. 1 hour ago, Spekulatius said:

    A German minister on DW/ TV poured cold water over that one and stated that Macron's diplomatic adventure was not sanction by Germany or the rest of the EU for that matter. He has embarrassed himself.


    Macron needs to visit this site in his own country to educate himself on who are France's allies.

    Normandy American Cemetary copy.jpg

  11. @Castanza Similar story for me. I started with a paper route, I caddied, worked for the parks department mowing and lining baseball fields, then the street department that included riding the back of a garbage truck. If I ever had a doubt about getting a higher education, which I didn't, riding the back of the garbage truck erased it.


    It has to start with the parents to instill a culture of hard work and grit. It is probably too late for the educational system to do it. Plus the educational system would need to be able to use discipline, which would require buy in from the parents. 


    Edit: I would have loved to have a job like you did building cabinets counter tops. What a great skill to have learned.

  12. 1 hour ago, Castanza said:


    Eh idk, wtf is the point of k-12 if when you get to university you have to take Eng 1&2, Political Science, Literature, some elective like physical education/health and then an additional elective like philosophy? Probably half dozen more courses you have to take that are useless towards your degree. 


    If you don't know that by 12th grade then you shouldn't be going to college. It's a way to nickel and dime students and take away time from studying their core curriculum. Yeah, you can take AP in HS and test out of some of those courses. But in a lot of HS the AP classes are capped and not everyone can get in. that's how it was where I went. We had like 500 graduating class and maybe 75 students in the AP courses. I was lucky to get in a few and skip Eng 1 and Political Science in college. 


    You could easily cut Higher Education timeline in half in the US. 


    K-12 is useless IF you require the same courses when you get to college. 


    There was a study that showed a benefit to delaying specialization. The study was of the UK where there is a huge difference when students specialize in England and Scotland, but they essentially have a common labor market. (English start specializing in high school the Scots don’t choose their specialization until their junior year at university.) Not initially out of university, but in the end the Scots fair better.


    O. Malamud, "Discovering One's Talent: Learning From Academic Specialization," Industrial and Labor Relations Reveiw, vol. 64, no. 2, pp. 375-405, 2011. 

  13. 1 hour ago, rkbabang said:


    Exactly.  The US is the absolute worst country, except for all the others.  I can go on for hours about what is wrong with the US, but I'm still here and not going anywhere else.  You can pick and choose within the US as well which is one of its great advantages.  Living in NH, FL, or TX is much different from living in MA, CA, NY, or NJ.     Unless you are taking a STEM program, college is mostly BS anyway. What we need is a school that removes all the humanities/liberal arts crap from the curriculum and prepares someone to become an engineer in 3 years rather than 4.



    I teach EE at a university that is probably >50% STEM. But I see value in STEM students getting exposure to communications, economics, philosophy, psychology, languages, etc., whatever is interesting to them. Build that lattice work of mental models. Where would we be if Claude Shannon had not taken a philosophy course as an undergraduate that talked about Boolean logic? Would technology be 10 years behind where we are today? 25 years? 50 years?

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